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A <br />Il l r tai ietpmiretl atuffrAilaxar ittssirantc As a condition lit making rllt loan scciorc°d I)y this siecajority In. <br />ortmu,m, .mi -ow#r install play fha ptsmllt"Is rf"4itlfelt 10 fnalntalfl the Asnaimmicr it)ettet't until Sul inov a4a rcquir€nent ItN <br />the Insufaruir Irrra Iviars 1iT Atte)talafxe wdall Wiff,mvi. S .11141 Idrilllrr % Written A$trenwoIf of App1fAAhlx JAW <br />S. lasaptt'tiAM. I.V ns#tf of 41% Agent MAY fluke frasombIt: entf it, s upon and dn%1WI.I fill s Ill thta Proper € ),. lentisf shall <br />give KoffInver Militate Af the little of Ire prtor tit An InSpetmll spetliying reasollibe• Muse Col file inspx�tion. <br />9• (: i>un. `I'kV pa;tcuCINU of any AwArd 1N c14€ifn tiff tiantageS„ thr'411 or t:ou t)1Cniial, in ta,nfeattirul With any <br />ttiffi ' teamitAn CISenterrakingidany`pafrofstet, Probt!),, 1it Imam nSryal ),i "' ^1i{a III Cflnait,•ntn4IidI are•hereltya4sixttedafill <br />shall I* Paul to I.rfxief <br />In rite event lit A rural faking ill rile Prolxrrty, (hr pr,xre•cl- 411,41E In- applied fro file sttlils secur -CA by 0164 turlty <br />It' arafa na,whirthrr carrerlrrhorndur,Wrthallyexcrs% plaidf oiiiIrrower. fnrhr: evenrof,€ plufialrakinnofriseProiwrty ,amicss <br />liftsm),ascr ispul lenAler,ishrorwi%vagarcr inwriting,( he- nmswturedbyfile,I+ tc unrylnslrulnenishallbo :Irduct:dbydaramilaint <br />sit rtvc 1W.W As naulrip >lwd day thv toihmang traction: GO tilt' 14)lal amount nt flit- sums urture'cl dmulydiarrly bOm-r fasting, <br />fliII14,10 4 1 tai the last market v'aluv of the Propcfty lnl11RAIJ fly Mine the taking. Any hahtnte shall fix pail to ihlfrowrr. <br />H the Prtlperry 1%AbAlxionc,I by %Itiower,of if, wirer ru)t1cc by I cndrr to titlrra)w'rr chat rite u) make <br />,Ala Award au Wale a tiann flit ddrnagrs, HOM)Wrr fails o) WNfxmd w under within it) flays after the date she glome is given. <br />I enjit r I5 stn ht stated it, Coi let 4 it 1111 Apply the I'll hC'e IS, 41 It's I )Ill 11 on. 1; it her I,I reso,lraosit or relmit nt the Pfnperty or to the <br />,13th., tolcumd by Phis tircurny hislrinnrnt, whether car nor then tluc . <br />i nits I rnaier And Mortimer tither WISr igrrr 111 W'rl lint(, may Applia,Iflsln ut prtnmN is pramiltal %hlah gulf rxrcndif <br />prmlpsule the due date of fibs monthly paymC•111% reh'fft'd ru tit pafaptraph, I athl ';)r thAnxt file im mon III such pAytlirlrts <br />10. borrower Nor Released; Forlwafanee illy ` �Lender Nor A Waiver, l'. x[t•135h ui lit fir itaie for pAy'narnt of <br />lfM mhtl.dlutn pit aFTN 3fllratl /131 alt rite %bell% Sniffed hy' this X'turlty lnl rflmlclll gralited by l.effelrf tunny- i)tCrSSa tf In lnterestol <br />Murtlwrrr shall rxxt ups. rate ro release file liability of rhr of igindl Hiirnmcl it Hor lowef 5 sucCr%.a)rs tit nucir,t- lender shall <br />tug be fetpellrvi 113 torn rtltttie pcostia dings agmint any %iii k"sor All Interest ur refuse to rxren't nine for payfnem or of larf WlAe <br />nmxhly Alrlitf194fhill (It the 5ufns securrti by this tirturlry In %rri nx•nf by rrac,m-4 ally Lfrmiml mA11r hy rhrrrciguml N)flowrr <br />alt Iforrowef s 54tttr -4Ur% In Infere5f. Any tia ;lttrdiarxe by I.emief m exl'rt Ibsilg any Fight it rrrnvdl Shall nut lPh.1 wilvivrist tor <br />I'MiLluadt: file exercise of any rikhr or femstty <br />11. successors and Assigns Bcicind: Joint and Several Liability;(..o- surer ». 1'tx < +tl rllasars aftd Agreorm oaS of till% <br />.`SrtUMV 1115frin!"Clif Shall b111d Aria) ilrmfit the %uttr%sor, Aritl A %Stgrl, Ott I.t'Ifsfg:'r And HismsArr, %uhucr It) (tie prtn'1 %lolls of <br />plaragraplt 17 llfprrilwef is ttbvrnanta And agrc•emsrn% shdli lit pljf1f aftll sf cf•rdi Any Nktfowci Who tea -aims this 54curity. <br />1nstrunficat but hscs not rxreute rite Note s a r i %t,i %iynlni (thla �,rtl,rlty 6nstrurns nl , +nfy tt, nuarlp gc, grim and amvey that <br />ffiwrowrr% interest in the limiterry under rite train, <if fill% tw, urtrr lo'llmor -rrl, ; h' Is sit;; I rrs,mjlly obligated (o pay, rite <br />sums src'ured hY this tireurity Instrument. weld +c> Offices that I coder in_l .trap b.ehrf hl,rft.Wrr may agree soextrnd, nunlify, <br />forbear or make Any aa:otnnxxlanuns wtth rrA,oti a'I (hr renal) %,it flip, tianllney Imaru)nrnf It rite tiotr Withour that <br />%wrim -er s consenc . <br />12. tAmn Charges. If that hran ,wturcd by !firs 'so-k4mty Insaat3nitc t I% s)thioctl its A 1AW Whith sets ntaxilnuul loan <br />Cllargrs, meld <br />ohm law is finally Interpreted "I f ilm file rule rest „r l n fsc t ;,,aft a §latpn s f i dies :e)i or tt a $ c tolflet red in Connection <br />with rite loin exceed the Iscrinnecd limos, tarn : A, .any Stich b"m r tearyft' %hAt lie rcaltatrd tfy (hr a(n,fuot necessary to rrdutr <br />thecharAc tot�rhrplrrmlttedlimn, fail] if:ianl Sum% Aff raatvtlliil1 1( nl ditlnilll, froWrr%1 IUhrACrrdrfpeffIMd11111ttSWdllx <br />rrfurwlrCt f4if)ltrfowC( Ixnder It1Ay thotme it, make f hl%crt,afhi bib ledw ilig fill- pf IntlpAl,lWvd un ifr rite M tv or fly mikinga <br />di "I payfncnt to % -rower If a refuu i re•dut" pfuttij,41, t1K- redtu f liIn W It9 he lrcirvil as a 11011 .11 Ilrrpdylnrnt Wit)x)ut any <br />prepAyrtTetit ehArgc under the Niu <br />13, [Argislmtan Affrrcting Leaders Rights. It criattnvorn lot expnarsin opt appllcabit laws his theeftect of relxlentrig <br />Any pfovlSlfintlf Ilse Nolrtlr this S"urity Irg %frutlielft U1H me tt rablf attt,rding, re, It% trrmm, l e mirt, at it d opni ll, May rel(lu fe <br />italtfiechisfe Payment do full of all sums secured by rhls 4ttuf1ly lrlalrunwnt Aft,l lraay In okc any tensedics plerinifted by <br />pafAgraph 19. If I.rndrt exercises this opiwal. Ixixler $11.01 take the steps spec Ihed to ;lbr svi itild praregrApherf paragraph 17 <br />14. Nexuars. Any rxfette to) IlofrnWrr poseled for tit @fits Set urgry Iflmun %'m %hall Ix giver: by dellvrrfng or tit by <br />loinlingifbyfirstcl as smailunl es% AppinabIr JAW rr3UnT Seastlddnisdietiraerlib„cf The rlI) CKCs hill bediletted it) rise PropWorty <br />Address or Any tither Address Horrllwrr tie loilgilafrs by nollic ill Lcrutrr Any iwl ate to Len-ler slits]] be given by first class ittail <br />it) l.e rs agars %% -rated herein or Any other addfeSS ixndrf yd�l- %ipinatc'S by mom to Horrowcr Any notice provided for in <br />this ``is"urity Instrument shall hrclsrrnrc to have Bern given to Ilairruwer,tr !miter when given As providrii tit flits paragrAplt. <br />14. Governing i.ast; Sevembilety. `Ih1s Swcurity Instrument Shall Joe goserrird fly federal law and the law tit the <br />jurisdiction in which the Property is Itx died In rile event that any pniv isdon Iif tdau%t• 4 I flits tier urlry instrument.Ir the Note <br />conflicts with app)icshale law, smil Conflict shall rhlt Affrtr otherprovisionsof this 5rturity In%trunirnt or the N,ite W list hCAn <br />be pliven eflett wiff"m floe (fntlintrng prlivi[Nlas To this rrttf the pim-mins of this `9eturtry lnstrunlrrit ,itxi the Mac art' <br />diffid ared to he severable <br />W Rt►rmwer's Copy. Ihirrower -hail be given ins confornird till)), of the Nate And of dais Setunty ant trument <br />17. °ftansfet of the Praryamerty or a Beneficial Intefest in Borrower. If all sit any part al the Property or arty <br />irtrefesf in tt is s.)kf or transfrtrrtl ion if A beneficial Inlrrrsr in fltierowrr is ml,i or transferred arxf }flnrnwer 1-11401 a natural <br />perattiW witholat i enrlsrr's proctor written contwnr. I erhiea may, at its siltation, require unmrddAte payfTrent all futt of Al Sun)% <br />t:ttrttttf rhea caariey Instrulrtent. However, this ottl shall rut br r xertdsr,l by ixlhirr df eater6w is prollihitr,l by h:'detAI <br />as mof tlo• djoic of their !weurity Imerurrtent <br />It t c thfsi+fran,Lt r% hailgiveNwrowefninitrofai :celrration The rmitnr shall pioviokAp'vtmml.4 <br />met levis flun : . , frrrmtl dale tine rionrke is drlivelyd oa' traded withal which Hormiscr must play ail sums svtoted by dill, <br />txrtty lnsttr ir'wtTf. If 11twrowcr fails to pay these curls prior to 41W expdra /ion of this twriod, Le1T11rr may Invoke any, <br />l Worialiff"A by this Stufity Insrruireent without further ihftice or ( irmand on Nurmi c•r <br />IM. s Vii& us Reinatete. If Hinfowc•r milers certain ttukhritim, N,rr,iwer shall have flit- rigolf tit li'm <br />t-e @ht* sitcurify I1 "frasrrecnt dmonnntl ed at' Any 11"V, prior top fire rarhtr [If, 1a i 9 stays ,of .nth tither pwrlaai as <br />ApOkAfka law MiAly lipmoty file reirseasemenrl befixr %ail 1rf the Proprrfv pursimn It, any 1141We9 Ill SA V ulotanle,l pit tpjj%SW4 <br />cued IrlstrsrartY'm; Cit ib> Cowry t,)€ A qud im"t Caaflaraeng, tits slesrrnrry ln%tr a icin Tivivu tondmon, ,rte thar Iia,rlowf•r tar <br />l " firtiscirr All av�M whuhtlessWAOUM ^slta €ur crth1s cufayInsv+) nernl aI1t1theN,, tt' Iisdnt ,atrclt'1t1L,n,ec�iIaf4.tIs� <br />4wf a,"I 4famait t4arty iiiher ttinvef nitcIf aRrt"a;`IM"I$, It i file'sAlf -Iii °ifsCli 111, 111ft °d EIS f'1f,net,fly tit,, "v, tit Ill 'llt Ult'Ir•1,t. <br />€: IsIsilt hanrt era, rt e k- Aftifrtwari fe", and «fps takes mi. is as ocst, ,, I -C tl h r pricy reAwltp f)IY Irtlul/c n, ,,, <br />al (har Tells, 1wri ipf flan Nesuorov ' ftt9r rtintffiftt, f."Mict A ri ttts ill the Pt,lln r(t '410 htaimm( r r ,cl igilwit tIi has list, Nll tta <br />@¢%wed , ants "S8$ov Im tuffitirti %h loll ti nain4lor slam imisf fl I:h43n &rp¢p4s dfgrCle "i11t8' 11i'll'r ,,,b, 1. YI41'Y .°3t:Y ,n ltk lEeMft m9'.1' Iii <br />teat CAW. t fet'n et.aff frmAin holly etfrttivc Al if ne, i'vit•rat" ". I1a,1 �:. „t,prt,l ll,twrt r €, Itnx Ei 111 <br />r$p4r3Fr fl, 'r hf a Ay.p$y Era tlsl� I se o4 ,ea- cr#lt okm =imk,t f t .,p 4 <br />