<br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Tr-ulst ^rs` future advance clauses con-
<br />tained in the above described Deed of Trust, Jerry L. Winget and
<br />Rosemary M. Winget, husband and wife, and Ethel E. Winget, a
<br />single person, as co- signer, entered into a Consumer Installment
<br />Mote and Security Agreement dated January 22, 1986; and
<br />WHEREAS, the breach of the obligation for which the trust
<br />property was conveyed as security has occurred, to -wit. Jerry L.
<br />Winget and Rosemary M_ Winget, husband and wife, and Ethel E.
<br />Winget, a single person, have wholly failed, neglected and re-
<br />fused to cure their Notice of Acceleration of Deed of Trust by
<br />failing to :cake the current pavrent and late charges as assessed;
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, on the Stith day of April, 1987, Norwest Bank
<br />Nebraska, N.A., 1919 Dou : ,-las, Omaha, Nebraska 68102, was
<br />appointed Successor Trustee :ender a Deed of Trust executed
<br />by Jerry L. Winget and Rosemary M. Winget, husband and wife,
<br />as Trustors, and that said Substitution of Trustee was recorded
<br />in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska
<br />on the 29 day of `"av , 1987, as Document No. 871- 103101 ,
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, notice as hereby given that the undersigned
<br />Successor Tr- istee, at the request of the Beneficiary, and in con-
<br />sequence of said Default, has elected to sell, or cause to be sold,
<br />the above described real estate to satisfy said obligation.
<br />DATED this 2 cav a-_ =una , 1987.
<br />STATE -�r NEBP.t,S "
<br />ss.
<br />COUNTY O. :Sn
<br />Successor Trustee
<br />222 North Cedar, .P.O. Box 2280
<br />Grand Island, NE 68802
<br />!3088' 384-2636
<br />.'ch�hn ?N Cunninahafm, One of IIts� - -�
<br />Attorneys
<br />Before , a ' tw.t a �,ar_ -11 for said 0MItY, Personally care .Toter
<br />one :74_ attorne-.•s for _,brwest Bank Nebraska, N.A., Su=essor
<br />Tr � ustee, now. to -etc be tike id�ntical person who sicmed ttx- foreaoing instru-
<br />aeszt and ack-n wladmd the ..cu-1,an thereof to be his voluntary act and deed:.
<br />Witness !!Y; ��nd_ on mix- 2 der.- of Jure , 198'1.
<br />A
<br />01
<br />