87- 103256
<br />applicable law squire shch interest to he paid, t_.ender Bali ncx be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall
<br />give to Borrower, as au:u;3ti 3;�: rte" - o_` ;. F:t. U� s sac a-e= a-:' dzbits to the F.:..«s and » purpose for whist each
<br />3ehi? to dx F:nds vrsa TM for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />if ibe amount of the Funds held by Leader. tom = a �fi the future roontNly instaiinieras of Funds payable prior to the due dines of taxes,
<br />immmace prenm mt and ground re its, *0 cimeedt tie amount rewired to pay said taxes. a --meats. imat°arim Premiums and
<br />few
<br />as they fall due, such excess shall be. at i9otiower *s opt. other promptly -Mmd to Borrower or crvdi?id to Borrower on V—�krt+'t_ty
<br />rents of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held by Leader shag' not be safficim, to pay taxes, its, insurance pm- -3
<br />gresmd rtatts as they fall due. Borrower shall pay to =.rode amy a ant necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 clays from the date XW-
<br />is maned by Leader to BerTlrwer requesting payment thereof
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums seemed by this Deed of Truss, Leader shaft promptly refund to Bonumm any Ftwdd bend by Lender. If
<br />cadet paragraph l8 hereof the Property is soli or the Property is otherwise acquired by Leader. Leader shall apply. no later thaw irnmetdiately
<br />prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition, by Lender, any Funds held by Leader at the time of application as a credit against the scans
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. Apyicsdan at PsWmmas. Unless apps law pto ides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under the Note and paragraphs I
<br />will 2 hereof shall be applied by Leader first in payment of smoots payable to Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest
<br />pay0hr on the Nate, tbm to the principal of the Note, and diem to interest and principal on any Future Advances.
<br />iL t3mr err; beta. Borrower serail pay all taxes, assessments and other charges. rim and impositions attributable to the Property which
<br />may smash a priority aver this Deer! of Truss. aced imsdtdd payme ms or grounii rents, if any, in the manner p:ovidtfi under paragraph 2 benod
<br />or, if not paid m such manner, by Borrower nub" payment. when due. directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br />I ender all notices of amoemts doe under this paragraph, and in :he event Borrower shall make payment directly, Boetowsr shall promptly
<br />furnish to Leader receipts eeideactng such payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any tiro which has priority ova this Dad of Trust;
<br />praisided, that Borrower shall not be rewwred to cbadiarge any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to the payment of the
<br />obi flatme secured by such bra its a manner acceptable to Leader, or shaft in good taitit contest such ben by. or defend enforcement of such lien
<br />in, tegsl ptonceduip which operate to prevent be enforcement of the Jim or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />3 flsts+it N�nrwer. Borrower shall keep the improvetaerhts now existing or hereafter em-ted on the Property insured against lots by Cue,
<br />beards saciutded withma the tom "eiYtaded+ZrYK ", and s ataer hazards as Leader may require and in such amounts and for such periods
<br />as Linder may requar; provided. that Leader ,ball era mquire that the amount of such overw exceed that amount of coverage requited to pay
<br />the suaos secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />The answer carrier prwidmil the insurance shall be chases by Borrower subject to appro%al by Lender; provided, that such apptoasl
<br />AW ace be s arrasonatft t .umh - Alf premiums an ;asusraam polices shall be paid is the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if aft
<br />paid a vich manner. by Horror a making payamnt. when doe. 4WW N to the insurance carrier.
<br />All irisivance policies and renewals thereof v%0 be a fcsrm ac.c:ptaabte to t.coda and shalt include a standard mortgage clause is favor of
<br />mad to form acceptable in Lender . t. ender slob hos=e the n$M to hold the polkies and tenewah thereof. and Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br />heater all rentwai ooam sad all rcrnpis of pod ppmsa= to the or of loss, Borrower shoji give prompt nonce to the insurance carrier and
<br />Lea der, tender may mat ptoof of kiss if cwt made 1ramotif h Borm%s
<br />LYBees Leader and Donom otherwise apee is w mots. insurance proceeds %,MU be mired to ratocation at repair of the Property
<br />dmmlpd provided suds restaration or a ecimmisaa0y ftasA I and the security of this teed of Trust is nix thereby fe> I ' 1. If such
<br />remaishm or wpm is ant ecoisaaao0yr feasible or if the waany of this Deed of Trust mould be impaired, the itsursoce proceeds AW be
<br />MpFhmd to the sums secured br this Deed of Tram. wah dm encasc if am. pad to Borrower. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, Of it
<br />Isom mier fah to respond to Lender w"m )0 days from the date notice is muted by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier offers to
<br />AWt a edtmtpfar mini eam benefits. La der a midiattaed no- aobeci and apply the insurance proceeds at Lades'%optioa Caber to revolution or
<br />rep>nr Of tL¢ r.,ry.c.ap or' W then saCiKed by tiler feed of Trust.
<br />U sl!'t, a Lerdev sad Roffliwer otherwise in wd am %xb applc7tiwis of proceeds to principal shod hat emend it postpone the dle
<br />+dace of the monthly installments referred to to paragraphs I aid 2 bereoi cw :harhDe the amount of suet installments. If under paragraph is
<br />tamest tine Property is aogwfvd by Leader. an mist. Wk and murxae of Borrow" to and to any insurance pohaar std in Mad to the proceeds
<br />ibateot ieea from dnnusftsc to the PoopamlF pi kv to the salt or soquAinots shall pass to Lender to the exz. rM of the by this Deed
<br />d Trtast amme istely pram to such sale or ladeesiboa,
<br />6. hear..IMn i✓ lsalnaaaaace at re"MW La wmho ice: CrniaMfaWO& PN ow LlaN D"dopmead. Borrower shall keep the
<br />Property in god opera aid shag art rnsmn «Msse or perms tatlprFIDtnt or detenoranoa of the Property and shell comply with the pasi)v. .
<br />of any lease if the Dead of Trent is an a imsdPA& if tots Decd of Trust is on a urn! in a condominium at a planned emit develOPINCOL Borrower
<br />*4 perform an of Borrower's siblppbom tinder the dadrusou or aetenams creums or governing the eondoaiiaium or planned unit
<br />development. the taw -laws sad nrilatwas of the o iudomimum cu punned unit daelopmmt. and constituent doc=Mmb. If a COUCIOEWSWEIR Of
<br />pimmed arts devdopment rider is wavered bt Borrower and recorded ; deed with this Deed of Taut, the covemats acrd Weements of such
<br />rider %%A be mcurporawd into and shaA laamd and suppieaew the r% -cnams asd agreements *(this Deed of Tram as if the rider were a put
<br />hereat.
<br />7. PloW Lan of LandWs Sworay. If timer er farts to Perform the :ovesunts and asreemenu contained to this Died of Trust, or if any
<br />action of probing a oharh mmtmalty affects Leger's titres; to the Property, tndodmis. but not hnwW to. eminent domsim.
<br />h,mcy, v4r enforcement. or arrasWmeeits or protxesI -as imxxingg a bankrupt or decedent, then tender as Lender's opus. upon notice
<br />so HWr.?+rer. m:y make appearmim. daburw sinch so, and esit st;..i-a anion as n ntccessaty to pratai Leader's Paz. but
<br />air hilawd to, disbursemem of reasonable anoraey's fees and tiny upon the Property to make tepairs. If Lender required monoW insurance
<br />as a otiochnnm of awkiag the loan sexvired by this Dead of Trust. Batru+e; shall pry the premiums reputed to maintain such msurance in effect
<br />aatd sam time as the rep ro to sassa, i stttance termusarfs in asurdanx wall Borrower's and Lender's wnmem agreement err apphtabk
<br />Iaw . Borrower shall paw tdr amount of mA morssage imuwawce premiums in the mama pros did under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Achy seamairl dosed by trader pursuant to this paragraph '. with ducrest thereon. stall become addionaat L dI b- . of Borrower
<br />iwcired by titla Head of Trwt t Mini Bmtown and tender *W— to other tetra of pay®m, such Amounts shall be payable upon noise from
<br />Under to Harrower centre uisus payment thereof, acrd shalt beat interest from the date of disbursement at the raft payable from time to time on
<br />wamaas thus principal tiller the ?tone MUNICK pit; of irrttrew at ssrh -we would be contrary to applicable law, to which event aheb amounts
<br />0011A bear traaert u the hal est racer personable able render applicable law. %othi»s toa tatned in this paragraph ? %pulp requmr Lender to incur any
<br />esp+mse or take any action beresmde
<br />S. 4rttPe/ww. Leader maw rake or setae to be made reasonable tines upon and inspections of the Property, pro.ided that Lend!- shall
<br />li- Harrower oalxr Pear im any torch %n tam sc+xifpn rexvonable cause tlterefrx related to Lender's haterest in the Pmver%s
<br />!. Ceu/eainodw. TAt procesds of -ty award of c!a= fir darnajim. ,l„rect w zomsequerual.:c c-ntrWalon +rAh Ara. ..,xmtn',on or
<br />slither takusi of tht PrtVrM. err par shereof, or ra coav-erarxx tot t err of corde:rhratscrt. are hereby awflned and shall he Pawd fri t es-set.
<br />in the e+eat of a -Drat takugt cq tjr Prxaperrs, the prcatseds shill tar arpbed to thr su:rts secured t. the= Deed of twat, snh the mess. tf any.
<br />r*� ter tterrsr n do ens •- t- w... -f a parted tat inn of the Propcm, carless tscrrnf and Lender cat herAiw agrer er:.,nttnp. there .hill be apptted
<br />'n atef .xrits �x.ured rrs lh:x itreil e+# Trui! such dr.rpsrrtxut �..ef tax .,-•, axerjs as ; c 'xi'uaj ,,, r?.at ^r cr;,c+rt.cx: r h:ti t: S:s a:rs+w. ^. a „{ , �e .arms inured
<br />