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1 <br />TO WHOM IT MAY CONGER i z <br />034 4 <br />WHEREAS, Jerry L. Winaet and Rosemary M. Winget, husband <br />and wife, as Trustors, on December 21, 1982, rude, executed and <br />delivered to John A. Wolf_, Attorney at Law, as Trustee, a Deed <br />of Trust covering the following described property, to -wit: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half <br />of the West Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter (ShASASEk) of Section Eighteen <br />(18), Township Twelve (12) North, Ranae Eleven (11) <br />West of the 6th P.M_ Hall County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as Follows: Beginning at a <br />point on the South line of said Southeast Quarter <br />(SEi) said point being One Hundred Sixty Five and <br />Thirty Six Hundredths (165.36) Feet East of the <br />Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter (SETS), <br />thence Northerly a distance of Two Hundred Seventy <br />Nine and Twenty Seen Hundredths (279.27) Feet to <br />a point One Hundred Sixty Five and Five Tenths (165.5) <br />Feet Last of the West line of said Southeast Quarter <br />(SE%) and Three Hundred Seventy Eiaht (378.0) Feet <br />Sout= of the North line of said South Half of the <br />West Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter (SkWkSWkSVO , thence Easterly along a line <br />Three Hundred Seventy Eight (376.0) Feet South of and <br />parallel to said North line of the South half of the <br />West Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter (SWkSWhSE's) a distance of One Hundred Sixty <br />Five and Five Tenths (165.5) Feet to the East line of <br />said South Half of the West Quarter of the Southwest <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SkW%SWkSEk), thence <br />Southerly alone said East line of the South Half of <br />the west Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the South- <br />east Quarter (zkWeS55rtkStk) a distance of Two Hundred <br />Seventy wine and fourteen Hundredths (279.19) Feet to <br />the South line of said Southeast Quarter (SEh), thence <br />westerly aloe: said South line of said southeast <br />Quarter (SEk) a distance of One Hundred Sixty Five <br />and 'Thirty Six Hundredths s65.36) Feet to the place <br />of beginning:, and containing 1.060 acres pore or <br />less. <br />WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust was given as security for the <br />payment of a certain Note on the same day given by Jerry L. Winget <br />and Rosemary M. Winaet, husband and wife, to First Savings Coamany, <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, now Norwest Bank Nebraska, N.A., Beneficiary <br />of said Deed of -rust, which aced of Trust was recorded on <br />January 10, 1983 in the Office of the !register of Deeds of Hall <br />County, Nebraska, as Docunent `:o. 83- {300163; and <br />A <br />1W <br />