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D <br />3. C "B" Units. Artvest III, a Nebraska general partnership, as sole owner of <br />Unit 201A and Devco Investment Corporation, a Nebraska corporation, as sole owner of <br />all the other Cl "B" Units, each approved by vote this Third Amendment to <br />Declaration of The Yancey, a Condominium. <br />4. Affirmed. The Declaration is hereby affirmed except as expressly modified by <br />this Third Amendment to Declaration of The Yancey, a Condominium. <br />5. Consent. This Third Amendment to Declaration of The Yancey, a Condo- <br />minium, was consented to, voted upon and agreed to in writing by the Executive Board of <br />The Yancey Condominium Association, Inc., a Nebraska nonprofit corporation, Artv6s <br />1111, a Nebraska general partnership, as the entity entitled to cast the vote of Unit 201A, a <br />Clam "B" Unit, and by Deveo Investment Corporation, a Nebraska corporation as the <br />entity entitled to cast all the other votes of all the Class "B" Units in The Yancey, a <br />Condominium as certified to on the attached Certificate and was amended in accordance <br />with the provisions of the Declaration and the Nebraska Uniform Condominium Act. <br />THE YANCEY CONDOMINIUM <br />ASSOCIATION, INC., a Nebraska <br />nonprofit a i ion <br />All,f <br />n E. Arter, President <br />DEVCO INVESTMENT CORPORATION, <br />a Nebras corporation _ <br />Dean E. Arter, President <br />Wa <br />PF <br />W <br />e <br />