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87-e 103;�46 <br />i-!bw V"d 4Trim. imrtrediaWy prior to tier lisle s tatzitQ ive�" rrtr fair - atts" „alsoe ^f the Pt.,peTty i_,- ediate}y rrior -- the .,_ a ,f <br /> with the babur, of the proceeds paid to Horro+•w. <br />:1 a °r-s ,a rty h ah- by Borrower, or if, af%z x by Lm&r to Both uwer that Tier conden a-m of ess r-11 nuke an --ward :x sear a <br />. iui Atorzvwer falls to respond to Lender wnMn 30 days after the date such notice s'awi; Ar, fender is authorized to collect and <br />at Lend 's option, either to rest moo or repair of the property er to the sums secured by thi :)heel of Tnuw <br />vaim Lender and Harrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to pritxiW she`s not extend or pos:; one the at--- <br />d *tr of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 rrsd ? hereof or change the amount of such installments. <br />;O. Sarrsnrer NC fla nod. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortizaton of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust <br />ggawaed by Lender to any succewoa in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any mariner, the tiabilkv of the original Borrower and <br />ovtrower's stuxessrxs in intetixt_ Larder shall not be required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for <br />payment or othawnc modify amortization oP the sums smuaed by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand rude by the original Borrower <br />and Horroww's mmicenots in innaest. <br />li. Ferbatam by t easer Nat e Wafxr_ Aaf fcrrbeitatace Ley Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded <br />by appAahle kw. shall trot he a waiver of or preclude the txr~:isse of any such right or remedy. The prof urrntent of insurance or the payment of <br />twos or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a carver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness swured by this <br />Dead ofTntst_ <br />M RsWiw Cwww1w +t. All remedies pttrvxiad to this hoer .if Trust err distinct and cumulative to any other right or remedy undet this <br />Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity. and in&), be exec fstsd concurrtpth', independently or sucoasively. <br />I3. Seemasws trig Awips Road; ]afar and Seward :iaiibir: Captors. The coyerianu and agreements herein contained shall bind, and <br />the tights hereunder shin inhere to. the respective stxccrsscv-s and ass::gts of Lender and Borrower, subW. to the provisions of paragraph }' <br />hereof. Alf covenants and ageeemants of Borrower sha& be paint and several. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of Trust <br />are for mevemeacpe only and are trot robe used to ata;vct .ter def ru the #envisions hereof. <br />L!. daft•. utv for any notice required under tpi- b.3Dx;YK to he ¢ivm in another manner. (a) any nowt to Borrowct provided for in <br />rhu Deed of Trost shall be giver by mailing suc?t ti st `t y zvmfitj =i! addressed t o Bor. over at the Property Addr ms mat such other address <br />as Borrower may desipme by notice to Lender ai pr:AVAW her=-)- anal f hi Ay notice to Lea-frt shall he gives by certified mail, return receipt <br />requested. to I 's address stated harp or to ,lath other address as !.ender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. An <br />aotke prrnided for in this Deed of Trust shall be decmw ac.',ave been intr. to u Lender when given in the manner designated herein_ <br />Li. Undism Deed of testa; Gsvesoitq Low-, So esaieti o. Thus form of deaf of trust combmrs umf xm cevCnants fot national use and <br />ocia- uniform own with tziited varumoas b; a umform secunty instrument covering real property. M, 5 Deed of <br />Trost shall be governed by the law of the iurisibmm iii wtts�t the Property is sa:ated. In the cw-mt that anv pre v,t icm or sdattst of this M-ed of <br />Trust of the Note confides with applicable hew. such ,afti:'. ,hail alto affa-i other prry tsions of this laced of Trust or the 'Vote which can be <br />perm effect wabout the conflicting provtsap, Arad !o this -- ine ; ro,,,ions of -hr Deed of Trust and the % to are declared to be se+mNe. <br />M. Oosrewtr's Cis". Borrower shall be furm-shaesd a �:r�r. ^ter:. ,.� t of the ,':rte and at this Decd of Trust at *hr!.w. of etr_-ttnnn or <br />after recotdaum hereof. <br />17. Trader of Wr reaper": Assaapooa. tf a:3 r ran, rear'. x.. ;ne )'r. ;,t -ty or at; rnicrol ,Pero,^ Hurtow-er <br />wrtbow Under's prier written consent. etcitidws tal tar .xcatxw-..' a aary x encumbrance subofdonate .c, this tAeed of I rus% it,) the citation of <br />a putcaasc money sectwiry mreresi for houscholc ateptta*scr, t:i s tranorr t, irsisr, dment cu by oTwrat:,m of law spin the death of a point <br />worm at td) the guar of any iemehdd interest of time was- ;x is , :xx ;ontaiwrye an option to putchasr. Lender may. at I raider's option, <br />dwbm a13 the sums secinted Df this Deed of Trus: to tr immedwe., dw and i,ayabk I ender stall have rw vd such option to accelerate it <br />prior to the sae of transfer, Ladd and the :tar f*?= ;+rt: .' t%' br -A, .x. ±tan,trirrcl trash agrrrrtww :n +ruetstir that the 7e dr*. of <br />s och person s satisfactory to Leader and that the orwvrsx , a. ar e'art :` c .'arcs, sec ur,d by this Deed if Tr--t Jt&U be at utLh rate as L trndrt .'tai# <br />request- It Leander bin rya the option err arrrkrate 'rsr:- —yea :n :t_�, wavapt'.. i -, Alin! if W-rrc wcr': oa%e,x.. it 'Mr.est fans tsetz?Ch s <br />written %wantpnoa agreement accepted in sr::.tta ^v I ender. I ':'IJ -rri".t• Rorri— from. alt undo-' hate Deed of Crust ern! <br />the Note. <br />If I.tttder isernses vacit option to bixrt•ra: 1- ,W, stc-i pia '- is, ;,.r not,<r of a, sekr,tt Err in A'c x isr —r twAtraCh ti hereof <br />Sacb stottee shall provide a period of rwc xr,. *-«r°. tri : ' ?c -.f. =i," r, mailed .lift =.n -hot Ho_. tits, ;vex '.he sums :declared <br />due. if HOfroartr fails 10 pay Mach stems PWu=t -.+ t!r .. ' -..:. t rtiadct ma., .rhos.! full" r:+ttce - dfmard .Kr <br />:Zsoke aRp remedies perwattad te. pwa€ a;* :.v <br />!4{Jiti- 1:NIF01 M 00VE'NASTS Bch- r-,. --.. a. _,; : .__- . _. _ ;s rase ax e c*iic,+vvv <br />IL %ea'deraYw: Reatterea. katept an prawttkt is poeg,wpb t1 h neat. wpe Dew owrr'a brothel elf era, cst,rartwt at ser"es"t of <br />lkarraier In Ob Dead of Treat. hndatfing tat tw Kaiattts t. pay rhea tae ran arts secaed by this ileed of Tram. i. eedm peter to atttids>f•a <br />sia3 =4 tsoffiee M Sanswer is pried is paste 14 specvisei: chi the lrteav #: €2) the action rs to Cae suet <br />dace, SWAM tiaa 38 rays trot Wit doe ed aotlte is sailed to •a s "vo , bf .both %wh Meat! atenN be rated: earl rti tiW faHaet to tart ,taxi <br />Meant as or befeee the dart t*aei®si M dw waact +oaf rva W to act ek"wva of the seta+ mew td by diis tked of cram and %sk of she heFnt) , <br />Tiv silks shat derby► Warm lenwsset of tine new to te>atw etlsn wee7aadoe and the ages to b+rhg a Coat action to owl tut now - <br />e!f!!!aR of a +tfianit w a" abler ldssa w of Does go a atts4na+tee erad safe. If the breath is aw cased on of abate the dw spe6hed is the <br />maser. UViR M h'ande'r ago" err± detMtt as of ate wee secured by Ores Treed of Trao to he iam ediaaelf liar cad pnt_y%W w1meat farther <br />desaad sad nary favaia for pwew at spit and oaf adw ova tdiet pot SW bf opphitster taw. trader AM be mddW to coNwi dl ry we"bie <br />twb eta! capaert inmaeed is] I fir resaodte prwrtded err ebb paragraph ig, laac/:rdag. Dort rot hadttd ter. aease,sbir attotatf's fee+ - <br />N Wa !&whir of eels k fesialwic TM Me aisa rucvta a aawic of detaofn in rocD Coaaef r. -area Nee Proprrtf or rote part tbenvtf : s his trd <br />asst tiny tech Copies M arch aaaler in at tares Pimcsibed b. appbaaMr 4u to ionvim cad in ter odwr peise" pr"Cr bed bi apparatk <br />Iasi. After tit h w d sitslf am as only be rmqmkw by appYcs9M tea. Trustee slag gt-t pabN teeatx d sak to t#e prrrvoas, cad is the a - ---- <br />lnsetltrs hid appfieadft Pas. Trtrsaor +rfrbaw.t deaaesi .tor If ;irrv.s.. � v� tLr T�r9f as yrDl;c aattiue to tar #$Mat bifirr a the Oee <br />fad paint atM radar Wt tteraaa lesigetaaed a for rodeo of "I r is nor err sear ptrreh soil is sorb order as trustee ass desera ne, t rmTn may <br />pwgeat tale d as er am pascal of fit hwpatry by pow wowtverat at for tear rail PwV of ray prrskias), wbedoled yak. I ender of <br />L mwwv iwipaaa am tartars tat f treism as any sak. <br />L'pm receipt d veyaass d Wt adze bH, irstee stall 3eti av to rise Pamharr Trassee'v deed coesryiag the Proven. said. T'br rtritah in <br />*A Ttstfitt's dyad rind be pram facie "Wean of the to ad the stawiseoes lade theraia- Trainee ,halo apply tat proceeds of tie vie in The <br />teive M{ arias €U t all rttraaaMr cab and rtaprmrea of the oak. Mtimob". but ant Mtked to. Tnwue'M teas of sot aavty the '. <br />d tie gaol sak prise. rvaaoarik alswaery's Tres tad to us of alit tviirwce: rh± to SH sass ,neared by -ems Deed of Trust; and ki the excel ±, if <br />say. W Mee porsas w passes �ry saaMevl tbarv+a. <br />M 111"Tw rcr's Mot be Rdwwlatr. <br />'.)it frame tut hart any <br />r ,` *n :It. iartsur the vast ;•f the I'sriprrra , ur.,;aisi i?rrt � •+ •�.. -... < .... :.M.n... 1 *,� „- , . ., > ., . , ..... .. - <br />17rs'. ,a Tryti sf tea Idcrr�.rez .'•a>s l.eta)rs a:. - -.sent •.... -_ a.,.,;f>! •,C ,.... • : : u� '. .- : k^.i .,' ' •,_, � „ -..,: •. ,.. .. ,.. ;. -.... � )•,,, .. <br />