<br />somowne HEAD THIS @"one SIGNING:
<br />Borrowers (Truslors) understand that the document that the Borrowers are about to execute is a Dead of Trust and hat a
<br />for in the Deed of Trust provides substantially QLHemnt rights and obltgatione to the 8orro hen • mortgage in the event
<br />Dead W Trust, IMILbirtg, but not limited to. the Lender's right to hews the Real Pr sold b Ibe Trusf)(Syil arty to
<br />represent and warrant that alts rknowbdgament was aueuMd by them baloro l xecution the Ds/A of Trust)
<br />een m.
<br />. Whitefoot
<br />8 7-- 103167
<br />and that the power of sale provided
<br />It or breach of obligation under the
<br />mtding or foreclosure. Borrowers
<br />COMPLETE SW pew ONLY R No real properly described cons" of INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICJLTURAI. LAND.
<br />B applic", coatpNla ONLY ONE aHher A, B, a C:
<br />The Borrowar(s) acknowledge mat they am about to eaecuta the following Deed of Trust upon the real estate described therein . The Eforrower(s). and each of them It
<br />more Than one, do hereby disclaim then right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto No part of the homestead of either of the Borrower(s)is presently Or will in the
<br />future be situated upon sold real pinta The Borrower is) understand that it either establishes a homestead on any part of said teat estate during the lime the Dead of Trust
<br />remains uns ff+sfisd and a lien upon said real estsla. there shall tie no r;ghl to make a designation of homestead in the event of a loreclosure or trustee's sale with respect to
<br />said Deed of Trust
<br />The Bonowarls) acknowledge that they are about tc, execute the following Deed of Trust upon the real estate described therein The Borrower(s). and each of theme
<br />mom than one, do hereby w ere their right to designate . homestead pursuant thereto The Borrowers) understand that they have the right to make a designation Of
<br />homestead and that by e.acuting this waive+ they are fva ang r,ghis Otherwise .—whir, for the purpose of affording them the opportunity to retain their homestead In the
<br />event of a default upon the Dead of Trust
<br />❑ c ogstemATKN OF HOmsTEAO:
<br />Pursuant to the Farm Horh@stsad Ptotachor, Act +Section 76 -1901 et two Rev,sed Statutes of the Slate of Nebraska). the Borrower(s), do hereby designate the real
<br />property descrtbed Ln the Desegnabon of Homestead- attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference
<br />Borrower
<br />Bowel
<br />THISDEEOOf TR(JSt n•r:.rrt. its or !rm 21 oay:;, May 1q87 by :md among lne Tnlsior, _. CoI,1 @�R_M
<br />Cz4S2dWirl &_ Roger B. Whatefoot a;,,,aaddr @s %i% 304 West 18th Grand Island, NE
<br />lhere,n 81111n er . ,rte T,!,vNr. William G. Blackburn, Attorney
<br />whose malting address is - P. 0. Box 2260 Grand island, NE 68802 __- (herein "Trustee').
<br />and the Beneficiary. ____.Five. Points Bank
<br />wnosamadingaddrass : a .... P.O. BOX 1507 Grand Island, NE 68802 (herein "Lender "I,
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION 'nci;,d,n•7 lne elite] t.'. 7 r. •d !'.t !;;stn sale!) the rec e,pil,t.hich,shelebyaCkno.le(iged .Borrower
<br />hereby Orevocahly grants transtels Ys and aaxrg ^51,,. ,..sir iNTRiJ.,T SNIT f1'c"NFR )r SALE !or the benefn and SCcunly of Lender, under and subject to the
<br />forms and conditions hereinafter set form !rte ,ndi propy,•rty ;k`sc.rhed a5 i,;li�,wY
<br />Part of Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) of Home Subdivision of that part of the Northwest
<br />Quarter of Section Nine (9), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M.,
<br />which lies west of Wheeler Avenue and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at
<br />the Northeast corner of Lot 10 of Home Subdivision in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />thence running Westerly on the North line of said Lots 10 and 11 of said Home Subdivision a
<br />distance of 78 feet, thence due South, parallel with the West line of Lot Eleven (11) and being
<br />18 feet West of the East line of said Lot 11, to the North line of 18th Street, if extended,
<br />thence Northeasterly along the North line cif 18th Street if extended to the West line of
<br />Wheeler Street, thence Northwesterly along the Westerly line of Wheeler Street, a distance of
<br />50.7 feet to the place of beginning.
<br />Together wen all buildings. ImProvtmenas. f;.lules streets a'Ileys . passageways . easements . nghl5 wivueges and appurtenances located Moloch or in anywise
<br />peflawing thereto and the rents, issues and profits reversions and remainders thereol . including, but not limited to, heating and cooling equipment and such personal
<br />ploparty that ra attached to the lnspr DY@m@nls so as to c onslaute a fixturo . and together W lib the hom @StP.aO Ur marital interests, if any. Which interests are hereby released
<br />arld waved. auof which, ine4ud,np fepiacem@nts and additions thereto. is hwrebV dtr:lared to be a part of the real estate Secured by the hen of this Deed of Tnr5i and all of the
<br />f te" rafertad to herefh as me - property
<br />Tent Deed or Trust mhafl sacurt (a! the payment nl ins pnnc,pal sum and ntemst owdonrea by Borrower, note and Or credit agreement dated .. -_ -. ...
<br />having a maturity dam of - ._..11123187.__ in the original principal amount of S 151015 --5-0 _ -_, _, and any and .11
<br />,nssadlcafsof+e. Ratansipns and fella yalffi IhpeOl Pr thereto and any and all future advances and readvance5 hereunder pursuant to one of more promissory notes or clean
<br />a lhele+n catf@d "Now -).Jet the payment of other sum4ddvaoced by tender to protect the security nl the Note Ic) the performance all covenants And agnree.cl
<br />a1 rower >ta} Igfth herein. and Id) ag ""Jobwdness and obligations cl 8orrower to Lender whether direct . ind-rell. absolute Or cuntingerli and whether weiing by now.
<br />"rarify: ove t earl or om wl"
<br />061,10wer. to pr(iWI the socunly of this DOW or Trust . covenants and agrees with Lender as follUwS
<br />! F"iffamelFeareipalaMMMgal. Sonovier shag promptly Pay whin due the phnc,pal of anornteresl on.anA any lees or charges proYiUeo in. Ins Nolr.Onntms
<br />d9 Trust
<br />7 7Ae. ByMrerwet is llM rr«rml Olttm Property hastherrght andaulhonty toconvey the Property and warrants that the lien created hereby,%. f,stand prior uonon
<br />the Ploisli slower &a may otherwise be set form hatern, and the Qyec uiion and aahYP•ly of this Deed of Tr usl does not violate any conlract or other obligation to which
<br />"room *5 Suomi
<br />J , team Mseakee e. Tepay wt— due nil lsces. special assessment, and au )the, charges again.( the Property and upon wrote l--c! by Lender to pay to
<br />L A1Ans onww t as may be sOffic 4 to —at" apt Lender to pay such Sat @a. a "faime its or other Charges as Ili @y become ells
<br />a ,e Mwii. To keep tf p P (pa 1Y r *u tiled age ntt da wag@ f Y he@. f alirda ,nc u(feo within hie term axtenA@A Luva,dg@ .Ind 9 'h Tllk+ ha[ 9 d9 AS L@nd r m19y
<br />ae -_ and win!. n,aa KGertaaM to Lnra9ef. and With IOU pavahta fo u,@ Lerida 1n rase OI i ss +dal such p +> its tr e L ,Ittr s a '1 in, Lao 1 S aui.ist
<br />L`O#tsgrf awe 4.`e$Aa, aio`n 4el. as 'avnYS tfYerthndtr ar�shail hate Ent t?)Jt +Fin OfapW#,rxg all or pall nl it'. 3UlantHp -f Red %,n tit. V rit_bmU AL %Ft.,ned htneeY And n.rr _r•.
<br />4:f'SFifes¢aM9s4 Holy deml'miee.(iafmlhe liprr?Yrrer t0 be uamf Snr the le�lr Of et9turalsnn lit flit Prdlp@rl'y n. for anv:thc,pl,rpoSA:Jr ohie.l sal .la:li:•y ! „tei,•N••
<br />-. a8tagsaW atlw%tN r?+4aC)tRa+tr trust Enr flit fuiYamntMfe@cured kt!shY ttarr)•t aeid'h l)aY t I vM -'.A t.A�e Ant t.I a, i riex.AA,: ,9nhh•! }rn.q!. %nA -.i
<br />e>E§S Fa4M: rA fbt Leta -MOV 4Rte egA Any pay!t!enia tMt#er InN Male. of '0'” any defa,in
<br />aid C NW tarn la r.Jwe Shan x@ao he
<br />ev�"gnvm+*v4M4E ay4e €y, 'T'aY nAr. .. t, +�'M +S yasb shah PH.t €„m ,t ur NR'enat a ^V was}o dRtmr. ..Ai +
<br />w
<br />A!'sp � Msd F�^*,$IDS��Y'tP4ilM #rBri t#' � ��MBafy eel M C Flnri a lie +Ear 9ny PG1 Eo he 4tF,nM r Y 6 .......
<br />�Ae"t�ay al,+»s plunW .s s= *via +Far,••.aar %.: tax H�se•tn +:a,aAa,r,e*,a..u., Mini a, :eAa ac.,AropwA,... r., ..rl FI., a,, so, :t �l a .)., r...
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