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87-- 103:62 <br />;or <br />pursuant to <br />. sum equal to the - - th _ next <br />ground eats if arty, tiertt due, plus the premiums that still next lx gne sue and payable <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments;eext due <br />wt the rttortgaged g:opetty fails an esr*eirred by the Matrtgggeej less an sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />nom her of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />Assessments will become aelirtquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rent., pre - <br />Morris. cartes and special assessments.; and <br />(c) Ail papnttnts mentioned i" the two Preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagee to the following item in the order set forth; <br />AXAXQ= XX <br />X an vc opin <br />m ent, <br />t case ay <br />(11) grtxmd renu taxes. assts- *.lift and other hazard insurance premiums; <br />(111) interest on the note secured hereby: and <br />(IY) amortization of the principli of said notes. <br />Arty deficiency in the amOtU1E of any sttdr aggregate monthh. payment shall, unless made good by the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the due date of the nett Such payme -,t, constitute an event of default under this mortgage. The <br />Mortgagee may collect a "talc shame not ter, exceed f,x:r cents (410 for each dollar (S I) of each payment more <br />than fifteen (1 ) cis) s it arrears to -ow- the extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments. <br />That if the total of the paymevut made bs the Mortgagor under e 6 i of paragraph = preceding shall exceed <br />the amount of paswents actually made liy the MortAapee for riound rents. taxes and or insurance pie - <br />taiums, as the care laay be, such excess_ if the lout[ is current, at the option of the Mortgagor. shall be credited br <br />the Mortgagee on sabsequeatt paymrat-- to be er s& Its the Mortgagor, or refunded to the Morttp#or- if. however, the <br />rtoathfy pivneatw tirade IN the Mortgagor render ; !: , of paragraph 2 preceding shall not be sufficient to pity ground <br />rent, tares*-- and asse..faeats or ia_ittawce preaitur'. as the caw mar be, when the sane shall been" due and pay - <br />able. then the murt;;,r{or .hall pay to she Mortgagee any amount necessary to male up the deficiency, on or before <br />the date rhea payment of suuch ga—d rear &,erne, era rasu.en� or insurance pr4mimass shall be dtte. if at am <br />tine the Mtmt16agsir "I tender to the Ul"PiSSgee, is accordance with the pwi-iaioa. of the aerate txdwed hereby. <br />full payaeut of tLe entire iodebterdpe. s teare?eated thereby- the vorr.■.....: -h.0 <br />shall be a default Ades any of cite r5iaa� Bi tit=s s cover <br />' iteortgage resrtltinR is a public aaale a>< the peewisus covered <br />bereb}, or if claw M ogee acquires the pmperty otherwise after defatilL the mortgagee stall apply, at the time or <br />cite ees"aptcea"'t et such P"ateed"i'Vi, or at the its* the property is otherwise acquired, the balsam then tstaais- <br />ing is the feeds accusuilate+d to r4, • : <br />tetaaiti carder said solo u. say pa airtt s< w S yr its cites {d/ <br />#. That the Moripeor win pat ground rear, tour. as e-Arenty, water rates. and other poventimtatal or municipal <br />tomes. fines. or mrp,ositions. for ab ch -.4 ,tsic m has not berm made hrrnnf+efaxr. and in default thereof the .4ortgapee may <br />P83, the same. aid that the llartieapa t r rt ;ra tnptls dcli,rr rite aadecaf rccetpty therefor to the lfsrtpgee. <br />z. The mortgall,v ttvil s ja tavr, . 2m t rstaas ?se :eared W-A time lfasrtpagct's interest in said real estate and imprave- <br />ments, and wbmcb tins tY ie%icd upor, Tint. rrtaarl&W air the ;testa wined hertb% (but only to the extent mbar such is trot pra4ibq- <br />Cd by law and ants tar the extcw that such woll nol m c thus Joan usursousi. but excluding arts income tax. State or Federal, <br />imposed an Imonsi ir. and wu'l We the oillv­k re:etrl sft3rttfg such pastmetit wrth the Mortgagee, upon violation of this under - <br />taidW err if the Mia"980r is pro>dvntd bs arcs law oa,,w of heresfta existing from paving th wbok oraoy ptxtittn of time store - <br />said taxes. or upon the renderirig ail am awar dc.'rrr pr tmog the payment bs the ltarrtagor or any Stich taxes, or if such law <br />err decree provides that anv amount Seer permd t» the xlo rlptpw stealrl be credited on the mortgage debt, time Mort ee Shat: have <br />the right to give muct) davS air lire non,:c to- the kv ;v­ tlrt mortgaged rrentims. requinng the paymeent of the mortgage <br />debt. U such notate be given- the sand drbt shall he Ome due — sat arse std colketibie at the expiration of said ninety days- Thu shawkt he fail ter, pat alit sum err keep ant , ,r- c ; prosaied for to this Mortgage. then the Mortgagee. wits op. <br />Lion. may pas or perfaolm the wac. anc a`_° ext+cndilurr, �. made tha;l tx added to the principal sum riumC om the strove note. <br />shall bt w:tired ��'t - �+.6� ±5 ='•r ; u.�rest at ;lam � €e 3tt fi�tk ems the >ad note. tmtil paid <br />Thu he herets) assigns- irso lcr, and sets oaser ro the M rtgagrcr to Nr applied toward the payment of the nave and all <br />sums secured berciq in 'me of a default to the perfarrhaice of an% of be terms and conditions of this Mongxge or the said <br />Store. an the reins. revenues said income to I* derived from th mortgaged premises during <br />aess shalt remain unpaid, anal the M i agents i tone d cite mcrrtthe urpos a d- <br />ort�xe sisal. Stave parer air appa�ttt erns agent sues agents it mss desire fan' tax purpose of <br />reps ring said premise* --ftl .4 ream the Same and cc-4;rct time maul. reaenues and insane- and it Has pas our of said in- <br />Coats all expenses of rep&="& said premites. Ind necessan IcOmms<sicrts and expenses incurred in rtnuft and managing the <br />same and of collecting rentals therefrom. the fvrlance rertr,'mrtg. if any. it, be applied toward the disefrvpe of Said mortgage <br />irmdebtedness <br />A That be wifi keep The unpr it mnts mew e%mvmg err hereafter rrccted on the mortgaged propern, tosured as ma) he <br />rrgttred from tits to tame t*t the %40rtgxEcc agars loss M foe and other hazards. casualties and contingencies in such <br />Amounts and for such period-. AS Haas be required ht the Mu tgagee and rill pas pnsmpilt, when due. ant premiums on such <br />irxnranre provtsioo for passes A cults ti has 801 twin m Adt herctnteforr_ All rns±Kaocc shall he carried in ombpamies ap- <br />proved bt the Mortgagee trod the Pvbclts and i ra'v rivme�of shall he +aeM bs the . <br />pay'abk clauses in !sure d and m form aver Mortgagee and have at, -r.edt thermic lass <br />'rpsable tc the Mortgagee in event at less rslarigagar west! put imeaedtate ticaticr b) <br />aiatf to the Mortgagee. what mr make proof of loss d riot made promptly b) Mortgagor. and each insurance compant con- <br />cerned is bueby authorized std directed to [take pas rent for such lass direol) 10 the Mortgagee Instead of to the Mortgagor <br />NW the Mortgagee t sally- and [fir assurance Proceeds, air say pmt thereof. may he applied by the Mortgagee at its option either <br />to the reductim of the tadeboodness i ercbs secured or to the re- Awation a repair of the proper+% damaged 1n event of forecio- <br />v�atc of 4hn tntxt ge:x to traasfrr of i6k itt the mdtrtg3gtod prvperty in rxtiiueuishoxnt of the itK1rbtrdness Seiured here',v. . <br />itght- title and truetest d the ltatttgat;rar m and to ant rnS+raaee policies Shen in flute shall pass to the purchaser or game: <br />9. fhst as aoidutvtni and tollatenl accurih far the paamrnt of the =rues dcurtt dal. and all sums to bnorte due under t us <br />mwtpgr. the 4fotx,pgctr hereby svatgtrs r +tier Mcrrigsptr a_t; pia*ft,. rtscnaxs, ies, rhghis and br:,enh_. c,­ to :M <br />Mortgagor under an) and all oil a d gas staves am said trtmreses, rtth th rigtat to receme and receipt tor the -,sate Ar 4 rpph <br />}item cis sash rtmdtt.trdttrss aseel': f+efore as after default I- liar aartdrttaxrs cif ihss tmasrtgagr. and the Mortgagee teat remand. stn <br />dery and raYOVer erns earth p;�)ments satire due arid pacat+te, fwt aF,aii not ire requae� .� w do Thi, a,shpnmrnt is u, terminate <br />dlr.t tiS.wrte tlaiY anar ci%ift t:naYn rrrCa -C 4r? r .�'Si ..'rltYtQy� <br />