•. , n•.x•• .-I rallxlll y: it amp prothitxl of Int% 4 nilat'at't vMfatrs tot• law Acrd is uncrtmveable, tin' rest of the corlirmI well he valid. If any pAn of tots,:omract requires
<br />pay mcat of music interest than like law permits, then you will only have the right to collect from tole the amount of interest which cite law allows you ur collect.
<br />COMPU NESSOFTHISC0N` TRACT: ThiscontractcanonlyhechangedifluAyouandIagreeinwriting
<br />The following notice Waits to my attention the rights that I have even when this Contract is soli to a financial institution turn bank, anti I should orrice that the innpi r�
<br />force ofthis provision is stressed y its appearance in ten ilium, bold face type. 07_.10 4 Q 5 2
<br />NOTICE Q Sj v+<j
<br />This or *& contract finaricas a purchase. All lages! rests which the Buyer hp against the Seller arising
<br />out of chid Vanstactions, Mcludtng all "no and defenses, are also valid against any holder of this contract.
<br />The right to swans Money from the holder under this provision is tit~ to the amount Paid by the buyer
<br />Aclahn Is a legally vat reason for suing the Stec. A deftirisse Is a legally valid reason for not paying
<br />go Styr. A holder Is anyone trying to, collect for the purchase.
<br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: if I have requested insurance in this purchase. h nisi . anwel such rrqucst for insurance fix any feitson within fifteen (15) days from the
<br />due crTthis cosmaxo t by notifying yet or the holder of this cmtract in writing. t know that the caskeltatson of my coverage will he arranged with the insurance cametis) and
<br />afuft odmyptemiumis) uagetherwithApplicablefina ,kecharge%illl.. creditedwmascixrtrai:i
<br />NOTE. If I have i c to chi {mac . I will receive within thirty t i()) days a ce if ware tcf insurance mtxc fully describing the insucarme coverage.
<br />I know that if there is an}}- con ici in the coverage tx ttm Innguage of the :crtiticsie „f iosutance ,amt the; rl4ow rig NA "lice of Pre gsnsed Insurance that 1 am covered only to
<br />oxiextsrtcratedinthefil wingNoticaofProposedInsurane, 1alsoknowthat1haveinsurancecoverageonlyithhavebeenchargedforit.
<br />a s a.• s
<br />I take notice that either Credit Lite or Credit Ac sdcnt arid Health lrtsufaice. oT hosts, wilt tar, applicable to this Sales Contract on the reverse side only if I have chosen
<br />it by signing the for such insurance. This insurance will only covet the person signing the request at the cost tit each type of insurance shown. Subject to acceptance
<br />by de insurance company. the insurance will he effective av if hide% aril wilt continue onally for the number of n,mhs alter the effective date equal to the number of
<br />n;ora fly payments i understand that this particular insurance Ina% oaa provide coverage for my last few pa% ments. and that during that period of time I will not have any
<br />insurance coverer All benefits and prA'ceds tit the insurance will id io tons or to a t inar6al instiautnrri tx A bank if it purchases the Saks Contract to the extent of its
<br />interests and any tralame will be payable an lost Tie mihai anxnmt of Cadet I.ife Insurance is the aimwnt required to re y the Total of Payments; thereafter, the insurance
<br />doLmanes by the avast nt of exh movably pay nen on a scheiluled Y) day basis. It 1 am goinaly obligated on the Sales ontract with a Co- Buyer, and we have bats sighed
<br />the request for Credit life Insurance, death benefits w'itI be patyalstr only uvnh respec Ito the hot one of us to die. Subject to exclusions, eliminations or* ailing period stated
<br />in the insurance pnlicy or certificate. Credit Accident And Health Insurance is for the benefit ammount of i Afth of each month's payment for each day that i am totally disabled
<br />due loan injuty cx sickness whsle I owe ant pa,,mcru to y ow: howcscr. I understated that I have to lx: prevented from working date to such total disability for more than four-
<br />teen f t41 cern+cctitivv' bays before the insurance t,eriefst r. paid Pas : i., the f it e day 4-N natal disability. I also know that i cannot obtain any hnsurance from van N I
<br />am ever fig yews 'age today, and 1 she know thx the hissuramort coverage presided ia, tax tray contain a maximum amount of eoveraije which will riot pay In some
<br />cam, fteiMlre Me I cwt you. e to m
<br />the a % I urn anhnint of coverayc stated in the insurance policy, i know that any unpaid amount in excess of the insurance
<br />coverage will still have to be paint. If the Safes Oinfract rs pr paid in full rritx to the tact pay slier date. any unearned insurance premiums will he refunded to me in the man-
<br />ner prescribed by haw- Within thtny 4.101 days, i wiht receive the . n16' ate tit insurance more tully describing my insurance coverage. If the insurance is nit accepted by
<br />the insurance cantpany, i will receive a refund oaf nhc insuraikr prennurns f have paid
<br />Ri`i'ER: The next twoparagraphs contain warranties nisi ivr tnthis sale given by us n, the financial institution or bank in order lot it to buy this contras.
<br />IY)R VAI.GF. RFM. EI), Selkcr herein scif +.:ts ipp€ ct r.tc%s, zran,1crs and delivers to �+�rts11 SZ. ;
<br />f Amigiree) all of its rights f ale and naeorst in and c rho &n: t:sihi,veni Sates Contract aril titortgage, together with a1D ticns existing to sn.urr. is payment, and the property
<br />berth . Amigrec is herebt sutissotaccl as'vt Vigagee under the Mortgage pmvesitms of this contract. Seller warrants and represents: t 1) It has the right to snake
<br />thds assigrmvm; 12 t All statemerms Arid figures in this contract and in the Huy"'s soar ioncto an materially true and correct: ( i) This contract arose from the bona fide sale
<br />of to goods and services described herein: i 31 Tare tia h do%n} a} r..,n, Tt,,wn in this contract was actually paid by Buyer and no pain nf'said downiv-, -nent was loaned di-
<br />ivxttyor indirectly bySellert !oHuyer.(Sitw,hHuvcr a1, cofnixtimtto cnutA: r. iniTierscrmtractisratandw Ill not be subject toan yclaim,defense. demand orright
<br />gt Ferro; ('ij Tic executwist of this ermmwe and tilt und. -rla ins wire nratn:,c tion g -wing rase nherew did ni,t viotaae any federal or .tale law . directive. rule or regulation new
<br />af%t Alt) In ihr evert that thus cornract m the u:ide tointg -ales ran aatu?n is suhtect to a rights of rescission or cancellation by the Buyer. such rescission ex' cancella-
<br />has expiml said neither the ,We tnx this ., nr. a t I,, been an, evctl � rrsc tit led THIS COKMCT IS SOLD BY SELLER WITHOUT RECOURSE.
<br />... IN Tyrl.!NONY WHEREOF. REOF. the untk r,ie-w i iti stn aulte: wired repres wavvc of the Seiicr .ind has signed below (lit behalf of the Seller oo this
<br />day of ---
<br />L • — .... -_ THE PACESETTER CORPORATION tom)
<br />The ttxego; g rnstruttiena was askn wfedgt.0 hrao.r,. rx.c
<br />F) _
<br />by tole Author Agent in 4el'.er %N1 is el 4
<br />Atyax sxnxtexplars I
<br />re
<br />Allow, ,
<br />a1a. I.� kris. i i,�7
<br />A
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