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I <br />R6 iitil <br />U.S. Small Business Admini"lon <br />DEED OF TRUST 87 ®104833 <br />Tres Dom or Tway. wain dib day of <br />It , by mtd botaaen RDBERT L. SIM&RS and l ETrY J. SMERS, Husband and Wife <br />. iuber nttwwd N r ~Tvudtota <br />wheseeddten b Rt. 1, Box 299, Grand Island, NE 68803 and Stephen M. Crag, 111n11455 N�1 Valley <br />hatit ebw eta a se "Trust..," and the Adw reer of tha -%wll Bwinm Adwiniamlen, an t - y at the <br />Geewan" of dw United seams of Amer"a, hmoiwatw tofanod to M "Henoie wy," irw wsitaeWo an efioe and <br />pboaf bowas at 11145 Mill Valley Road, AYraha, Nebraska 68154 <br />Wtfunown. that ter mid is oow&krmion of $1.00 and ahor Rood mW valm" nnadaaion, rotsipt of which <br />is hneby aebeewbdVd, "T "Otordew herby barsain, wk Rraw, wipe. mid movey unto the Tnome. his wens• <br />sow end mdps IR TMW, WITH F0WZR OF SAU, all of the following described Property <br />aituatod and being in the County of HALL State of NEBRASKA <br />A tract of land cam rising a part of the North Half of the Northwest <br />Quarter ( ) and part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NAV00 of section Thirty -one (31), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) <br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska and more particularly described as <br />follows: <br />Beginning at the Northwest corner of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter; <br />thence Easterly along and upon the North line of said North Half of the Northwest <br />Quarter a distance of 1783.0 feet; thence South 1 °09' W a distance of 372 feet; <br />thence North 88 °57' E a distance of 678.2 feet; thence South 38 131' E a distance of <br />665.7 feet; thence South 82 °23' E a distance of 387.6 feet; thence South 64 °52' E <br />a distance of 89.4 feet; thence South 89 *01' E a distance of 428.42 feet to a point <br />on the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence 50 029' E <br />along and upon the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter a <br />distance of 338 feet to the Southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter; thence South 89 °40' W along and upon the South line of said <br />Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter a distance of 156.75 feet; thence <br />North 43 °24' W a distance of 258.33 feet; thence North 72 143' W a distance of <br />735.32 feet; thence North 33 040' W a distance of 542.98 feet; thence South 89 152' W <br />a distance of 152.25 feet; them Swath 52 147' W a distance of 875.5 feet; thence <br />South 89 032' W a distance of 189.5 feet; thence North 69 037' W a distance of 602.64 <br />feet; thence South 69 °34' W a distance of 865.7 feet, to a point on the Westerly <br />line of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence Northerly along and upon <br />the westerly line of said North Half of the Northw=est Quarter a distance of <br />1069.45 feet to the point of beginning and containing 46.7 acres more or less. <br />beMi 16 wt tie P"Um of a pawluntI MM/ieMd ivable <br />br tba ~ 01111418 22, 000.00 • APd by Iaobert and Betty Siemers <br />in 1116A r Fcbert and Betty Simmers <br />%p hN &W eww end baw of meld now ad of dw ie dnWWne aviianed dmAy is do lonfisA ry. <br />t. 'IW@ enwayeam b mete ape col wbimt to dw twebw inm din din said TrustorswN remain in quite <br />and paalie pneriwi of the ab"o rod" testa doeoriwd p maino.ed taw on 1•ts" "Nof w bu own we coil <br />AWa h be code in my ply of at inuNwas dw on said sae w in dw pr(wWaaa of try ad She te ter <br />sondki tin awashmed donia w hi d& And of Trua; and. aim to a wato the n4tabuttentaft of dw NenefitWff of My <br />otbtw beMw d uW now the Tman tee wq wbaftwe trwan of any and ag cow and a penu a htawwMl. <br />tea tea. • o►Ra w..a...e+....+.r.. <br />i <br />I <br />