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ADDITIONAL TERMS 87- 102357 <br />PREPAYMENT AND A&RUAL OF THE IN ANC EC HARGE: F, en though Ido ant have topaynxtre Than 'here ularschedulednumthlypayment ,Ihavetheright <br />to prepty the whole amtNlnt owing fo %(to III in II al aflY Itine or 11t Hart front time In tone. If Itic lending institution or bank Ihit hull nsy contract computes the finance charge <br />daily, f k'uw'ny finance charge will be less if I make all early payment. and it will fie higher d' 1 pay late: 1 also recognize that any necessary adjustment to my'total finance <br />charge will he reflected in my final hill; l also know that the anuums slx)w n uo the reverse cite for the Finance ('harge. Total of Pity ntrnt +, and the Total Sale Price are esti- <br />mattes based on the asxunrph6st that you will receive each of [tic paynx•nts exactly on its due date: and I know that Ihrre will be ra refund if 1 prepay because there is meshing <br />to refund il' I am charged tin a daily basis. It the lending institution or bank does fiat compute the finance charge daily, and it I prepay the whole amount. you will refund <br />Rome the unearried pinion of the finance charge I intereu) by the ac•c <unting prrx•edlure krmwn as'he actuarial nfrlh+)d; and the anfount of my rebate will he figured on the <br />scheduled dates and am.wnts of my monthly payrnent and not on tilt actual dates and ammunis of the prepayments that 1 pay to Yrw. I know [hit a tlrfural of kss than $1 .00 <br />will not he inadc. <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />1a) We as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILITY NISHHES BBUUYERN�H FOR A PARTICULAR SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY ORSERVICE SERVICES <br />TRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />Alit I have read. in detail, the separate ' lo- }'1 -AR I.IMII "FU K'AkR AN "T} "' u h,, h, it made. accompanies (hi, contr cl. 11 explains the conditions arld circumstarkes <br />in which the fruilaufacturedl products will he repaired or replaced. 1 take nolwe of the lonoations on the wun'mnty. and I particularly recognize that any implied warranty which <br />appliestothegoa s ass onlyasEoagasthewartanfyrwsrrvlcecontract <br />(tI I have read, in detail. the scp natc "I.IMITEU INS 'T- ALLAIION WARRANT) "' which, it made, accompanies this contract. 11 explains the conditions and cir- <br />cumstarrees mwhich rtx rnsrallatkm of the mdm}z wsll be rid. ne. I make notice lithe Iimnal unn on the wauann. and I particularly recognze that any implied warrrmly which <br />applies to the tnsullauon 1%sTm onlyac long a, the warranty orsmite. ontract <br />SPEC'IAL-ORDER COODS: I kill that sou have measured my house and Its openoig, ,u that you call make the products to fit my particular house. I lake notice that the <br />goods that air manufactured for tip rpe.Iti: haul probahly u dl nut III nn) other hnu,cs. and winter such conditions. I know that f cannot cancel this contract at an_v time <br />afiertheperindoffinsegrscoio law. o,ut,htocans! After Iha( legal Pe" ofofwool 1 know 'hat I halt theohhgallontopal you Il l full (he amountowed. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSI'RANCE AND Nil REAL ESTATE: I I prtnu,t to keep nsy house in good repair and to keep it insured for <br />a' least W i sit t, replacement Cable by Nil mg a fire and encoded .overage insurame polies The Insurance company mist he approved by you, and the policy must have <br />a bernfitlan "lau!:e whs h a,, of a. v r^ to he paid o there I, a I—, TIIe n,uran d congreny nuns agree that n u dl not cancel my po licv u -khoul first felling you. 1 au- <br />lhorrTC the in .. urame c tutpp�any to r� , , n l teal ' t n is tr lo„ Yoa ran <h x tat a c. Ihls n,urmct paynrtnf In cifher rcpay any anxwnts I owe you or Io repair n) house. <br />1 havof ilt d pt tin at Im vlding pr:,Isrt m ura » the lie ar x:,nng 1­1­ emus h , Imhcy and •pendently oMnmed anal paid (or by me _'. 1 al o promise That 1 will not <br />Alto any tut ell o plead any I"., r II "I tc w,Ihr ! y.. u often pcnni,. n 11m m pill A taxes. ;ow suient, and other charges tin my'real estate when <br />due A. 1 pnnnlst to Ifrtrrk nsakr all ;,A s nf, ,lit, pnof f ,red In nr) I cad ­I al'. I al. ......... a Thal 1 will not extend, renew ur change prior loans without your <br />written pernuvrun t Pt I Jo and ms re , haucc it fulfill nn" that o! hVanon, m nn meld esl:rte. then ,au uan Jo n for nsc• If you vstml (but rnu do nut have lull If you des <br />pmt arts oil then dthllgatrctm fur 1ne 1 acre to pas vd a hack n d- -mail p is rtere,t at the IuF hell lawful ,ontract fate tit urtere,I Until I pay sou back. these amounts will <br />fse added In tut dfeht to tout uhuh t, W,_,aLdl h•, ns rca? 1A ,.c and hou,c I know that rf , of der nie In but maurana• 1, ow dr,tl cull da not base h, obtain any homeowner <br />,u fiahi &y mcuratx'e <br />5.42.E :OE' M5' HOCSE: 1 proms r n x ar eh Ir.du r•r nr m, huusr a, any Is I h:ne fuhv rrpaul or, drht o sou <br />DIL:F. ON SAI.E: It I wit. Icasr on es,e ms h .uu a tone hct,irc I h't felts paid all 1 our undo fill, ,ontract. pull can declare all that I owe under this contract payable <br />;al once and I Agree to unnsrdrstel, tat _ n; ttul i n,, 1 <br />DEFAULT: I will he us default under Ih„ contract It <br />I I dhcr•'t make a pas bent wlxn does tic <br />f txeak ant pnamse I oladc to yin; uI the" umrac I—, <br />i '.C<nrselhmgel,ebappeoswh1:h came.c„,I, hrhr,e,np:.,,." „It :udh t! : :aIA „nor �u,, od Io Fla u., pr„nnrd, or <br />:t Idefaultonenv ohht•suom!—wio,hlam u,rsrgrrsh, *nu asarIlattraLrr <br />5 SnnleffIug ftappen,Wat% ho,u,e w h,chthrt :uen, yrnrr n ght, :r,dns,o,n <br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: 1 understand tlsat sou have the nghl to loreck the \9,n }' 1 hair goon h., yin - ❑ f h,,,, tit, II u. a -cd to repay ant' unioums 1 owe you if I <br />am m detmult under Ihn anttract P1ef art m, h,y Ise <s snit cow u dl do r, rwhmg than use law reyto, Ihyou h rc - n v r a ,i. I v .0 to seil nsy house, or, hr sue tile, <br />nr, to puree your ril;hts I ag'ce I, Iml s ,; fn sour re.rsanahie Minim,, Ices and for dthtf related exlten,l ,uch as a tin ;ost,. udr sesrches anJ nsonry, you expended <br />to prrstes:t n) licuw. it yew arc allowed (o,ullc.t such andrums ht la•a <br />OTHER RIGHTS: we cars chox„c not u., enlurce:sny <rt the tights under IbI, Ia Io4it a „(ten as wc, ^ail w,lhom In,usg ahem (ir, we tan delay enlittemg dayotlherights <br />wthout fusing them we can also W isal tight, now .;i future g+,en In us be low <br />DELAYS: I know that you will uw visor best clhm, Io r,r it t c 1­1­1% 1 am put r .. c nx hou,c. hat I al,o understand that In some Ittuutions you ma encounter <br />delays that are caused I'/v strikes. weather con<!Hn -a:, tilt,. , ,hair uI obtaining narcnal,, tit ter nthrr reasons that arc beyond your runlrol, 1 understand (list y'au will <br />rte. t tie liable for such delays. <br />ARBITRATION: It I have a .,, 'pate i.nnt with eau ,' t mnrsg the• yuantay yuahly err Ixrhununce ul the pr „durn. I understand 'hat my dispute may he submitted to <br />and setried ac vsnlrng It, the otihai+ sn arfi to t p r er li that .,uv i,a,r 1116 F,cd m n,,,' I a!,a know that any decision made by an arbilratorlsl would be en- <br />Wed in Itce nwrt haling turedecttun o, c r.:. -, „n, <br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know that t ec wow wit, w is 1 irk. ,r„en F+ hnJ. •anal ,ahrr ! :ratcnah than ha,c In he rcnw,ed h} mu h,r Ifn, n•.,hdleoun have• NO salvage value. <br />Whell 0- ,elotll r them, v,w can he rthcmr.v whamr, rr purlw •..e +ru went <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS! Due In 111, umyue'na. 1 ,nr:r. Ih, { ,!, :: 1, t h.” , ,c. ,- H I ­'I , rho rn ,Ixvc,l ,mane shat ,our Regional Off ice may have dr review <br />std accept ]his "ailract I atw undersla” that III,, n,aurr d ox n,y hrnnr and that sou tux! I r tat run ha,e had all the emrcu information unpr nfurn to this transaction <br />of our fingertips; 1 Rive $,u ins consent In corrects % ,4Dcaw r r, filar mss CIA":x tumid whin the kfarrks in Chi, aomrr r wen compleled <br />L L J r <br />a <br />