r �
<br />PREPAYMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: Even though 1 oho not have to pay more than the ragular scheduled monthly payment, I have tl� tight
<br />to y t amtrrrw to v+au in ffdl at an} tirrm dx in port tram time tin ume if the lending institution or hank that hays my contract computes the finance charge
<br />cite 1 know my P "uc9. will be less if d make an early payment, and it will he higher if 1 pay late: l also recognize that any necessary adjustment to my total finance
<br />e� wiH be iefrxf in my tndl bill; l also knvw that tto amtmims stnawn tan the reverse side for the Einancr Charge, Total of Pa }'tncttts, std the "frnal Sale Price are nett-
<br />oxa tat assts yxwa wilt receive each of the payatxots rxaetly tin its due date: and I know that there wall be no refuted if I prepay because there is'rt:thing
<br />lea if 1 amt's- ed cst � daily basis. 1!'thr lending iustitutnrn or t?ardc alts coroputr the firtattce charge daily, std if I prepay 0.!e wh +e amdwm, yew will refund
<br />To rdb' arm oh'the 6rnarxz charge t interest) by ale aecaoueaing prara:rsioue krrown as thractuarina rrtcthad: and the amnunt of m rebate will he figured oxe tlsc
<br />sc tmo?etems tit' my momBtly payment and ran amt flan �tua) dates sad atmwnts o! tine prepavmrms that 1 pay tin )teal I ktrow that a refurd of less dean $I .t70
<br />w�1Ix
<br />tbtl have read. in detail. the cparate' Ili- YEAitLIMITF '.LAWARRANTN "'whch,itniatic . accompamcs this contract. It explains the conditions and circumstances
<br />inwhiclattkitinutufacturedproduLts, wd!!ae ttrreplacrd 1 rake notice of the limntaltims o n the warranty. std 1 particular!} recognize that any implied warranty which
<br />tea fo the s only as kwg as the warranty ex eery ice ca a truer_
<br />(c) 1 love read, in detail, the scpara€e'7,lhhl -TED IN%1 AIA.ATIO.N W ARRA,• 'I Y" which, it made. accompanies this contract. It explains the conditions and cir-
<br />es in which that instailationot the siding will be redone. I take nnicc of the iimitati<ns tin slat warriniy, , and I particularly recognize that any implied warranty which
<br />appliestothe mis uxr " dam - ax kmg as the warranty to service enniract.
<br />SPMALdfRM --R GOODS- I kit *w Mart ytna have uwasured my t one asat it+opening s that %ou can make the products to fit my particular house. I take notice that the
<br />arm factored fur my sprci c fnousc pnd al ly w,lt nx f;t any otfarr hots c,, ant urder such conditions. I know that 1 canine cancel this contract at any time
<br />trftinegiyrntaartu .bylaw.inwhihs +cancel
<br />AtICT that tcgil Nriod of tianc. I knoAthat I haw the obligation To pay you in full the amount owed.
<br />081,IGATKM PERTAINING TO PRtWF.RTI INSURANCE AND MVREAL ESTATE: I 1 promise to keep my house in good repair and to keep it insured for
<br />at oaf its ^enmerd vahic by buying a tore arxd extended covcrage insurance fx bcy The insurance company must bea raved by yaw, and the icy must have
<br />a which says that you are to be patd it them is a loss. The onsura�e company must agree that it will net cancel any policy without first telling you. I au-
<br />tfat act v t o pay you directly fey any €,ass- 5 two can cloy t r to uu th» insuran r payrertt to either ren any amounts 1 owe you or to repair my house.
<br />I have date opium of pro.' irig proxerty otswaascc Through an exasunk p ?hey ox thnwgh a polacv oxdependenth obtained aril paid for by true. 2.1 also promise that I will not
<br />alts aseya else all pla n lax.. hf¢ats cm my real estate wdtianu )cue wrmrn peommission ? I pviav ise to pay all taxes. assessments and other charges on my real estate when
<br />due a 1 prormw to rarely make all paytrent3 cot :way pmt hams secured by my real estate. I also lawinise that d will not extend, renew or change prior loans without your
<br />written toot. 4. If I do sun msurc soy htnSc to tuhfs ll my t,river t hf i� anions to nay real estate then you can do it !ter me if you want ( but you do not have to). If you do
<br />pay any of these o bilgatums too Free. I agree too pay you haca; on deroacx! ptu, interest at the highest lawfu) contract :ate tit interest. Until I pay you back, these amounts will
<br />bore to my t to yams whxh % secured by my real estate ant house. i kn. :w that d you decide to hay insurance for rte that you do not have to obtain any homeowner
<br />attl . ay mauranve,
<br />SALE OF MY HOUSE.- l ptxamisc not to w I t. lease ax g; ve n, y Muse to anytme until l have Iu lly repatd ms debt to y ou
<br />DUE ON SALE:: If I sell, tease ax give my his uw to any, nee helore I have fully paid all 1 owe artier this contract, you can declare all that I owe under this contract payable
<br />at acct and I agree to amraeddiateav pav y amt that a,notiot
<br />DEFAULT :I w all be anMaull under thtsctw- o—i d
<br />1. I rkmt't make a pu) nac a when slue, < r
<br />2 I break any pteottase I made to yaw t o tho, cortrac t. ter
<br />3 Something else hApparnA which causes you ts, btltcve in t ,nnl faith that I do not intend u, pay you as pronnscd, t,r
<br />4. 1 ifrfault tin any obligations for whtch I arts usimg my Nmw as cntlateral: or
<br />S. Something hwl+pemsEa miry Ntiru hah threaten,your,tght,. o any.!nu.
<br />IF 1 AM LY 1. FAULT: I understand that )cwt have the right to fatcchwe the M migage i have gtvcn to you and have away htux salt to repay any anoums 1 owe you if]
<br />am in odcfaath aster thin cxmuxt Before my hove is sold, you will dot e',Mthing, ibat the law requires if you hire an attowncy to assist vow to sell my house, or. to sue me,
<br />or, o protect )mfr nFhtts. I agree to pay you for gout reasttnahlr ankane}, tees and for Either related evycen,es such As court costs. title searches aril money you expended
<br />to ptatect my �, of yaw are allowed to collect such ama runts by law -
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose wax to enforce any of the right, under this canoed as ottcn as we watt w abut losing then. Or. we can delay entiocing any of the rights
<br />witlwrott krsing them, We can also use may rights now tx in the future given to us by law
<br />DELAYS: i know that You will use yctut best efforts to onstait the product, h :sin purchasing on no, trause, but I Also understand that in some situations you nor) encounter
<br />delays that ate caused by striates, weather ccmditaons. delays you have in obtaining, materials_ or for tHher reasons that are beyond your control. I understand that you will
<br />not be hauMe foxsuch delays.
<br />AR11IITRATIONa If d have a dispute or claim, . with yaw cOwermng, the iguantmy. quality of pertitntatce o! the products. t understand that my dispute may be submitted to
<br />andsimaded according to the ttedia ion- artntmon program that rreay have developcd to any cosninumly. I also know that any decision made by an arbitrators) would he en-
<br />kcrw in the court havme jurisdiction over me mend you
<br />SALVAGE VALVE: I know that the window., woodwork, siding, brick and other nuterials that have to be removed by you fair this installation have NO salvage value.
<br />W1mn you remove them, you can have then-, for w hate, cr purpose You w aid
<br />SIP IAL SiTGATIOikiS: 6Rte toy the ttnioluer+ess of sneeze of itte products that you sell. I understand that to special situations that your Regional Office may have to review
<br />and accept this contract. I aim) understand that this sate occurred to my homc act that you and 1 miry mot have frail all the correct information important to this transaction
<br />ato lln I Save you Rnyavnsemtocc ct any ob%iaws errors that ma% have occurtrd when The blanks in this contract were completed .
<br />ttx'1' l � sn M.Aa +ttlA�c- ..
<br />