$7-- 104433
<br />ITrugons) understand that the document "I the Borrowers are about to okeCule is a Rend of Trust and fall a mortgage and that the power of gala prgvidad
<br />for in NM Dead of Trust provides substantially diMarent rights And obtigetons to the Borrowers than a mortgage In the event of is default or breach of obligation under the
<br />paid of Trust, Implanting, but net limited tor, me Lender's right to flavor the R" Property soh by the Trustee without any judicial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers
<br />t and warrant Mel this acknowledgement was oxebuni by them before the execution of the Deed of Trust.
<br />( tin Escutio Borrower
<br />(E Iaen K. Caff ®ry err ��
<br />COMPLETE Mils portion ONLY M NN reef preprty daOak ed eonslSN of INDIVM)UALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND.
<br />If oppftsW. aoptphte ONLY ONE ~ A. E, or C:
<br />The Borrowerls) acknowledge met they are about to execule Rho following Deed of Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(s), and each of them if
<br />more than one, do hereby disclaim their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto No part of the homestead of either of the Borrowerts) is presen lyor will In 1111,111
<br />tuture be »luated upon said real estate. The Sorrower(s) understand that it either establishes a homestead on any part of Said real estate during the time the Dead of Trust
<br />remains unsatisfied and alien upon said real estate, there shall be no right to make a designation of homestead in the even) of a foreclosure or trustee's sale with respect to
<br />Said Deed of Trust
<br />The Sorrourer(s) acknowledge that they are about to exec ute the following Deed of Tf use upon the real estate closer lead therein. The Borrowerls), and each of them if
<br />more than one, do hereby waive their right to designate a homestnad pursuant thereto The Borrowerls) understand that they have the right to make a designation Of
<br />homestead and that by executing This waiver, they are waiving rights otherwise ayallabla for the purpose of affording them the opportunity to retain their homestead in the
<br />event of a default upon the Deed of Trust.
<br />Pursuant to the Form Homestead Protection Act (Section 76.1901 at seq Revised Statutes of the Slate of Nebraska). the Borrower(s), do hereby designate the real
<br />property described in the - Designation of Homestead' atlached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference
<br />Borrower
<br />Borrower
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST July 19 87. by and mo ng the Trustor...A gU&t(n__EswutP.a s
<br />- _and... f1iaten_..Caffary. _ __ whn5e mailing addr „ <a is 31 z. S.,_..EJnI,._.
<br />_I!ij'KS91.___ rear.,.. gnrrowerl hnnTnstra _Five Points Sank _ -_ _ _. -_ - - __ —___
<br />wnosemaihngaddress s P.O.-Box-1507, Grand Island..- Nebraska. .68802, _- ..___ -__ -._ _..(herein "Trustee").
<br />amttheBer,ehciary. _Five - .Points Hank - ___ _ _ __ _ __.- ____..._ - -_- - _ -___ --
<br />whose mailuag address m P.O. Box 1.507.. Grand_ Island,. Nebraska_ ..68802._ _.... _ -. _.._ __ ._ - - -- (herern "Lender ").
<br />FOM VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, mchuc rig tree indebtedness mrnhhad herein and vast herein created . the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Borrower
<br />hereby irfevocably grants, Irensfers conveys and assigps to Trusfee. tN TRUST WITH POWER Ot' SALE. for the benefit and secmdy of Lender. under and subject to the
<br />terms and coratih ails nereinatier sal forth, ma real properly desCnbed as ioNnws
<br />Lot Three (3), in Block Nine (9), in Rollins Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />Togieffm with au buildings. improvernents. fixtures, streets, alloys. passageways easements rights. privileges and apptutenanees located thereon or in anywise
<br />and the tents. isao" and ptofds, reversions aged hemaindars thereof. including, but not limited lo. heating and cooling ugwpmenl and such personal
<br />y "UK reattached 10 tha rmprovementf so as to constitute a fixture. and together will) the homestead or mental interests . it any. which interests ate hereby released
<br />Nativeness. as of womb, mchxfrng raptatements and addi honstherelo. is hereby declared lobe a part of me real estate secured by the lien of this Deed of Trust and all of the
<br />lextaills” b" retained to herein as me °plopefly.. 1
<br />This of Trust Shelf secure Pal the payment of the principal sum and interest evidenced by Bog rowers note and or cred�ll agheemeol dated July. -z7., _.
<br />- ...._..'having a madurriY data of August _..1.-- ..- 1.2.'Yi_.._. -_.- . in the ongmal principal emount of $ ,81,0.00..,00.._...... and any and all
<br />surarmoons Rnd renelxata thereof dr thereto and any and ail future advances and readvances hereunder pursuant to rice or more promissory notes or credit
<br />"""Beirahn eased " "); f9) the payment of Other sums advanced by Lender to protect the security of the Note. (c) the parlor mence all covenants and agreement
<br />will li,~n and (d) all and obligations of Borrower to Lender whether direct . indirect, absolute or contingent and whether arising by note,
<br />eft M Domnift
<br />Borrower, to prialisci "securuy of mob Dead of Trust. covenants and agrees with Lender as follows
<br />1 P"NmNlntta "MNIbrlMeat. Bocrewer$halt promptfy pay when live the principal of and interest on, and any tees of charges provided in. the Note or in this
<br />Oped of These,
<br />T TODD 05 Win avow of raw pvope4ty. has lha fight and authority to convoy the Property, and war rants l hat the i.enc.realdd holobyis a first and poor hen on
<br />Ma M in" wwfadl lea act feed" haryin, and the execution and delrvory of this Deed rsl "hurt dress not notate any CI)ntraCt <v other obhgalron to which
<br />A
<br />9. Telly.l gamoso iL To Vey wean due as texas, sporciat swillasments and al) other charge$ against the Property and upon wt,ilon demand by Lender, to pay to
<br />L as mad be SuMOOM to sooner, the 1.6fiddr to pay such taxero ""6amonts of other charges as they boc: o due.
<br />d. $nNRi"*, To pea Pr y ~iro istaxfted damage by lire, haearda iii Wded w,min the term - satended cove,ap and such other hazards as 1. ender may
<br />. wiffin aG fo l.e +?3ef, and with toss payetwo to the tender In cam n! 7typa under &uCn pi)Itr.rn8, the l.a reds„` 40th0l.zed to adiusi,
<br />_ 4 a a5ttr and social havir"opuW, of applying all or Paul of the,naUra C'n p,tn gk@si )to any nntebk /ttteaH gie:tNPd herhhy and 'n s vch
<br />reassert lopsualiess !la " _ fora to tO� xa�9 !€s� the r�pir yn +oe4€)rahsira o? R'm pro{xorly er fni7 oar any nth.ri purxnsc r., ob�a;t sahstactc�ey to lenchtr
<br />: lern of" owed of Item tpg t feat 4MO K va turgid Pwoov before such payment ever look plat:u Anv a51>,cah:un ,t t.,ac aecN flu nrpehlc dn�s5 vhar
<br />t eta ous ftle of amt pays is ~ the Halo, or t:u €e shy default Inaler,r +tTOr of "+areunftar
<br />tt. f po*v Pte Cvoommo tale La+e 'evrer shah keep the pm,",h, i•, %'d Co d,h,w Srt1 •apa,u . Cr.un11,h, I pa, i , 'Mr,43 w wq
<br />°*'a9'tayaant vilfirffi{b d+fiby $QI R ,vdaaraeyae arlari i4c11 ti.4: ?Sfl?st f€+t p�mfl any waPtw 9f ,}etwrr, Seen 3f !live t't i.pmr: y. Si :.:„ her;. 1.. i e:.,l:Sn 1'! an!>tl anhany aliFl,
<br />+fit ' sg8idpr BeUya *t'- araMFSArt, 4a >i hair 61P`€1prt a&1f.he do" i"t""pov Ito pronetts .i, .,riini ,,•, of A:,y'n -id rear fir ,retie_ +t ,;n ant:
<br />RfMiv yA Vr r sny' at Ifwr avvo, a, >vstGist sf%ooic,.,,, area Sint =sna <Itssiercvi i'rit vsg'zt ,aca� sr ,,- xti,t,r. mi,pmo%�lr S ri -�• p, <,,.�,fl
<br />