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J <br />i <br />316M// <br />6 Eftfleeml Domain, Lander or hereby assigned all compensation, awards, damages and other payments or relief (horemaller "Proeoeadc') In co on with <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property or part thereof, or for conveyance in uou of condemnation Lender shall be entitled at its option to commence, appear in and <br />prosecute In its own name any action or proceedings. and shall also be entitled to make any compromise or settlement in connection win such taking or damage In the <br />avant any portion of the Property 1s So taken or damaged. Lender shall have the option, in Its sole and absolute discretion. to apply all such Proceeds, attar deducting <br />therefrom all costs and expenses incurred by it m connection with such proceeds, upon any mdebtedbase secured hereby and in such order as Londe, may determine. or to <br />apply all such Proceeds, alter such deductions. to the restoration of the Property upon such conditions as Lendar may determine Any application of Proceeds to <br />indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due dale of any payments under the Note, or cure any default thereunder or hereunder <br />T PeAoneanae by Lender. In the event of Borrower's failure to perform any of the covenants herein or make any payments required hereby. or it any act s akenor <br />lagal proceeding commenced which materially affects Lender's interest In the Property, Le nder may In its own discretion, but without obligation to do so, and w lhoul notice <br />too demand upon Borrower and without releasing Borrower from any obligation, do any act which the Borrower has agreed but fails to do and may also (10 any other act It <br />dooms necessary to protect the security hereof Borrower shah. immediately upon demand therefor by Lender pay to Lender all costs and expenses Incurred and sums <br />expended by Lander in connection with l hoexercise by Lender of the foregoing rights. together with interest thereon at the rate provided In the Note, which shall be added to <br />the indebtedness secured hereby. Lender shall not incur any personal Habihty because of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder <br />6. Eratlte of D~. The following shall constitute an event of defaull under Ibis Dead of Trust <br />fa) Failure to pay any inslaflmenl of principal or Interest or any other sum secured hereby when due. or failure to pay when due any other mldblednessof <br />Borrower to Lender. <br />< ' <br />Ili) A breach of or default under any provision contained in the Note. this Deed of Trust. any document which secures the Note, and any Other <br />encumbrance upon the Property: <br />(e) Awrit of execution or altachinenl or any similar process shad be entered against Borrower which shall become alien On the Properly or any portion <br />thereof Or Interest Ihereln', <br />(d) There shall be filed by of against Borrower an action under any present or future federal. slate or other statute. law or regulation relating to <br />, <br />bankruptcy, insolvency or other rebel lot debtor$ . or there shall be appointed any trustee, receiver or liquidator of Borrower or of all or any pan of the Properly, or <br />1 <br />the rants. Issues Of profits thereof, or Borrower shall make any general assignment lot the benefit of creditors <br />(e) The sale, transfer . assignment . comieyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or any IulereSt In the Property. either voluntarily or <br />involuntarily, without the axphl written consent of Land. r <br />' <br />(f) II Borrower is not an mdoodua:. the sale irc assignment. - -yance or encumbrance of more than -._. _. _ _..._. percent of (if a corporation) its <br />issd and outstanding Stock or lit a partnership) - -.. - -.. percent e1 partnership rnterasts <br />ue <br />9 Relrtedlea: A[eeteramat Upon DNauN. to Ina anent of env Event of DetaUll Lender may tlecla re all rndeblodness secured hereby to be due and payable and the <br />some shall thereupon become due and payable without any presentment . demand . p-t-i or route 01 any kind Thereafter Lender may <br />(a) Demand that Trusteeexefclse the POWER Of SALE granted herein and Trust". shall thereafter cause Borrowers interest in the Properly lobe sold <br />and the proceeds to be distributed ail in Ine manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act. <br />(b) Either in poison or by agent with or ill hnnging any action Of 1),0, coding or by a receive, appointed by a court and without regard to the <br />adequacy of dssecurity. enter upon and take possessionot the Properly, or any part thereof in -its own name or in the name of the Trustee, anddoany acts which <br />it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value matkelabrlity or renlability Of the Property or part thereof or interest therein, increase the income <br />therefrom or protect the security hereof and. with or without along pos5p55 gel the Property 5Ue for or otherwise collect the rents. issues and profits hereof. <br />' <br />loci udmgthosepasioueandunpad and apply lho same less costs ands {e sotope•ahon and collection including attorneys fees. upon any indebtedness <br />WC tired hereby. all in Such Order as Lender may det.rmme The enterrr g p and till nq t —se—ch of In,. Ptdper!y the collection of Such rents, issues and <br />profosand theappllcationtnereolalalore5 ,d shah not titre Or waiyi!ahy defaut or notice of Belau 11 hotel, nder or invalydale any act CO.Cmr @SpOfIS0 to 9ULh <br />default or Pursuant I. Such not" Of default and nOlwiiblla d q the 1.111 —an- n po5te55.. Of the Property n/ the Collection receipt and application of <br />rents. Issues or pro% ts. Trust- O L - ter shall he entitled 1 e -use every r gn' provided inn n any of the L oan Instruments or by law upon occurence of any <br />event of default. lot ding the r ght 10 exe—se the power 'It Sale and <br />till Commence an action 10 tore,... tins Deed of Trust as a mooq.go app) / r.0 v it •,Ppc brauy enforce env of me covenants rereof. <br />No remedy herein conferred upon o res@ +yNelm Tr ustee or L ender s rntrinded fob CI SVe•olany. l her r.• .illy 11 -In. uv 'de do, perm tied. but each Shall be <br />ac- <br />cumulative. shall be in addmon to every omen .emdlty yiven Hereunder or new Or nil -alt . til law u, 11 q r ty or ny Stalufc antl may he exercised concurrently. <br />Independently of successively <br />•i1 <br />10 Trustee. The Trustee may r",on at any lima wdhrnd cause ar r; Lender mtY a1 Tny t m in r -case apt- > �r rlsso sobSfdule. Trustee Trustee <br />i' r.':On <br />Shall not be liable lot any loss of damage unless due in arTnnable negligence or i rr ..r di (. is •o cnii nit nil rs•g . -r oak- n r conecli with the <br />enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless ride fed ,h rig for ntl . its. cis P Tl I @ Tte 1 Ili In 1 adtluipn Trusted may <br />Y)n <br />r r e sn + _ r1a <br />beomea purchaser at any select the Propety it 0ca !ter lhepown of vela yra tied e i pOSip!rn n yport on +r„perl'r .a Sprovidedbylaw. <br />or sell the Property as a whole. of In separate parcels r, ors <br />I1 Prelims Adf1a11Cee. Upon requdSI O1 BOtlONe, 11ndfumay al ISOphon maMl'addih a and iutare advan(E5 A'ld ie'advanCe5IlQUrll]WCr SuchadvAncesand <br />readvaneas. with interest thereon shall be secured by tors Deed ut Trust At her nmu Sna1. tor. n• ••' -.Pd nn , u i 01 T111. ""u,en by 11.5 Deed 0I Trust n.t in- <br />eludingBUm9adyancedtODrple <!1fi65ecufty oflhis Deed O / Trust erceed the ln grra i rpaia mill r of sl shed '.reel.:rrs 15a015.50 whichever is <br />greater <br />12 INec*uoneoue Prwhoom. <br />(a) Gannewer Not Reteuea. E.tensmn Of the time rot payment o, ondif—hon or amnr:aat oh oI •, s 'c red by into Deed of Trust granted by <br />Lander to any aueeesstar m interest of Borrow Shall not op le Io refaaso n any rucinne, Ine L.tnuo, ,t ; A. rf R s rccessceS m <br />mterasl Lander shell not be requred e,coni. { ..t 1. 7- sit such sun c.+. 1 {'. -:iffy nnu•hlal nn <br />.t in. Bums secured by this Deed of Trust by eas- Oi Any de mends made h y Ine i� ryi gal R )r .iwe r <br />;bl LeMer•a Powefa. Without dllec! nq Imp lab 1 ty of any othe, pe b e 101 the { t l' -y { t ..- t' C ant with OUl aflect rig <br />the hen Or charge Of this Dead of T ruse upon any on, bon•uf tr P { ty fIh I f d s e ty r.e I if al unpaid obugillons. <br />, <br />Lend,, meY. from time to time and without notice ill relea +any Pelson so I .able Ir I eslend 1. a al lY a t y t hI 1 ..' f In, such Obligations I'll) <br />"' <br />gnantothenh wganceS lrvlralei- orreronvey Or cause. to rte releasedo pw veve. of ryfn.afL ter s. If ns ally. el port on Or au 0ltne Property <br />"' <br />(yl lake or release anyOther or additional Serurrly for any obngahon herein mentioned .)/ i ,. mat tee ( )5i•'u ; - I, .,herd 1-1411-11 dehlors nrelalo. <br />thereto <br />(el ferbgrfuteaby all Nil) i Walwr. Any IOrh¢aranCe Uy Lender in oxenL s�nq any right Or remedy n¢reunder ur timer wise elf ortletl by applicable <br />Is*. shall not be a waiver Of Or preclude the exercise Of any Such right or remedy The procurement o!msuranre or ,rte paymentol taxers or Other iipn5 ur e. halgeS <br />by Lender "I not be a waiver Of Lender's right to accelerate the mal—ty of the ndebledne- SOCU/ed by this Deed of Trust <br />(df Seoeeseers ate Aeafgma Beefed. Joint and Sows) Liability; Captions. The co, —ants and ag,eemen,5 b.—II Cuntamed shaii bind and the rights <br />hereunder Snail Inure to, me respective Successors and aBSigns Of Lender and QOrrOyref, Su01¢tl 10 the pr,;vi5rOn5 OI paragraph 8 !PI he, @01 All covenants and <br />agreements Of Borrower shall" joint and several The captions and Headings Of the paragraphs Lt,bs Deeduf Trust net Or<OnVenrCOCe Only dnd are nOtlOOd <br />used io mtarptei or define the provisions hereof <br />1.1 RegUestfer NaNeee. The parties hereby request that a copy Of any notice of default hereunder a rid.I.Pyof any nohcer of sale h e•eu,dcr no marled to <br />aKh party to this Dead of Trust at the address set forth above in the manner pnv, toted by arw —ble law E.cept tnr any o,ner nnlic: e r ILI,"ell under applicable <br />law to be given m another manner. any notice provided t0, in t-rs Deed of Trust shall be. giver, by mailing Such n.tire b y r Crl'frr+tl'na.i addressed to the other <br />parties. at the address set lorth above <br />Any notice, provided form this Deed of Trust shah be defamed t0 have been given W Borrower or Len o., when given Ur the manner designated harem <br />¢PropaflY pO d that Lender Shall g BUl,Ower <br />11) Inspeebat. Lender may make or cause to 0e made reaSonableentnesupo,,and.n SpeCI- OnSOlth 1p ive. <br />notice pnol io any Both inspection Specifying reasonable cause Insist., related to Lender 5 ill @rest n Ine Property <br />tgl Reeeneayanee. Upon payment of all Bums secured by ills Deed of Trust Lender shall r truest T,u,I_j.reCOnveyth a Properlyand Shall 5urlender <br />this (seed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness Secured by this Deed of Trust ho Trustee Trustee Shan rer.nvey the Property without warranty and <br />withvul charge I. ms person Ut peTSOnB legally @n!illed ShereiO Such person of persons shall pay all costs of recordation 43"Y <br />ih) IhlfenN Property, BeeerilY AfrNmenl. A9 eddilipnal SeLOrily for the payment Of ilia Note an lxlufe5 .equipment a nd.tho,po,son.1foop.,ty used <br />in connaLhOn Wth[ha real eaate Orrmpr.v @menIS lOCated fhefeun and not Ulh.e,Wise tlPCialPA -1 Cis- p. to be a Purl of itiereal estate Secured hereby Shailhe <br />Bubgact 1.asecu,lty m,hoestin is.., oflne Lends, under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code This nshumenl shall beconslrued asa Security Agreement <br />under, sera Code. and the Lebde, shad Kaye ap the ngnts and remedies of a secured party under said Code m admtion 10 fne rights and remedies c mated undo, <br />and OC6otdad the Lend@, pursuant to in,, Deed p% Trust <br />Isl Sawabilli In ilia event that any Wdy:sron of this Deed Of Trust conflict with applicable law., are declatedinyalid or otherwise unenforceable, such <br />con}hel dr InvandtY MsH nO1 a +teL! !ha other p /Ovrsrons.1 this Deed of Trust Or 1ryPfY5Ttr whrcb c an bN given elfeet wthnl`ytT+4 C."f hrimg')—son. and tO (his <br />and The pfc".S ms of the Lie" of Trust and the Not. era deriar @d fo flit severreble <br />Bo,,eaw he, axacutad th+s dead Of T,1+BI Ili. date women above �/ l <br />' T <br />minas• <br />�oyc> <br />3. Wh 1l. eitnvt, <br />J <br />