• 41�N �llRpin, LM+ rc W hat RRy st1 ChmAMle, }on• #wluda. da gds and Other Payments or relief Iheromafuh, ..Prod "1 in Cap
<br />Aactlpn WiPm _ -
<br />rotheftikiAQefNtePrOppaty+drPan . grlprcgnvpyenyalnNauofcOndemnation 6enderRRAllbaenhtfodatitsoPlionropOmrner ,Nl , aPPAtoometpd
<br />m even f)eme any i4&"hitA of �diR i pt 4Ra11 pDSO pnUlRp® IR make ally r omprondee Of sett116nilAfit in Ghhrtaal(Qn With a!1!eh taking Ord : is {ha
<br />swat 1'r'% O' )M y ro lakes dpmtlglsd, LMkder ah#tt hays th® Option. m its OpIA and $0001, uts discretion. to APPIY 4114W PrdPaada. titter
<br />+� toast eaPMtfies (ncufredbY N inaOrRHlaHgn with such priar,lpde, upon any indsbtedneseWU(0d hwoby and in Much order ae Lender may ling
<br />a eAAM '161 Rai YfHVNRtNtOn of Rte Pt'oMAY upon 5uoh conditions as Lender may determine, An Ydeterminile:prtO
<br />PoatPOrte Rte due Of AnY AaYtlMnla under fors Mote. dr turn Any dMp/tR thereunder or hereunder Y apPikc ®tier of Pr In
<br />i M►lpt In Mefrveritof pOfr9Wer'A teAUre to dorm any Ol tae ooyanants hore n or make say Aaymants requinag fk raby. off, Any #4, to IsMSn of
<br />tr rOSrarlRtd f N pi pe PtoPSrty. lenAM tnaY to its own d$4Wf@"Pn. but Without Apligatllin to do go, and Nalhow setups
<br />dptltas, nY lfNRron: doanyecfwbichtheillorrowerhasagraedbidfallsto00andmayalso4oanyoRtdrapyd
<br />t M r ate. Imm iptNy uAo+t Me+neml tlrorolor by Lander. pay to {,ender all+&c>llts and eaPO 1ROurred Mid sums
<br />Rro �7�— dttt� RM hoc gtR9 t4dltti, togstRpr with mUrom thereon at tM role Prostrated In the NOW. Whi4Mt Mph be Added 19
<br />} wa/xed MtnNjy: LtAa aying it may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br />ftThe an avert nt dstsuR unihr Ibis pesd of True
<br />(a) Fealurpplyyany totpririkikyttttrintareatotanyCdRarsumsticurmJharpby when due .or failure toRaywhendinsanyat#w
<br />tO Lam. folustele
<br />odawassial
<br />fit) A broach of Or dobsuff utxfat any Provision contoured in the Note, this peed of Trust, any document we secures tiro Note, rtntl any
<br />other
<br />Mures W" Me Prowly:
<br />(R) A wHl Of **"ton or ofWfl nwnt Or any similar process shall be entered against Borrower which shop b"Ohro a loan on the Property or any Ppttigrt
<br />thMpet M RtMreat women.
<br />f! (d) There shown be hpM by of Agslnst "fOwer pn Wien under any present or tutus federal, state or other statute. law pr r utxiN9n r tuts 40
<br />alai l" i� of y woasso reRat for tea; of Maas Matt ha appointed any trustee, receiver or liquidator o! Borrower f of ON or
<br />v pr Is "Wool' or Borrotwf an" make Any general assignment for the benefit of creditors. sftyAMlrNHroP party, of
<br />lei The spN, "No* p asli" anC n"", of Larder a fu"now Oncumbrenca of all or any PAN of or any interest in the Property. either voluntarily or
<br />. IlffttdRt ilia aaptess waNMah GOrAanl M Litmtaf.
<br />ff) N Sherfowor to rat an irtdtvwh W. IM wilookow, transfer, assrgnfmnl, conveyance or encumbrance of more than _..__ �._
<br />iNSmad Mid _. Percent of f if a corporation) its
<br />- stock Or iN a P/rtnersupV .. ._..._.... percent o! partnership irtteraals .
<br />jaA ©�"t► tAeeaNsp�tt W/M1 ENNMI- In "Is avant Of an Event of Default Lender may declare xu indebtedness secured harab to be due and
<br />Y Y
<br />- AiM Arid PayabN wtMOUt any , dams", protest Or notice of any kind. T hereaHer !Millet silty: payable and irks
<br />(A) Demand star Trustaae tercute rho POWER OF SALE ranted herein. and Trustee shall thereafter cause Borrower a interest in the Pr
<br />and Rio Proceeds to N Nests ® dverty to be Mme
<br />. alt m mho manner pr in Rte Nebraska Trust Deeds Act.
<br />a (b) Either in Person of by agent. wdh Of without bringing any action or Proceedin orb a reCwrer appointed b a court and without r
<br />daquaCy of dalKUftty. en»a Span and reap ivn UI tits Ps g' y pPO Y egMd M Hot
<br />N daefrf nesasAary or deairadkb to mark oDte*f y. Of any pail thereof. ;n its own name or in the name of the Trustee, and do snyacfA which the t,farierve the rogue, elabildy or rentability Or the Property, or part fhe,AO} or rntersal trerem, I i
<br />trrorafrOrrt w proMcl HieM urity hereof and. wtM or wrtrou! taking possession of It's Property. sue for o: otherwraecalleCtthe ronta, issues tale prOfes
<br />wricto
<br />t �Atun ` epprty ilea aat.k+$a taat4 tied erGAnsxa oto�rahpn and collection including attorneys 'late. upon anyi
<br />sacumad bit m may 40firrmoty The entering upon sod fakir .
<br />proflb Mid the 9 PossessrOn of Property, the COtleChon of such rants, aped
<br />APPftcation tor+ ®root as at8ta. slrak not Core Or wears any ttAfaui {cur nonce Ul delault hereunder or invplidata any acs denser tgf auCtp SgphCAj dsfauhR or prusuMet to push ryotisw of dofauit and. norawtnsraftdiwg the cantrnuarcf in pOSSO$won of the Property or the colfochon, recwpi arxf
<br />event. I default ul RorClu Trunks, right t to a* aria, Lie,power to axercr every right Provided form any Of the Loan Iristfuments or oy taw Span occursreCe of Airy
<br />awns d+kasuH. rncfuduhg urea rigrit ro AawC,eA rna pnwwr or sate. and
<br />Ici an asrrofh rs7 IMIMAM true Deed of tease as s mortyaga. 4ppr„nf a race,vej . or specifically enforce any of the coromaMa hereof
<br />I�hsnady owl be 044dupon er FpT >,as °°r l.ec r °a:npr„nd€d to too Aariumiro Oi any Other remedy harem or by Vaw vrorided Of
<br />cWtsutaiiw, MNI fie M to every other y gfro<a ryerea,ndo, or raw or harAafter exisisn permdted, butaachsttattra
<br />of MMF y. g of law i7r in fauily or by statute. and may be exercised cOnc."'Folly.
<br />10. Trustee, The T,usrse, may resign as any Inns, without c.A Grub i..Aflde, ,eia owe ar,
<br />slat not be tip sac any teas w Bare to _ v y lief and withaul eausa appoint a successor or suosCriutA 7r Tr -
<br />OROGF"4"&M of tftM (used of T {usf a i riRn k' r >, will/ ,1 a r)nrS'.ir t. and Shah not no rfiquifoa to Sake any action in eornieCb0. with that
<br />°n wtN° fir pis ti eta cOmPensat o . or bapanbea wh;cn ma be se66C,afed RxAfew,n ill ad
<br />dttron- Tr
<br />of "0 Rro Prowty as a w host' �tv or pM it�rcoms � ktaeh,.iJer rm o!?+'seta::• nr sapA grar+fon t tress, i. Postpone who self of all or any portion of thwp,aperty.. as presided by pea
<br />t1.
<br />tratsleAt u nywar.LaY ar ifs cM>titi,• >. rnaka add,e ;i >nal aria !Stases anrarxr..s5 and roativAnces to 6O +tower. :SUCe adaAncas tract
<br />aecrarAd tsv t?as '. ,st T. io-st
<br />At > time sheaf thf Griric.Pxi amount Of tna indArtodness sfCUro4 by this Deed of Trust, not in-
<br />A swela m PraNCl Ma ue ty t t €h a e a w t of a. ;ford tr a U f ' 37 500.00
<br />gfeafM. g.�nai prrric,Paa arrz4wni s1AtAa harem. or $
<br />12. MaAMAaseefaa>sa . rosMy,
<br />tad MYam►ttMl tselMaN, $s of ttie tense,. tcs pxvo,e,? , c.r n - „yrtu: ae;o+, ur arnOnifauan of the sums secured by Mrs Dead of Tntst granted by
<br />tender to” wocomew `n of 110,10wity, an 110 .as spa to relates :n any marnie,. the tiabrory Of the Original ttofrowo, and Borroww's successors,,
<br />rnNxsar. Lwf4w ~not be filhow- Voll1pc egp[ea'Xe Per .,rqg Age>rist kycn p- ,eskor orreluse to extend time for payment of otherwise modtly amOnIzahon
<br />Of Me suers by xN I,." hr' Masao or ar"y ds+nar«sa maoa r" me crnyinat flo"Owar And Barrowor s successors in forefeet
<br />tbt f.Mirf'a ►aware, aaf,�,rr Froyga,.,p,ryw!anye*rhat,eras n:iattsf tar the payment of any Obligation herein mentioned. arks wnrme,fachng
<br />Rte fro, m of Rte of Tranf ups row env p<>rtaPan „yr sees P =rr rty,sir tIt" w theretofore released as security tot the full amount of all un
<br />Lem4dM any. taOm - !tutor aroa yixthceur `»tr&e !:r r aaaY Parson to ? Paid Ofytions (of)
<br />auks. ; «) extend Ina maturity of attar any rN the !area of any such AO1+ga ;tang, Fitrl
<br />4a11p4e .trvl row,farsxyvey.cx + causepx8z •as re c< sr" olnool Wan ylimaMLander's options any parcel . portion or all of mho Prory.
<br />GOSdidrtsw other attartgsmeMS wnh deotorsm retetian
<br />tc1 Part "Is OVLartsuflWOfarwr.A>,ytcr ,ar,cabyLarioatrna . are:,k:r
<br />�'. N awarffer ar w Precfuae ties exercise pt pry ;e n a, , ig any right Or remedy hereunder. or othan rd, AHOtdAd by
<br />applicable
<br />by Londw~ net be asnuffer of Lintow 's fight to sccsiiarafs tna atur,ty t>tytne , noel ,t>RanAaan socurAa r by r this r Duo, of ens of taxes or other hens orcharges
<br />lay loolleepeen ant Ago" Mtn!: JO" 1lrWrms
<br />siesta ie rt Now. me LISMWy; Cwne Ifs Thar Sub ors crud Agreements harem ro contained sear! hind. And the rights
<br />M sarea assigns Of L. rand #thfower, sAPi'll f i-$ pied Of r ctt ate forspAR(ow)fwreof. AN coweMS and
<br />MaH Msurf ttrd eecarat r lie cast a a afm road, dt 11 a of
<br />used
<br />ks tntM�N � toes � G agrapha fYt Mif t')eeC Of Trust wA for canveniertce only and are not to for
<br />ow(sl AA/ut Deed of Trutt tore Allstate M worth abomttwf acaprnr ,p,ek iceof daraucr haraundAr andocopyof AnynOhce Otsalehareunambema,00to
<br />t some Mo saad of iM &Anw. any notice Provided for io tn,e D"4 o rT I oIt l t>ret ny apGii<. solo saw E xcept for any of her notice required under applicable
<br />PW%ft M RN m use snap be g, von by mating such notice by cerhhed mail Addressed to the other
<br />Ni tOrM show.
<br />Any Rat in tens Deed of Trust seen to to hew been given tit 1101'Www of Lendor when given in the manner designated
<br />(f) hrgeao n, Lwydes Mey snake or cause labs made erg Arad heroin
<br />er+trAI usersand,nspec nest tithe ProportY_Grovtded that tender than gl »Borravyer
<br />PrrOr � afmy' LuCJt inaPectmaAS laaGtfymg taunt tReremar rotated IO Lwedar a ,Mwos! in the PrOpaAy
<br />(g) a 1I I ee_ upon ptymenm of all sums secured fa this Deed of Tri,at. Lender shall row uest Trustee to reconver the property
<br />Hha Deed of Tres and all nets® Y q ty woo and Soap surrender
<br />� RN PM�n a thg i skurad by this Cutest of trust to Trustee Trusted scan racanrey the Property hout warranty and
<br />srattiFed tfro>stit.
<br />such Person Or - sea, pay a, costs Of recordetton. ,} an
<br />thl PMpe1salls sT. Arweat01 As Additional seanrtty for des payment of Mn Note all fixtures y
<br />tit . Wdhtint feel s two WiMW faceted .aqurpmarif. and other personal ptopetFyuSgd
<br />MiaaEVraly fnrorebt in Tever oftMlendsr .#od "Of Offheiwlye deClarwd of deemed to boa Pan or Me rnalestAtt eecuredhilifty. shanbe
<br />tmdM Mid Me Len�r snap u,PftwAmlr f$W*$*a"W ho GOMI"WCiai CodO Tnis instrumwnt ahxtt bow coristfuad ass SACUnty AgtaOman
<br />haae,hp tee +iehts Aril r of 0 pstu+sd ptifty under sent C;Ude in addition 1<a !tee fix hie and re
<br />and soctiestood the
<br />LMlder to this Dead W Trust. R medifs coasted under
<br />(1) f1aUAy"Ittofo. to fro Mealy arw Provision Of Will tread of T rust Conflict with appocable law of are declared;nyAlld or otherwise urtAMbrCEeroa- suety
<br />of W sea" ref sheet the atrea Provil"Ons of this Dead of Trust of the Nole which c an ha given affect without his conflicting ptoyeemun, and to this
<br />WO PftW4WM 404 Me Dears no Try, and Me Mass we rdeclared to be waaar.rar
<br />NWRMW MM of Itwo me asse verifier above
<br />Edward .M. O'Boyle _
<br />floc" —,
<br />t
<br />