<br />IlAllf )AM COVENANTS Ilairrowrr and I.rtttter c'ovanant Arul ag€yr as follows ? 104510
<br />I, patimeatc4prinaripal and Interest; Prepayment and I.atar Char • 14carrowrt Sball promptly PAY when due the
<br />priAicrpal of and is ter at t t ovidencortJ by olut Nate And any prorpayfficat gold 14fv �Wigps a1ur under Allot ldnre.
<br />Jt, FRO& linor Taloaft "W I . , Sulam °t Is, 1pplkAlsk 14w or Ira A written wAM4 by I WJCF, Wurrsiwer shall PAY (,a
<br />Lower tin for Clay twitubly Payments Ayr (late under rftr Niue, until tfye Now is paid in full, A suns ( "i^unalo') 09"Al tat
<br />;KW,fWglfth Of (A) yearly (awes MAJ441611oloilphento which may affair priaaricy rarer this purify "aruoivot, (b) yearly 1ttrrAwbold
<br />sacral rimestan this yly, if Any; f4) yearly ha :Aral i�uraore prrrniunls; And (4) y rly, mortga insurar
<br />premiumfo, if any- Thew items are call A "eat row items." (A r may rat irnatr flty Furula dur oil tilts Ilasis of ctArrotnA Oslo Anil
<br />mowtuablort estimates of future asarflaw itema,
<br />Tie Flare! h othalf be !will in an insrttutitm they ckrposils aIf "Counts of which Arr insuryd tar gooro"(4W4 by A feral air
<br />stag tuy (includingLonder if Leader is such an ittsritutkan ). I,rntlrr shall apply Ahe Futldb tea pay tha+esa row itravi, Iarnder
<br />y ncu cltargir (tar holding anal applying, the Funds, Analyzing the Aa a+tunt air vrriquij; the esa row items, kink" Lender pays
<br />Dwrcritier interest on the Furs and Applicable law permits Lcrukr to inAr full b A charms �arrowotr Are# 1 en r y a r in
<br />writing that intemst shall be paid Alit than Funds, unless an aplrrtrawnt is rrtaa of opplicablc law requires interest tc) he paid,
<br />larnskir shAll rum be required to pay Flofrower any interest or rArning;S can the FUTA 45, Leader shall give tea Mirrovirr, without
<br />charge, an annual atcfatant ing of thr, Funds showing Crar4its and debits to Abe Funds and Ale pear -Ae fair which radi debit co ttOr
<br />Funds was . The ftutxls are plydArd as AdditionA) security lot the sums br urrd by this 1*'4Arity Itlstrumvilt.
<br />If the jornattimir of the Funds held by tender, to therwith rho future monthly payments of Funds payable prier Ao fie
<br />class 4ate+s tit the csaow irems, shall exceed the anusunt retltaircd to pay 11at: rs<row irrtns witch dur, the cxtcss shall bV,A4
<br />06urtower % option, tidwr promptly repaid to Murowcr car credited ro liorrower tut nuoofhly payments of Funds. It the
<br />atasourat of the Fiends held by lxtuer 1% not Suffiticnr cat pay the cstrow stems when «like, ifttrra,wer %hail }lay Ali fender ,arty
<br />anbuitint tecessary to make up rhr deficicnty in one or more paysncnrs ax required by Lerttirr
<br />Upim payment in full of all sums Secured by this Security instrument, Lender shall promptly refund tit fiatrrowcr any
<br />Fursda, fell by !seiner 11 under paragraph 19 the Property is scald or ,Acquired by I- entirr, IA—Met shall apply, no later than
<br />tsar iaA€ly prior to the sale of the Property or its Acquisition by Lender, ally Funds I-WH by la: ndcr it rhr tinirttf applia at"m
<br />As a cfrdit A}¢4inst the SUMS secured by this ie(urity Instrument
<br />Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides orficrwisc, all payntews rctei%cd by lxoalcr under
<br />praragraph_s 1 atul W Shall be Applied: first, to late charges dur under the N,,rr: scomd, a„ prepayment charges elite under file
<br />ls.Ae. third. to anumsnts payable under paragraph 1; fourth, ro interest dur, and lair, m prnuipal disc.
<br />i. C ; Lisps. ilttrrowcr %ha11 pay all taxes, iss"Snaetts, charges. fines anti rm}t ;actions attralttstable to rile
<br />Pr €ipirrcy whirl! mAy attain priority over this Security Instrument, and Irasrhold paymcnis or };round rents, if any. Burrower
<br />shall pay thestroblig4imim, m the manner provided in pAwgraph !,air d run pant in that inAnncr, iorrower shalt pay them on
<br />torae d4ngly to the pwtsain owed payment. lforrtower shall promptly furm%h w l ruder all ntni.rs of antatmnts rot lee paid den «ter
<br />rhea paragraph If fltrrrowrr stakes these pAyrelcrrts directly, Horrswer shall promptly furnish its lender receipts evidencing
<br />OW pay is
<br />gaatrowcr shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over Allis I%tcui lty Instrument unless Borrower: (a)
<br />agrees its writing to the paymrnt of the obligaron secured by ;hc lien in A manner Accrptahle to !.ender, (b) contests in gotM
<br />faith tie lien bv. ter defends agAmst enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the lender's opinion operate to
<br />prevent the enforcement tit rhr lien or forfeiture of any part of the Progxtty, or ic) Secures from the holder of the lien An
<br />agrerr nt %asastacrOry to !.order suluardinating the lien rot rhis tircurify Instrument. If Lender d t-wrmirtcs that any part of the
<br />Prot}efry as s r to A hen which may attain priority ;,over this Srturiry Instrument, !.enter may give lftrrruwcr a notice
<br />i.letudying the lint fforraawer Shall satisfy the lien or take carte or more of file Attions set forth above within f 0 days of the
<br />giving col to alcor
<br />S. Hazard Insurvacr. t6)rrt)wci shall keep the unprovrmcnts now cxis;ing or hereafter erected can die property
<br />itsturaxt against lass by fire. hazards mc111%fed within the ferill ' extended coverage" and any other hazards for which Lender
<br />requeres insurance 'his insur -Amc %hail be mainraincd in ;tar amounts and for the prrio let that Ixndcr requires- The
<br />tailuranLe carrier piovuling the insurance shall he chosen by &trrowcr Subject to Lender's approval which shall not be
<br />unreasonably withheld
<br />Ali inaturatxe patlites and rcrewais shall beactepfAble to I.cnder and shall include a standard mortgage clause. lxnder
<br />shall h"i ethe right to hold the poll, in and renewals. If Lcudrr requires, lfortower shall promptly give to tender all receipts
<br />of paid prerniurns, and rcutwal turites. In the event of loss, Ilnrrower Shall give prompt notice It) file lnsurante tamer and
<br />tzn&r lrfxkr may make pentad tit hits if not matte promptly by &srrawcr.
<br />Unless Lender and Ilttrraswer otlerwisc agree to writing, insurance pr oreds Shall Its applied eta restoration or repair
<br />of the Prupetry damagrd, of the restoration or repair is economically feasible and lender's security is not Icsscried. If the
<br />trstoratiaan or repair is not econonnitally feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance prtoteeds shall in°
<br />Applied its the Sums soured by this Security Instronent, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Narrower It
<br />Ektrrawer Abandtrns thr Property, or dices not answer within W days a notice horn LefiArr that the insurance carrier has
<br />offered to set tic a claim, then txtider may collccr the insurance pitKerds Lcmtlrr may use die pnxceds to repair or restore tsar
<br />Praperry of tai pay sums srturec) by this Set A fly Instrument, whether or not then clue. The On-day peridxl will legin when the
<br />noike is given.
<br />Uriess !.miler &out Borrower otltrrwisc agree in writing, any applicarion of pr,nevds to principal %101 not extend or
<br />paxsap tnx tie dire (late alt the monthly payntrnu referred to in paragraphs I and :2 or change tllc anwunt of the paymetns. If
<br />under paragraph Ito the Property is acquifc%t by I..ender, Narrower 's right ro Any insurance policies And prtneeds resulting
<br />fi-orn darnAge to The Property prtd.r to rile Acquisition Shall pAS' r9 Ixndcr to the extent of file wanes %etufed by rhis Security
<br />Instrument immactliately prior tit the acquisition
<br />fit. Paservaltion and Maintr place of Property; I.easeha)Ws. Ifalftnwrt shall not deStrity, dafnagc or vubbtAtnially
<br />chierfafir the Prrprrry, Allow the Property it) deteriorate ter comrnir waste. It this Security losrrurricnr is on a Icaschroid,
<br />rimcr shall comply with the provistons fit the ICASe, and if fiosrrower atqutres Iry role to file property, the leascluold and
<br />title shall not merger unless Lrrider agrees to the merger in writing.
<br />7. PlOWlitM of ( r'a Rights in the Pretperty; Mortgage Insurance. It Ilorrower fads car perform the tovrnant%
<br />aW Aermenrs contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a legal pro;cerding that Aoay ssgnifitantly alimt Lrndcr s
<br />rigtst:sin the Pri rtty4 eachAsApriweedinginbAnkrupoy, prroftarr, fortorul rtnnaronortocnlortrla wSOrrcgtalattonst.then
<br />Le y visa And pay for whattever it ttercessAry to proton file value of cite Property and Lender's rights on the Paol.rtty
<br />I r s aorArAS may it IMIr paying Ally sums setured by a lien wl-oth has prioriry over this Sea linty Innan.nnvin, appearing tin
<br />uOuirt, Perry* fralfluable artotncys' lers'ord enteottg till file Pnr}'+rfry no make repass Although I ender n „ay rake aomo
<br />i4rularr, ohm pAragraph i, lArouler rites not have to do so
<br />Any intounis dni frrd by tender under this paragraph shall hrdome a44111mnal aelst it Horrowet %ctatrrd ht rhis
<br />: , tyyln irurrent U"I"s Pa trowrt and 1rrxkrr agree fo 4ohcr telint, of paymrnt, these afni,nnta ,,hall he"aa roger %a It {,ma
<br />t reo yaslSraa t nr ai file Note rare And %11419 le 11Ay31tle, with 41tr1r %1, uparta Ablate It =ere I.enddLr t„ 11-1—t I r- jucanng
<br />p oil rte
<br />