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b Eaditadf PoERaln• fonder is hereby aa$ignad all rompmenthon, awards, damages and other payments nr relief (mmallounn "Proceeds i m ronnaclloli with <br />condemnation of other lakmg of the Property or part Thereof . of for conveyance rn l our of condom nation Lander shall beenuilod at its option to Commence. appear in and <br />syrr� pfosocuto in qa own name any action or proceedings, and shall also ba entitled to make any compromise or settlement m connection with euch taking .,damage In the <br />event any portion of the Properly is so Laken or damaged, Lender shall have the option. in its solo and absolute d!scratiow to apply all such Proceeds after deducting <br />therefrom all hoots and expenses incurred by it in connection with such proceeds. upon any indebted nose Secured hereby and In suc If order as Lander may determine. or to <br />era OWY all such PrrxfpMS, otter such deductions, to the restoration of the Property upon euch conditions as Lander may determine Any application of Proceeds to <br />rndRktadnoas shall not a* and or poslpona out due date of any payments under The Note, or cure any default thereunder or hereunder <br />T. RsflpAtaaOauy Laader•lnihoovam of Borrowers failure to perform any Of the covenants herein or make any payments required hereby.. of,lanyactislakanar <br />0 legal proceodirlg Commenced which materially affects Lender's interest in tho Property. Londe, may in its own discretion. but without obligation Indeed. and without notice <br />tow demand upon Borrower and without (* leasing Borrower from any obligation, do any act which the Borrower has agreed but tails to do and may also do any other act it <br />dooms necessary to protect the security hereof Borrower shah, immediately upon demand therefor by Londe,, pay to Lander all costs and expenses incurred and Stan$ <br />4x by Lander in connection with theaxercise by Lander of the foregoing tights. together with interest thereon at the rato provntad in the Noe, which shall be added to <br />` tba Indebtedness secured hereby. Lender shalt not incur any personal liability because of anything II may do or arml to do hereunder <br />1 RMMaN *~. The Imorti 1ng shall Constitute an event at (felling under this Dead of T rust <br />fa) Failure t0 . pay any installment of principal or interest of any other sum secured hereby what) due, or failure to pay when due any otherindabtedne$s of <br />Borrower to Lander'. <br />Pat A breach of or default under any provision contained in The Nate, this Deed of Trust. any document which secures the Note, and any other <br />encumbrance upon the Property', <br />It;) Awhl of execution or attachment at any similar process shat he entered (Against Borrower which shall become if lion on the Property or any portion <br />thenwA or interest therein: <br />(d) There shag be teed by or against Borrower an action under any present or future federal, state or other statute, law or regulation relating to <br />bankruptcy. Insolvency or other relief far doctors, or There shall bo appointed any 1 rustee.. receiver or liquidator of Borrower or of all or any pan of the Property, or <br />the rents, issues of profits Thereof, or Borrower shall make any general assignment for the benefit of creditors <br />let The sale. transfer, assignment, conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of t, any Inuesst u. the Property, either voluntarily or <br />involuntarily. without the express written consent of Lender <br />Ili It Borrower is not an individual, the Sate transfer. assignment. Conveyance or encumbrance of more than __ ._ _. _. percent of (it a Corporation) its <br />issued awl oulstandmg stock or (d a partnershipt __._.... percent of partnership Interests <br />g Refaadln: Accalker~ Upson Default. in the event of any Evert of Dolault Lender may declare ale indebtedness Secured hereby to be due and payable and the <br />same %ban theroup or become due and payable without any presentment, demand protest or nonce of any kind Thereafter Lender may <br />fat Demand trial Trustee terciSe the POWER OF SALE granted herein. and Tn!stoe shall thormituo cause Borrowers interest in the Property to be sold <br />and the proceeds to be distributed, all in the manner provided m the Nebraska Trust Deeds ACT. <br />(b! Either in person of by agent with or without bringing any action or proceeding iv by if receiver appointed by a court and without regard to the <br />aderquacyotitsifecunty enter upan and take possession of the Property. Or any part thereot inns own name or in the name of The Trustee, and do any acts which <br />A deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value, . marketability or rontat u,tV of Ina Properly . it part thereof or olouesl therein. Increase the income <br />lherefromof protect the security hereof and, with or without raking possession or the Ptnperty flue lot or otherwise collect the rents. issues and profits thereof, <br />rctuding those past due and unpaid, and apply the same. less Co5fs and expanses o1 oPelahon and collet non .sic i sad trig aonrneys' lees upon any indebtedness <br />sacurad hereby. all In $uCh Ord *f db Lender may delCfmmC The entering upon and taking Pos5es5 n of the Properly the collection of such rents, issues and <br />profits and The application Thereof as atorasanl. shalt not core o, value any Oli r,, notice of da'!auu hereunder or invalidate any act done in response to such <br />default of pursuant to such notice of default and notwithstanding The c.h"Ontianc.e m possession of the Property or the collection, receipt and application of <br />iergs i%oues <br />OF profts, Trustee or Lander shall be entitled 10 exerc•ISe every ,qhl provided form any of the Loan b intiments or by law upon occurance of any <br />throw of doolon, including the light io axerCise the power of sale . and <br />let Commence an action to lorecioso this Dead of Trial as a mortgage ,ippou+t a r h,ve, of,aliy enio,ce any of the covenants hereof, <br />No remedy ba rein contorted upon qr reserved To Trustee or Lender is intended lu nC t +.elusive .il .any other remedy herein of by law pro, sled or per mned. but each shall be <br />cumulative. shall he in adodlon to every other remedy given hernunder or now Or hereafter n :st.nq n law ur in equay Or e, stalule and may be exercised concurrently, <br />Indepenastanny or sl /CC*s8iraiy <br />10. TreaNe. The Trustee may resagn at any hme wiin;)ul cause and Lender may t)1 soy time antl wie.out c. else appoen, a successor or substitute Trustee Trustee <br />shall not be nabs for any loss Or damage unless due In!lCfionable. nP,q!nienCC or wadi! mist.a Ike T. and shall not he renuund h, take any action in connection with the <br />*nforcemen7 of this Heed of Trust heless indanuhh-1 In whung . for all cohM c )mpensahun or expenses whic.c.n may he vssnCralpd Innrewuh In add':mn. Trustee may <br />IeCor"ea purchaser at any sale of in* Propriety ot,dn:iar Or under Th,, power of S atargtanled herein? postpone the 'hie orall or any portion or the property as provided bylaw: <br />or TNl the Property as a whore, .,in separate parcels or lots <br />11 Flrkao Adwnga. Upon rertH1B51 of Bermes, Lender may aT its r.phon 'rake adduional and furore advances and readvanCes to Borrower Such advances and <br />raadvafaces, with merest th *r*pn. shall no secured by It— Deed -,IT,­! A, no III— small the print spar amount of the mdotftednesp5 secured by th19 Deed of Trust, not in- <br />eludeng 6umSadvaM:ad to prot ect Ins WC tri ly nil thiy Dried' I lr�.;.tt er(.e l the o"illInal prir.�.p,n am..... staled nnre.rr Tits 8,000.00 whichever is <br />greater. <br />12 Ofoom* meow Pro"okw s. <br />in) {Of10raskr Bel RIINNC. ExlonSron nil Inc lime for payment or motlihcahgn of amurhzan n of the sums 5, c need try this Daed of Trust granted by <br />Lefl(w to any "fCCesso/ ai m mmo of Btngwe, shall not operate f„ eel easa rn any manner the handny of ma ongtlral Borrower ono Borrowers successors m <br />mler*s1 Lender shall not be required to cnrmnenCe P,oLeComos against such si,icce SSnr ,, reluse to eatenri inns lot payment or otherwise modify amortization <br />of T o sums secured by this Dead of Trust by reason sal any donor 1% made try the onq:nal Bonower and Bonower 5 successors el altenist <br />IC) LandaYa Fewn. WdhOUi alfachnq Ina liabt!dy o/ an y other person hanie nor Ina, payrm +tit of any nbi.yob on herein menbanCd. and without effecting <br />the hen orcharge of this Deed of Trust upon any poehon of the Properfy no: titan or tmerelolote onipaso.o as security for not lull amounl of all lmpledobligations. <br />Lender may. flat" tint@ to time 4110 without malice lit release any person err Irabb: !n! extend the maturity crafter any of the terms Of any such obligations, (IIQ <br />®rant other rndutgene*%. (ir) eel *a9* or rac:Onrey. U, 4aus0 iO be ,sled SOd o+ ra<.onveyed of any hme al Lender's opl.OnS any perce.I, potlron of lie of fhe P/ope/ty, <br />Iv) take of release any Giber Or additional SeC linty for any obmgal I C! I nerel n mentioned or lvq make r, Ompoadmnso) tnef ai rtuigemenlswdhdoblorsinretallon <br />triangle <br />(C) ForMNanee fir lender"a Wet Any forbodrance by Lelyde, ,n exe,caing any ,,.Tht ur remedy hereunder or otherwise afforded by appi,cable <br />law. 0311 not be a waiver of of preclude the exetcrseot any such,ight ni r remedy Tha in oc or emenl of Ins,rarice Or the payment of to xes or other liens or charges <br />by Lender shop not bo a wove! df Lenders fight 10 accelerate Ime maturity of Inn mdeCledr!es% ­­red by ihr§ DCPO at Tni$I <br />Idt Bwooesom and A*NpTs Downs; Joint and Several LI"Mty: Caphons. The covenants and agreements herein contained shall bind. and The rights <br />her*u"der shat' mute to, the respective Successors and assigns O I L ender and Bo' fowC, . subject it) the provisions of paragraph 9 to) hereof All covenams and <br />aghterherit% of liar rower shall be loi tit and several The caplrons and headings of the Paragraphsol Inns Deni Or Trust are for conlemence linty and are not to he <br />used to mterpreE or dehrte file provisions ne+eol <br />(a) laepresl ter NON*n. The parties hetebv tequelf that a Copy of any ooh ce of delault het eunder and a copy of any notice of sale hereunder be mailed to <br />oath party to this Deed of T, ust at the address set forth above, n l he manner prase h bed by app!.c a hie law Fxcept for any other nobcerequvod underapplicable <br />law to be given m Another manner, any notice p /ov,dea for in This Deed sal Trust shall be g.yerl by mailing such notice by certified marl addressed to The Other <br />parties, at The address set forth above <br />Any nonce provided for In this Deed of Trust shalt be deemed to have been gweb to Borrows, or Lender when given in the manner designated herein <br />(f) boo@ isn. Lender may make of cause TO"m ads ressonabloentnosepun anomspecdons of The Property. provided that Lender shall give Borrower <br />malice poor to any ouch inspection specrtyrng reasonable cause Therefor totaled to Lender's mtereat In the Property. <br />l9) Roc*wmyome. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of 1­70 Lander shad request Thratee to reconvey the Property and shall surrender <br />this Deed of Trust and sit notes ewdencrng mdebtMnCSB "Could by this Deed JI T rust to T ri;Y!ee Triaten 4lool ro ionyey the Properly wuhout warranty ant <br />inthout Charge to the parson of persons legally entitled thereto Such person of parsons shalt pay at) costs .if nicordalien If any <br />(h) from Prop", SeCWNy A ;f*eaMM. As additional Sacvnly lot the paymonf of the Note all fixtures, equipment. and other personal property used <br />in Crin tlm —in the real astse or improvements iocatsd thereon . and nor otherwise declared of deemed to he a part of The real estate secured hereby. shall be <br />sublect to a securdymter e% tm favor of the Lender under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial COtle• This.nShumr!rit shall beconslrcled as a Secoly Agreement <br />under said Csode. and the Lender shall he" a0 the lights and rernechi s of a secured party under sent Coda rn addition 10 the rights and remedies Created under <br />and accorded Pa Lender pursuant to this Ot ed of Trust <br />of a mawlly. or troy even. that any prmnerm t)1th+sDeod 01 T rastconluct will, applicable law or are declared invalid or otherwise unenforceable. such <br />c ttic'f ov rflvaled+ Ey steal not aftect theother provisions ofthis Deed or Trust of the Note whit It can be given effect wdhoul the conflicting provision, and to this <br />sted Then prmnseow, , at The Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to Wr seyeratris <br />oxiaf has evoctroul This Deed or Trust Tha date wru8on abajva <br />(A tin Esc tia) Borrower <br />(Ei1��� <br />l.V. <br />