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INVALID PROVISi(IiNS: If mry provision of this contract viuiutes the law ami'is urcullomitabie, the rest of the contract will the• valid. If any pan of this contract requires <br />paynhent of more interest than the law pemtite, then you will only have the right w collect from me the amount of interest Which the law allows you m collect. <br />COMPLETENESS OFTHiS CONTR ACT: This cuntr el can only hN changed i t Ixnh son and 1 agree tit writing. <br />1"he following nTlice brie�fzs u, my alttention the rights that I have even when this contract is sold to a financial instl i �t�t p�, t�� I should notice dial the uttp x- <br />lance of this provision is stressed by its appearance in ten point, hold face lype."�,y " <br />NOTICE 87! V �Jy <br />This .refit Contract finances a purchase. All legal rights which the Buyer has against the Seller arising <br />out of this transaction, including all claims and defenses, are 0150 valid against any holder of this contract, <br />rider right contract. <br />r ver money from the holder under this provision is limited to the amount paid by the buyer <br />A clalm is a legally vebid renew for suing the Seller. A defense is a legally valid reason for not paying <br />the Sella. A holder Is anyone trying to Collect for the purchase. <br />1!VSURANCE CANCELLA TION: It I have reyu ­t. it 1n,unn • In this put, hasc. I inas calIC0 such request for insurance for an% reason within fifteen ( 15) days from the <br />tit this contract by ritnlfy'1114:) J +x the bed 1 r J th;, ;+ Er' '1 In wnnne 1 know that the cancelltition al my Coverage will li 8fT00gCd with the insurance COfTlen S) and <br />a full refund (,tiny prriniuml,) torclherw ith arll,ahte t,o, ec.-har�r w ill �e.rrdncd th;,, +,n` 1 <br />PLEASE NOTE: It 1 have reyucateat n. uran,c m It),, ptncha,c. 1­11 h.cosw wninn thin\ ( 101 days a certl icate of insurance more fully dew•ribing the insurance coverage, <br />knew that 11 there is nv e, asfhrt In the -o,crahc nr the lant,uag • it the cc rt, -ale I, ur,urance and the follnwln(. Notice of Proposed insurance that 1 am covered only to <br />tberatrm,tatcsimdx• IG,wvtgVsu. -_ Pnq, .c,flnsuranar lahnknowihafll,alf!f1.11r' fox' C. overak ,eanlydlhnrehNCnchargeAforit. <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />I .akr r that hr - at I t 1 1 1 nt n W.01h In,wall,c, or NO. (c dl he appil,:able ,)this tiales Coiar ct till the reverse side only if't have chosen <br />t by signing the revue t F r <br />'—t' r 7Tr r (r n r 'li sots .. over the person otnmr the request at the cast for each Ivpe tit insurance shown. Subject to uNCeppttaanee <br />by tl,e ;moan r mpans the ski n: c 1 � fie t -n e .I today and '-;I Iunhnoe only far the number of months after the effective dale equal W the namber of <br />m+ }zthh payrrt;nh 1 tot hrs,arhJ that thss par,,. I r n.. uren Le inas not pr sl k avc a}e for its last tcw payment,, and that dunng that Live dl to ensue I will not have any <br />nwrane .aveiaj*r Aft Fu rerilis ;roil porn cede f (Fe, , surarwe -ill hN oa1J , son nr I,, a Im.ol I lnst!mbon ur a bank it it purchases the Sales Cuntracl to the extent of its <br />micrests arnl any halan c w 111 h.z pat tibia , t;N The ,nv,:d amount ++f (n•J,t Insarance „the amount reywrrJ to rcltac the 7ohd of Payments: thereafter, the insurance <br />, ec requs by me ,aa Ill l tae ou nthh lh,y runt ! a se h duled ul day has!, If I fah jumtly + hhgated kill the Sales C oniract web a Co-Huycr. and we have both signed <br />the reyte,tt r<cdlt Lit uran lcah hen w �!i fie pav Wlimily writ, ie,pec tt the at u, to dse.SuhleO al eseiu,hons. eliminations or waiting period stated <br />in the m>uraratelx ticsn nfsate(.rlt4 e,dr nl and Flcahh ln,urantt 1. for the benefit amountall 101hol each nxrath', pavoteor for each day that l am totally' disabled <br />cur a, an mfun ,r .ICkn •„ soh lc 1 -n;c poi •Went to yau- Y c err. I undcrslard Ihat I ha, c• Io he lire venlc•.d Irum work mg duo to such total d;sabi Iity for more than four - <br />tera 16J I runsfcwnr Jay s het <xe the n. uran.r Fx• of I I J I - k I the finl f -hv t ors ❑sal duab!hty 1 also know that 1 cannot obtain any insurance from you if 1 <br />am over bIt years of age today, and 1 also kno. that the insurance coverage provided tome mar contain a maximum amount of coverage which will not pay In some <br />cases, the en lire amratnt that 1 nee vtw. Dur ! at, r ur,n ........... r - r l 1 in the r t arose pout y , 1 know mat any unpaid anwwV in excess of thN insurance <br />coverage will still have u, tit-- past it the Sale• C -, no-aJ r, post Iron full F .. tit t I 1 avmcm duct . an_, unearned insurance premiums Will he refunded to me in the man - <br />Iler Iwcsc nhe•J hs iaa. A 11ho, m,rty ti i n, I II "'e"' Ili tndlr t I , urante m +,re fully dc,. nhmg nn uhw❑mef c_erage It the insurance is not accepted by <br />themsurancrc 'wnpant.1willrciencanlundtitth-tI urentprcnuum,1bass paid <br />RU ER: the eratwoparagraph,:: onlan: wansnnes rcla!neto iho..alc pusen bs u, Ioforfin:mcru mvnunan nr h:mk murder furnp1 bus Iii, contract <br />SELLERS WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTALLMENT SAL CONTRACT AND YORTGAG �_/ _- <br />FOR \ AI 1 J 1 1\ LD. SrHe; htrchy t I ,Ien ,n ,. 1r 111 t r utd '11+101 . 1 `1 qL. <br />I A,ugnref 11 f t, nghl nti ant! Ir ter , , and ill sir In t dins tti Sal C ntta t roil SI ng.ap !agclhcr with I! hen. c,hung to w r n, pays lit. and the prt'ipe�ily- J <br />encumbered herrhv As nee I, ftrict _ut.. amt 1 1 xli+rtl u r I r Ili" rLSt4` + u, chums o! ihI„ontnr, t Seller warrants and nprescnt,: t 1 I It has the ri ht to make <br />this asslgm sent ! i All .rue .eon and tBute, m rh - rr -t - r 7 Ili. Ft h er . taicmenl arc• lnmcrtaliv true and Correct. I I I'rhn tontraca arose from the bona fide sate <br />of the gtxxl and xn u<, dr +. nhni I . ,a, Th F nl as m..c! ,m,z n In ifs +ntruct w a acmalFv paid by Buyer and nn pan of ,aid downpaynhent was loaned di- <br />rretly 1x Indorc Uy F y Srikt I Buyer a I 1 F3 tv , <,nrpetem to+onarac ,61 Th . ntra +t ;s m>t and will oat FroP suhwt I to ant clams. i`:ense, demand or right <br />ofoftwt!' rb,, \e-ul n Itin, 1 , 1! i.' 1 .m cr +•dnf not s,ola!r ens lcdcr J,.n •. lair' law. dlfeClR'r, rulN +rr regulaoon now <br />n t flee(. fir In IFu tent F n it r. t 1 t - :. , r r _r , ht, ,.r revel „inn ar rancc•nanon by the fiuvt•r. such rm is,uat ur cancelia- <br />Iton prrnxi ha. cvp,rad ant n, uhc> ila r t.r m s, ,< , u f r.. , THIS CONTRACT IS SOLD ®y SELLER WITHOUT RECOURSE. <br />IN'T VS7 f%l( ),AY VA litiRO)I ,h, t,l,,, ,td , au 0111 oruo! rcl n.rue;n(; i h, 1e.ter and 1,-(, ,,coed tx•i. tin Mhali of ,hr Srllrr tin III,n Q � <br />day �_ g 2 <br />711r 1,vN,r:e>mg m,uwne -nl was aek!:, +ss ledsx,l lKf::ic i,;; -.,;i THE PACESETTER CORPORATION fselterl <br />h the lu recd aernl It w ;, <br />Scilcr ho! \ <br />\1y ,inns, 1Cti .. . f <br />state 10 Ill"n"M <br />IgS *y!£ C GSi9C <br />>~ <br />2 <br />, [1117 <br />a <br />J <br />R <br />