<br />oomOwm Iaiw THIS OEM" Etgivam
<br />tT►tlslranl understand doff fhel dacumeltt Mat tM Burrawara areebaut to aaeaute iaa t9erkd pl Truk and nW!
<br />W. Dead N Truk substantiality dithsranl fights and obtigsttime ao the Sorrowers than a Lnart to the Nd thaa tho faotYS+oh esil pr
<br />Dead of Tr1pA, u� but not Nmt tee. No Lartdsr's right to Maya tM RNI Pro E pygnt 4f a PUIt or bresPh of eh render, the
<br />teed wMhtpw MN Mil aaknpMrlsdgaenaM wrote aaequtad by them before the nec of the Dead of Trust. yrth i tlnY ludi0tal prafaAMAtng or (tan6Clt7aura,
<br />i
<br />f
<br />..Edward M. 0' le
<br />Borrower
<br />Do"pi Mba POFUM ONLY It de heat propel" ettm'ftd 00"s" 01 tHDWIDUAILY OWED AGIsiCULTUM LAND.
<br />H appMeabM, "WRO a Ofty ONE after A, S. or C:
<br />0 A. oEfOL M OF Moff TO Ottolf"ATE HOMESTEAD:
<br />TN 0". 00 er byanoevfunt FM7 they are about to "Cr:ufe the 1o!tow,ng Dead of Trust UPOn the1641®61810d6scrrtedtherem The Sorrowerls), and rachW them el
<br />mon' futw tbs l teal dal hereby dtF01109 1hOar right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto Ma Part of the hUmeflead Of adh01 Of the BOrlpwal(t) is presently of win in the
<br />tt,tur ®N 6rtteaMeOu nea4d reef estate The Bar+owsrl4l Understand that It stmar etlabb6hNO Part any part at said d' and 4ltan UPpa said reAl astat @, the re shall bend right 10msk6 a d6signat,on of h0rneslood to the vent0 arladffe0ldsU eorl trustees sofa with hrreaps" to
<br />UM Dead d h"Ife
<br />The Borrower (61 acknowledge anal they are about fro exec we the fonoam
<br />more than OMs, do y L'J6ed l Tr he upon the real n e rstand that tharean The 80rrower(s), and NI:h W there rf
<br />h fbyeX wane than elve to designate homasF6aR pursuan! Ihnret0 The Borrowarl6l understand that they have the right t0 ma110 a dal ®Pgoation of
<br />sYNPrWadataUtt saecWrrtg thfb w9rver. M6y are waiving nghls oFheNwr6a ovaldDle ter the0urposa nl affording them the oPportunhe ri retain "Von the Dead M Trutt. N in the
<br />I] C. oma%ATNm Dp HOMESTEAD:
<br />Pud"Wh to the Farm esg-auon f Ho,,eij ACt attache %6 to n ,ni Favr.ale Sileules of fhm State of Nebraska) !hC BgnOWrI(91. doherepydasrgnata IM teat
<br />L%rdpa +tY getcriaad in tIK "'pasrgrytron nl Hflmevlow, attar h6d hr +elo and ,nt'0r
<br />Pofdt6d hCra,n ny thre r @terenG@
<br />Borrower
<br />Borrower __._ —..__.
<br />THIS rAEU Of TRUST ,v!,xk
<br />--Edward- c +lase �5. 1ay n,
<br />rs> . O'Boyle, a Slagle person, May l9 87 Uq end among the Truatrn
<br />65803 wr �n ma,r,rog agar �a rb X27 Chantilly ' Grand_ I;]And,._..NE.
<br />__ ,l,�re,,, �,,.,ea !hq! T Five Points Bank
<br />moalt+ngadafatb.b P. _0. BOX 1S07 - Grand Island, NE 68802
<br />and pieBamfollcwt, _ _ Five Points Bank (harem Truatee'I.
<br />"noes' ma>7mg addrass,s _ _ P, 0, Box 150.7 - Grand Island, NE 68802 -.- - ....._._
<br />FOR VALUABLE: C()W5t73E -AA ION (heroin "Lender " "i
<br />hereby trreyir4abt <F r.f F ;g Ja. t F T trust r Ir` real 7 it1F. reCe +p} Ur whrCh rs hereby acknowledged, BOrrowar
<br />Y granFS tr4r?br6°s c aver' x14 3 5... s! IN f. J T Wr1ri POWER !'r
<br />sarmt and condetrons nuns, nortlo bet ! rt t ¢re, er)al L utt4 rly a +yi - At f +or !na bornvf,l and set ,tasty 0e Lender 0 ,181 and sUp
<br />ale In,rtrws I6St to Ih6
<br />Lot Thirty Three (33) in Block Six (6), Unit One, Continental Gardens, an
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together wdh all buildings, err *Provamant6. 1 !urr9 5treefs. ar a s
<br />tears mill , and h eanrs. ,soon and Y Passageways ea bert,en7s. gets w—leges and appurtenances located th"e", or in anywrs@
<br />€r+ YtRat ry =,¢f :l5r+d tp t>tae pan /,FS. ramaafir0ng antl ema�nders!""Ol nctud:r..g t.. l.r '�rn:r ®d to healing and cnohn a
<br />mPfov@meMS SO as 4ocon5l,tWEabxt�ra andtoge.,nyr wuh the r,0m g Vt"Pnrent and such persona!
<br />iii !toofftle fe theamantt and a2adrtlOng tl,mr @ta is ne.rab AeUaredt '®31C ad or menldlrn16rn51s. if any. wh¢h interests ate hershy laleased
<br />v, rar@rrpdronevarn 43 the v ooe 4 Par!:r+t "'rea1es'Afe C urad by the nen of flint beedof Trust and all of the
<br />Prc� tarty
<br />yees at Truaa ghee fiacure :ai the Payment of !no Pr C Paf sal and ,ntFrnsl av S7en-1 by nti°rower's rte 0"" .'0r credit ogre @rrtenl dated
<br />- . - . .... .._ .._. _ "lli t a m4tu +dy date �t 6-1-1990 5 -15-87
<br />6.1414 n the a, ,g nal H ,n ,Pa, amnun, nF a _ 3y, 500 * 00
<br />Nato r ss lhaxsst/ or thaeaso 8nd any and 4!r tuba a advancm6 and ,eadaa c 6 n ._ and easy ease au
<br />k called- Hand.i i bitrre payrtaarrt of anv orilimb 4drsna:pad��h Lander ro of @et lad"e"s h-0 rN0l P1111 ,il ld One 01 m0!e Pramis... any anorail other, �"feet,.n arMa id) Ali t4i4d rkh{ %�.41ri,,ns Of"b"L @r LO 1ar�7er wnnll,e +o�rpe! fe after }Ormanf, t? al; COaananig andayfeartlsnt
<br />�ndr °act. aharr!u(e or contingent and whether 41131119 by note
<br />7"o" Uhry of ttha Gt T'rytt 4: and 48 10" .,In Le.Ider AS f,,,
<br />t °lalswalttN �bNMM,BxurfAwar4naas vwi
<br />of T.r ta*nmPtty Pay when dtm tea Pr, nr;rpaf ,re and rat @rear on. and any fses 1), cn4rge6 provided in the NOta of Ur lhra
<br />,. T l4 ttW{7;gg4¢p� tat traaBratMity, naa the rgeht srM7 atxtnq}Irfy furonvFy tRel ProPe°!y ar•cl oaf +dnf9lha'th @IierY tre4ta1a 1: ®ra{fy ibdingP aft }Pasch Free rye, Corp " Barrels" as may rrtnarrwtsf aaa ldPm retain_ and F1ae ex .uhpe, and rie3:vgiry of tt!,S [Peed cs1 T ins! dr., @g ash 'r,ndal@ 4111 eiml[a,; l nr other 0hhgahUn tP whreh
<br />is 4
<br />.. ISOM ASaMaaeteft. T#Oft wive + +d sh raxab
<br />$. . A{ia;.'to *Y Such and art i>,hpr._h
<br />N � ttve: €! trtr 1414 Lsfr�!ta+ t(> t*aY taX:h to, as. 4 � arepgg ags,nPot my V rtyrt` !y ar+d uPnn hY t ®rressr u �a In
<br />4 Tr s `P*s+dg or nthlt ha.grs am if on
<br />y noc'e Ora ! t y
<br />the PK. fY r,nih ovt ofilloovir as AV* by fire_ rata ,fe ,,C4,nd hohan
<br />. roe eav a & ke Larutar, a!*d with tL f+te 14,1n le rued
<br />hr A$?g traYah�Ya3 the L mater to P�Se !i pg ,Twsi ht + ms the t e ra7A Y a +.w to .eav
<br />e Ne t� w°aY r' asrm =nee I '
<br />aid aEisRd tsava @r*e s'+ltFscrf, of a7+txv +rg are rP+ f 4+l r 1 kn. a t 4 p,l t . a 3 uis1
<br />4rtrt�t in flue f3W"'wav t Lim read f 5r Iha'"Off r C+ fa9LtcrahS3 cif ifet F�fuPn tr - fill
<br />s ®let. Ix 7•tm va na .1 nP 4.111 r..
<br />ram9 a�paakagg v? ash 131.4 L ioY .ha .asY e, a too ! n artubuaxr sic , a a „arm t r am F. en -! ear 3r
<br />a€1 +miry rrra s <arr teyn era r - .speiw 1., t, a -t 4 r , > ".,
<br />a.r ,pass 'yct4a uer �
<br />tF b iA W ;via 411, line""
<br />t Cr
<br />4 srv<, Wr ... %N t.awa, e w + at a!a 641'4 ii'm €
<br />°k'a1r t'trxR. '4har ! :,e, + Pe t
<br />r"*a"I of Y ra ! fi, f z isaie ah f t t i t. A.. ,ti •,
<br />�¢,i!a@'a"ofi ale`Yamt�fe- ,9 &Qeztk= g.:°^rpa �<Y4�Ri,e si3w° U@4,:. a »Year fR£A ihB
<br />