<br />37- 103246
<br />apcdiixhle taw requires such interest to be paid. Lau1m shall rim be rrgtirii' to pay Borrower. any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall
<br />gm to fro :re:, stithout duatge, an d-tnual acccutt4ag of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for Which each.
<br />dent to me rands was made. The Funds are pledged as ajilitiustai security for the seems secuutxd by this Deed of Trust.
<br />rust.
<br />of the Furmi held by Leader, together with the furore monthly installriwas of Funds payable: prior to e=at due dates of taxes,
<br />i+ w -cuts, oimranc a premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the its --unt required- to pay said taxes, assessor- its, insuratave prsnitwu still
<br />groaDd ruts as they fall die, such excess shalt be at Borrowa's option. sitha promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower cut monthly
<br />sru&wats of Funds. if the amount of the Funds held by L. shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premium zed
<br />stood t i rem as they fall di--, Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to -make up the deficiency within 30 days front the date notice
<br />.-z nailed by Lander to Borrower requesting payment thereof
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured b5 this Dead of Trust, Leader shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. If
<br />under paragraph l8 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply, no later than immediately
<br />prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lander, any Funds held by Lender at the time of appiita5on as a credit against the stems
<br />secured I•y this Deed of Trust-
<br />3. Application cd Payok%UL Uniess applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by lender tinder the Note and paragraph i
<br />and 2 he-,r of shall be appbed by Leader first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest
<br />pavabb: on the Note, then to the principal of the :hire, and then to interest and principal on any Future Advances.
<br />4. C>trrgea; Lira. Borrower shall pay all taus• usexstrents and other chrges, fines, and impositions attributable to the Property which
<br />may Arista a priority ova this Deed of Trust. and kasrhoid payments or ground torts, if any, in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof
<br />or. if not paid in such manna, by Borrower nuking paymmtu whent true, directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br />Lewder all notices of amounts due under this paragraph. And in the event Borrower shall retake payment directly. Borrower shall promptly
<br />furnish to Lmdier recapts rodhenanag such payer Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust.
<br />provided. that Borrower shall riot be raltured to discharge any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to the payment of the
<br />oidryatioo secured by sas`ft lien in a manna acceptable to Lrstder, or shall in good faith contest such him by, or defend enforcement of such lien
<br />m, legal proceedings which operate to pre. eni the enforcement of the ti,'re or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />& Hamill lasaeaateve. Borrower shall keep the improvements riou existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fate,
<br />hazards included w ahus the term -extended -- oage". =4 *tacit other hatards as Larder may m4wre and in such amounts and for such periods
<br />AS t eadsY may require, provided, that Lender shAd am resquar that .he amount of ditch coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay
<br />the sums secured by this tweed of Trust .
<br />The insurance carrier pr-it inS the insurance shail be chosen by Borrow sublM to approval by Lender, provided, that such approval
<br />shall not be unrsasanabla wuhheid. All premiums on usstuanoc pati :e. shall he paid in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not
<br />pad in w>:b maimer, by Borrower making payment. -nm duct mrits't so the insurance carrier.
<br />aril :v, Wrusx pith :es ail -rsewak tt-c-c' s oe = _ Lender and shall ;tic ;lira a standard mortgage chose in favor of
<br />aided m farm a,t-,ccpttaf+k so Lender fender shall' basic the right to hold the pohcx and renewals thereof, and Borrower shall prom" furnish to
<br />Loader a8 renewal aDMts"All reoi rptc of ,:.sad prornV3at Its the c•rnt of ivvss. Borrower +lull give [Kowa notice to the insurance carrier and
<br />1,0-4307. Lender inay male proof of muss if two male prone, tl, b, %Orro-o
<br />ides Leader sod Borrew±r Otherwise agree in w-a-mg• mi n_ua.•tz» pcooeeds shill be applied to :atorasftann or repair of the etnperty
<br />Assuaged. prov-tdtd such teudri iom or repair is econowaWly feasible and the uxwty of this Deed of Trust is not thereby impaired. If such
<br />restoratioe or repnr is not economically feauble or if the security of this Deed of Trust would be impaired, the insurance proceeds shill be
<br />Appbcd to the stems secured by this Deed of Trust, with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower. If the Property is abandoned try Borrower. or if
<br />Ree owtr fau st to resQomi to Lender within 30 mays from tier date nort,r is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance comer offers to
<br />serale a claim for mucance beneifuts. Lender is andwraaed in colleen atsvf apply the manatee proceeds at Lender's opttoo either to restoration or
<br />ressorr of the Property or to the nuns secured by this Heed of Trust
<br />i awku- l --4 9rsr other,* :tr agree in svm-ft , a^y vach Y -., in :,f p e- 1. to pri --M •rhtt aitt . eat id or postpone the due
<br />dare of the monthly mstahaaus referred to in paragraphs I and 2 beroaf err :range the amount of welt nszallmen s. if tinder paragraph I8
<br />hereof the Property is acquired by Leander, all right, title sod interest of Borrower in and to any insurance poticies and in And to the proceeds
<br />thereof resins from damar to the Propavy prior to the sak or acgtaution shall pus to Lender to the eaten of the sums sacred by this Deed
<br />aUrrmt maeeerhatelc prior to sui^h sale or acquisition_
<br />i_ Pnaera9ea tai Vaimeataee of FvvWty "+ laaaeirslia: Cerdondaiurs, Pltaaad i %dt Deihl pears. Borrower shag keep the
<br />Property in poodrepaur and %hA mgt commit waAc or perait imp :--n—ma tr Joa—Vation of the Propr:'.y an3 s`.au't oait>pfy with t?ie provis'ioes
<br />d Any fuse if this Deed of Trust s oo a is . If tlas plied of Trust a on a unit ear s condominium ct a pfd u nit deydapmew, Borrower
<br />shall perftxm all of Borrower's obfigenins undo the dustararaon or coszwaaats acanrig x svnanias the ocadommum or planned unit
<br />aevelopmou. the t *y.faws and refulatusffi a the axidomtmum r ldarined east+ dnetormau. and'Ortialluou documents- lfaa ontlommiwnor
<br />pleased time development rids is oxcutal by Ba^. ewer and monied wife ri er `i.ih this Dent of Trwt, the :0vauirss and agreements of slid
<br />rider shall be incorporated =a and shall amend and suppiortan she co aia:is and altzcarenis of this Deed of Trust as if the rider were a pun
<br />hereof-
<br />7. Preaectdan et Leader's 9e torts}. If Borrower fails to perform the :v+caarus and agreements cowame d in this Deed of Trust. or if any
<br />a i or proceeding is commerical which surer lily affeas Letter's astaesr to the Propene. including, but not tinted to. eminent domain.
<br />imi- ven y.:ode enforcement. or arransemem • or procedures mvol %mg a bankrupt or decedent. then Leader At Lender's option, upon notice
<br />io Bocrowa. may make std rspgearasr es.., disburse such stains and take sash &a" as is beet,"" to protexrt Lender's :oter+est, mdudmg, but
<br />am timsted to, dabursoneat of reasonanx artorney's fen and emery upon the Proper-) to snake repairs If Lender required mortgage insurance
<br />as a otindiition of making the loam sewed by this Dad of Trust, borrow m shall pas the premiums equuod to arauttaun such insurance in effect
<br />aortf Rich time As the requacrarm for sti" imuranct taminwii, in accordance wish Borro +en's and Lender's wrrten Agreement or applicable
<br />Jaw .. Borrower shall pay the amount-fan asorig x insurance ptrtrniums in the inane r provided undo rwagraph 2 hereof_
<br />Amy amounts disbrrsed by Larder purw:in to this pwagsa;ih -. w:.h interest thermn, shaft became additional iadebrsdnay of Borrower
<br />served by this Deed of Trust. Calais Boirnaer and Lender apoe to either terrors of payment, such amounts shall be payable upon nocxv from
<br />Lrmda try Borrosia rcgg ie � paymitw :htrbof. and shall bear taiet" Tate rim: ddale of d:isbuisaivaf at the talc payable from time to ionic on
<br />owstandme principal under the Vote wins ptrment of u ttrzst at such rate would be contrary to apphcaba lass. in which event such amounts
<br />dwN bas Merest at the lughest rate permissible under ap .-NAc iii. %%twit$ ce trained in this paragraph 'shalt require Lender to mow any
<br />eapcaisc or take atilt ,action hereunder .
<br />S. hmpw"a. Lender may snake or cause to be made reasonable mr ^ upon and inspections of! he Property, prosxded that Lender shall
<br />vie Botrd»er notice prior to any stctt uispe- .on specifying rcasotsabk cause therefor related to Lender `s interest in tM Property.
<br />V. Ceadewumd a. The arosxrdo of any award Or claim for damages, aireci m conwqucntW, m - :nnnectioei with An) condemnation or
<br />other uakr.-4 of the prop sty. •f Mn r1wrcof. or fir roa,eyaasr is led: of . ondannaticrt. are hereby assigned And shalll be paid to I rnder
<br />rr, the r =eau of a iota tAktnpe ,f the Properly, the prurTxf, ;hallt tw spp red,n :hc cunis -€fired h, tits Seed of Trust, with thic ex.e,s. it any,
<br />?a.c1 rc Bc*rr.,ifcr In tits c -car of s t+arsvl taking of the Prcipettp_ trtiesx flat ^.awsr ,aeA t ct�Sc :.xhet -c agice in w -w mjt. :hcre ,hail he app?eei
<br />r0!he ester:, iecurr1i ny th;i Derd ,! i-,;st such ricd,psmrzx to 'ht pt -clefs .c,. "._4uA; h"h it" 3.. - ° .. : ^,e -,n, us'iitcd
<br />