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7- .104833 <br />meoe.nsbl. tMaaa.ey.' toad, alt aesstrnt d may litigation which may arl" with respect to thb Trost or wO roilitnit to <br />than 4 PIBA to ffi am avwamSW by saw Dole, the protection and maintenance of the prolparty hattelnabove - or in <br />obtaining pweaiss of aald peoples y offer any "to which may be Grade as hereinafter provided <br />E Upon 111411 full paywaDt of the isdr#t 40m ovwenaed by aid nuts and due inbred fhareoDr dw pysnat of <br />all other mono heroin provwd fK, the rrpynwnt of all massive advanced or eapesdo pumment to sails stele or iota <br />Instrument. and pan the payment of all other proper ®oleo, cha►gea, romtah.lons. and espy saes the shove dasaribd <br />property dooll be teleead and reconv*yd to and at the cost of the Trustor, . <br />3. Upon 6104 in any of the aovemmU or co editions of this Instrument or of the two or loot agloe opt atimaratd <br />hereby, lice Illonsfishafy or his Militia may without notice and without regard to the adequacy of`;Wurity.(eq,.tho In. <br />dehlrlhwaa aee rhlwl. elhrr personally or by attorney or agent without bringing any fiction or p-ceed {Dg, or by a re. <br />diver to be .pp.iDleli by dr. court, saw open and take Is , a-aan of said property at any part lheroof, law ale any <br />wu which >tat &dot Maws prgwe to protect the security herenf, and either with or without telling pi m ossiat of <br />aid pimps y, called and receive the rents, royalties, immes, mndl profile thereof, inclanling rents accrued and unpaid. <br />end apply dw saaaa, I= setts of opawdien awl collection, open that indebtedness not red by thin Droll of Trod, maid <br />reMa, royakbs, sews, and preRa, bring hereby m i ig ned to Beneficiary as farther security for the payment of each <br />im&kOdmm Eaorebe of righle under this paragraph shall not cure or waive any default or notice of dtfrautt hem <br />timer or prvelidow may Get dew pursuant to sm-lh notice- bill 911011 he cumulative to any right and remedy to declare <br />s drf*alt lead to come notice of d e(ault to be recanted as hereinafter provided, and cumulative Is any anther right <br />and/or .comedy hereunder. or provided by law, anti may he exrrciwti concurrently or independently. Expenses in. <br />Burred by sso ficiary hereunder including reasonable all ornrta' frrp pilaff be- secdnred hereby. <br />4. ThoirustOre.vew.nta sod agrees that if he shall fail to pay said indebtedness, or any part thend, when <br />doe. or cleat fine ti pseferm wy awrenent or agreement of this instrument or of doe promissory mote mesa od hereby, <br />thr entire indebtedness hereby secured shall immediately Iweame Jar, payable, anti collectible at <br />the option of the Beneficiary or smigns, regardless of maturity, anti list, Ilrnrficiary or assigns may enter upon aid <br />property cad collect the rents and profile thrreef. Upon such default in payment or performance, and before or <br />afler each entrf. the Trader. acting in the execution of this Trust, after the notice of def_vlt has <br />been recorded. shall mail a copy of the default to each person who to a party <br />to this instrument, at the address set out in this instrument, as well as to any person who <br />has requested any notice of default and notice of sale by recording said request for notice <br />with the register of deeds in the county in which this instrument is recorded, and after <br />the lapse of time which is required by law after mailing the notice, the Trustee shall have <br />the power to sell said property. and it shall be the Trustee's duty to sell sold property <br />R <br />(and in case of any default of any purchaser, to resell) at public auction, to the highest <br />bidder, first giving five weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place of such sale, by <br />advertisement not lees than once during each of said five weeks in a newspaper published or <br />a <br />distributed in the county or political subdivision in which said property is situated, <br />(and the Beneficiary at any prrsdn on brhatf of the Reneficiary may bid and purchase at patch sale). Such <br />isle will be held at a imitable plem to be aeectrd by the Beneficiary within said cleanly or political subdivision. The <br />Trustee is hereby authorised to execute and deliver to the purchaarr at such pale a oul ir"t ronveyanee of said prat. <br />rrt . which car Dace *hell contain recitmb as to the happening of a default u which lire execution of the wrr <br />y "h' PP g P� fw <br />of emir herein grebe depends:.nd the asitiTrustolherrhy conalitutes end 4ppuointa the Trustee as his agent and <br />attorney in fact to make such treitals and to execute acid eonvryancr and hereby covenants and agrees that this re. <br />cilels so made "I be binding and conclusive upon the Trustor and Plaid c iveyance *hall he eftectwl to bar all <br />rquity or riot of redemption. homestead. Jowrr, right of approiarmrnt, still I 1 othrr rights and exemptions of the <br />Trustoe all of which are he I y exprrealy waived and convr)rdi to the Trustre. In the event of a sae as herrinabove <br />provided. the TrustorK any person in poon9ise under theTrus tor shall then beeonme mod be temaste holding <br />over mod ahmlt forthwith deliver peowenion to the purchaser at such salr or be. summarily dispoaeis9ae I in seem met <br />with the provisions of law applicable a tenants hnfding nvrr. The power and agency hereby granted are coupled <br />with sir inu eel old an irrevocable by Math or otherwise. and ■re granted as cumulative to all other remedies for <br />*e ce0 tian of sail isdeloodaaw. The Beneficiary or Awigms may take any other appropriate action ptDamaat to stale <br />or Federal etataw either is dale or Federal court or otherwise iur the diapo9i" of the property. <br />& bh the event of a sale as provided in paragraph 4, the Trustee Shall he paid a fee by lire Bemsdiritaey in an <br />an mm not In exeam of rereenI of the grow amount of said sale or salrot. provided, however, that the amount <br />of arch foe shall be- memmabe rind atoll be approved by thr Besr6riary an to reaaonablener. Said fee shall be in addi- <br />lion to the Dash and expenses incurred by the Trust" in randucting such sale. The amount of such coals and expe+at <br />dell be dedhreted and paid from the sede's proceeds. It is further agreed that if said propprty ehdl be advertised for sale _. <br />a herein provided and am sold, the Trader shall be entitled to a reasonable Ire. in an amount acceptable to the sent, <br />fieiary for the eavksa9s t *mile rad. The Tower shall also br rpimburwJ by the Benefiriary for all romp mall eaprea re <br />anrorred in eonma oim with the dvrttieing of said property for sale if thr pale is not eoneummatrti. <br />fie The prone& of any leak of Said property in acconlomv with paragraph 4 shall be applied Aid to payment <br />of frM sailed mil ospertaaa of said sae, the rxpemses incurred by the Beneficiary for the purpose of protecting or <br />wirmlishaing nil property .d waaehalI I, attwwya• few: mcosdy. to payment of the indebledomem sacelmd hereby. <br />and thirdly. M pay Goy iserows or oaow In the pasoa or persons legally entitled therms. <br />T. M the -too sew people y is sew purseant to the aolhoriaatian contained in able iartrumeat or et a judicial <br />lwv'tleawa leak anti the prstasdia are awl salyiriemtt to pay the Intel indeMrdne" secured by this idatrunornt and <br />*vileDrod by said pnrwinwy eta. the sedasRcimry wig be enutlai to a deficiency judgment tar the a - ill of the <br />drferre-roov without reaard to somaiaemrnt. 11wTrust"lltavina weivrJ and 9aianed all rights of appr*lerment to the <br />