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g7- 103262 <br />MORTGAGE <br />r., <br />ctw ao twariiv txovirions of <br />tra <br />OL�J <br />=UMS MOXI tGAGrE, wade and executed this 26th day of May A_1? <br />1987 ,bywidbetween Beruiece A. Boughs, a single person <br />offtcoquy,of Hall and State of Nebraska, party of die fait part, bemnafter caged <br />Dc Mor;g8or and <br />r..FS Mortgage Corporation <br />a corporation orgtdxed and existing trader the laws of Nebraska <br />party of the second put, hereinafter caged the limy. <br />WhTNESS£TH: That the said Mother. forand m consideration of the sum of THEE TWE THOUSAND <br />MR HONDRED FIFTY and 00 /100 Dotha%iS 23,450.00 ). paid by the Mart- <br />p, , the neee^ilit of which is hereby acknowlifted. has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant. Bu- <br />pad. SeN. Convey caw CoR&nt unto the MottpBee, its stx=ssms and assigns, forever. the fogowit 4escribed <br />tech ranee, sited in the Comity of Hall and State <br />dNebraska.arwir 1911 Grand Island Ave, Grand Island, NE $8801 <br />Lot Tan (10), block Twenty Eight (28), Gilbert's Third <br />Addition to the City of Grand island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />TO HAVE AND TO MMD tae poet tin I abevr drsctiba d, with all the appnrtcnarues thtreeums bedoepr; and indating <br />ai canting, phimbiagand f4blinftlaim and a mopmem new at bcmdter attached to or used in cnarieciioai with said riot a- <br />,rasarite Mang gee coot ib cad aatipa forever= Tlie es eats to cad as atD wi& ate MQr%*- <br />Bee. that the 1111I WW hen good time sa sd! and convey m3 presses; than tbey are fm from enciambramee; and thane the <br />llimtpoe w0 watrim caw defer! the sane againra ale lawfnh clamm of erg persom whomsoever; and the said MCCR W here - <br />I6 bml i a an n of Aortestrad. and erg a ruts. carer in bar or m equity. and aN other imerem of the <br />Mott {or in sad + die above- desathed des, the areabr being to convey hereby an abtolae ale. in for simple inched, irg al tights of hoarcsaead, and other righters and aaor"a as alonmaid, <br />MOV iDED ALWAYS. cad these presents are a weaned mad deh%eted qxm the following rnrdidomo. to wit: <br />Tbr PY3<T8 RED FIFTY F I Fee and OEith i , m order, ft principal �t of TWENTY THREE THOUSAND <br />[yotbrxas 23.450.00 t_ <br />wr[h aitrrest fnxa due :t die nor o iGal T and 5011 s30 pea Cnatum t 8.500 %) per annum oo <br />the ampaid butawc Mortgage TCo� W i and rrtereA xhtb be payable at the otice of <br />CPS rporat oa <br />is Omaha, Ubraska ,erratss�hotherphwcrastAeS erto <br />the note away desk is +sitieg, it a i sacntx � IWO HONDRBD THIRTY and 92t 100 <br />Oalass aS 230.92 t, commencing on the first day of <br />In 1X F967 , and on the first day of each month thereafter until the pn c W and m- <br />tatst art fey Paid. except dam Mae land payacat of armed and interest. if not sooner paid. Aid! be due and <br />payable an tie Wu day of June, 2002 ag according to the terms of a certain promis- <br />sory sate of even dde line- ith eaecmed by the said Slarigagor. <br />The Morwav r th order name bialy to prate,ct the secarity of this matgage. agrees: <br />L Thu be wil pay the udebaede as. m iaridmtme provided. 2111MUMN <br />Privilege is reserved to pay the debt, in whole or in part, on <br />any installment dare date. <br />fON. txrgatiiv Wilk and im addilim to. the woalfdy payments of principal and inkma payable order the tenon of tic <br />sate secured hereby, the wil Pry to the Mortgallim. an die first day of each month onto the saill note is filly paid, the <br />Wowing sues: <br />.3q`a •' %fic�±`�`t i t t'��'�"2�ii s t��'i�'�s�2il'a'� � 23� ai M g� t�i'e�• <br />"�+ • .!<=_t -= !!f tllt_l_ +t ? - �'t } +f +}i *fttief.— te�ftttt. <br />ST:.TE OF r1EORASKA <br />H1;D 92E43RA 19 <br />a <br />F t.4.1R #I1t. ff1A.G+ Mw at sod v-- &"W, 4 t:. ***""d 12-1 Cf 0 a-3 i ,.3, I a � <br />