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DEED OF TRUST <br />a �m� 3-rd <br />-- <br />-T l <br />87--- 103256 <br />Jt <br />AOR R,inc idCae+on�tAc �aahcz eo�e3and the assteaaaa�pev °`ab.'pganaas cm— to 2tamt. <br />isuaft aefule:ue in*COM Oof 1 <br />8aasorNebrast: <br />Lot Tao} (2) in Ellock Seven (7), in Arnold Place, in the City <br />of grand Island, Nall C wnty, Nebraska. <br />r lmlmtkat'0 Of mg West Ist Street Grand Island, <br />(SiI fl (CITY) <br />NMXii*a rhac s°propertyA -); <br />OMMAZIPCOM <br />TOGETM with ai tie aaoraratae a now a be =bw cra m l w dre pnoMq. and all emmucom 6100.4P . mm <br /> m Ike tisbta aMd andmMo es iiaw bntya to Lsada to coign aid apply a wh vem). mya6ia. wwrra4 so and ps tkoft aged <br />poem. aataa wwar rWta, gad watr smek. awd am Etd"m taw at bereahw aaotcbad to the prtrpaty, an of wiidt, WdW&Ill testitots•aeta mead <br />athiieimaa by dLis Daed of Tract; gad at d tie tatepiaf. with <br />%vA&paawM (err *e lww*Ald cam if rhs Heed of Tma s a a ksmb" arc berate refarad w to dte -- Property % <br />7*SaCM to Lcsdar W gar reepeyateat of dw isdebmdaaw eaAdeeoed by 9orrowcr -a mte paged June 3. 1987 <br />0 - tiow- liatheprimapoisamat T,&--Ikg Mary DQ /IM- ---------------------- --- -- Dolton. <br />aside iaratss titeaoa prtrv— for mmM iaaaillsatrs of priscrpel and muh the belaom of the indebtaikwaL d amt sooner paid. 4w <br />aaippahieoa ltliy I e 2= _ ftlpmj+restofaiadmwas. <br />retih ileneat daaaoa. ad trtard! aamrdaatoe baewsb to promo the *ww" d this Dead of Tram; and the pe(otmamoa of tic C9tei, and <br />tpesmaft of swoon beraia amen wit nerd 0) d[e rgwsnmt of gay [waste advanan. with isaeat d room. glade to Barrawa by Lefler <br />!Mm•m as psaattrapb 2l baaof 0 1 " Rmme Adram "I. <br />ieeroaaer aaaeasrs t drag aommw w is l cased of the enure bacby aoaaxyed and ha► the Bakst to Stan and mu, tie hapaay. <br />gas at raapwi7 is aataewatateaad and wigs atrrrewa .tai .ataaat gad I pmawJb he tole w tha Property apiast all dsesra amid <br />aeesew+is sabjtee m aRf padaratioesa eaamateeaa or rawietierat irted tg a sxira,dr of to ooterase any tetk ieaerasoe policy <br />iaaeaias Larda"siateteat is dte Penpaty. <br />t94NOW C OVIKANM aana mm ad tads Commas and err ee as follow - <br />L hpaatat ap![lat% I ad kuwaaL amrowe: shall ptoatpefy pay wim pse tie prissipal o[ turd tsaacae as the isdc0ardaes s+ideaaed <br />hytbaftae.1 -1 i yaaei curl UtduraR as proridad in abc Nor- and the priscipai of and WAcrem on any Fbtm Advaaae waned by this Dead <br />eerTlatst. <br />L ilrtar Ow Taws anal *mmmum 4abja2 to appbook btw at to a vmmm waives by I amt Bmrowa shad pay to Leach an the pay <br />mmudd'y Ttmaa*xmo of pt>fe4 ' gad i•etaa[ are palsbie aader ft Note, natal he Now a paid m fWL a am (baeia "Fmda -) G*W to aeo- <br />twdita;(dw Y*wb % s w d asrermam w— aaay stair peimity over dais lead of Time. and ommad tams oa the Property. if any. plat aoe- <br />nt06 of yasAjpeataietia krmtiwerts fm bssaap itateraaae, pku owrtadft of yewty prim m iwWAKmw ass for sae gape iowraaae, if gay. a8 <br />as saaaasaMyaathaa d i.leiallh gad ftot drne ao dre by Lesda oa *c bass of sa_raammn and bdb tag) mwmabk eaintea tiaaof. <br />Tlw F ' sigh be babe is ere iatdtariioa tie dapoaisi oc sorr�oaas of sf�t art its ar �[sr�taed by a Fedad err �.°ac7 tm i <br />Lurid , if Lands is eah as Waitudwal. I andar wB apply the Faadt to pay stud €ataa. aNCUMMU. inssasaoe prr and sr.. mw <br />LAuft stay nut dm W for ao ba ftft and aMhM the Fasdt. ma1I said acoosnt or venryiss and oosptTu4 said des and WIS. <br />auks Lander pW iarro aw iowma an tic Pgndr and appiCable law pamia Ueda to make such a chars-. Ilmown and Lender reay agree m <br />rriame m *e blue of attaum" of aria find of Trent am beaaat as the Pam& abrlt be paid to aorrowa, and aaku soh aster a antic or <br />