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T(ACeF. <br />140R.TGAGE LOAN NO. <br />ALLMFN8XTI%3F tFSFNTS:Thgt Earl Killefer and Chong Sook Killefer, each in his and <br />her own right and as spouse of each other <br />ow at man, in of of <br />Forte Five Thousand and no /IQp <br />._. _._ _.._... __.. _ _. _ --- -- —_ — .m <br />losswill to ssud modppx by TM tAttit tarn Amwistloo of Gtwui IdsaiI, Nebr , Msu iif of <br />said ASSM. ATUM, Ceflifu»te No. L24,894 AML , do twteby lasso, convey and wxmpp untoonssiWASMIATION ftfollelifft <br />olsixerflied well asilisk, atusiod is tlai! County, Nebtadta- <br />Lot Twenty Five? (25) and the Southerly Ten (10) feet of Lot Twenty Four (24) having a lake <br />front footage of One Hundred Thirteen (113) feet situated on the West side of the West <br />part of Kuester Lake and being, a part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (ElSWk) in <br />Section Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (II) Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska <br />somalm with an the tettenwnts, ttcreditatttctits and apruricnanmi thcreunto hckmging, including visched flmxu corer , all window scrums, <br />window disdies. bhnda, storm wutdowt, zwnings, heating, sit conditioning, and plumbing and waiet equipawni sad accessories thmelo, pumps, stoets. <br />