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87- 104430 <br />c. Until delivery of possession, the Sellers agree to <br />maintain the improvements located upon thv real testate In <br />reasonable condition and any work or services rendered to keep <br />the improvements in such condition shall be at the "Hare' <br />expense. <br />d. 11►is Agreement recites all of the terms, condltlons andi <br />covenants under which the real estate is being sold by Sellers <br />to Buyers, and no oral representations whatsoever have been made <br />that are net contained herein and that no alterations, amendments <br />or modifications of the terms hereof shall be binding unless first <br />reduced to writing and signed by all the parties hereto. <br />e. Buyers and Sellers respectively bind their heirs, execu- <br />tors, administrators and assigns to the faithful performance of <br />the terms of this Agreement. <br />f. This Agreement is not assignable by the Buyers without <br />the prior written consent of the Sellers, including the right to <br />determine the prospective assignees' financial status, and Buyers <br />further agree not to encumber the above - described real. property <br />in any way during the term of this Agreement or otherwise attempt <br />to sell, assign, convey, mortgage, encumber or transfer said <br />premises in any manner whatsoever to any other party, without the <br />express consent, in writing, of the Sellers. Sellers agree that <br />such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. <br />g. The parties hereto mutually agree to execute all instru- <br />ments necessary to effectuate the intent of this Agreement. <br />It. It is agreed between the parties hereto that time shall <br />be of the essence in the execution and delivery of this Agreement. <br />i. The titles of the paragraph: of this Agreement are inserted <br />only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way <br />define, limit or describe the scope of this Agreement or the intent <br />of any provisions hereof. <br />j. it is herein agreed between the parties that the Land <br />Contract Agreement shall be at the expense of the yellers. <br />k. The Buyers have not relied upon any express or implied <br />representations of the Sellers as to the merchantability or fit- <br />ness of this property and Buyers are purchasing this property in <br />"as is" condition and have depended solely upon their own know- <br />ledge and investigations. Further the parties understand and <br />agree that this investment is made by both Buyers and Sellers for <br />the prospect of present or future profit to be made. <br />-4- <br />
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