a f111ffIflA1 pptssfool Longer is hereby #$Signed all compensation, awardo, damages and other payments or relict lots,
<br />einaltar Prppaads ^) in contraction tyitfi
<br />1FOndemno"" Or other taking 0 the Property Or part th@rOOf. Or for conveyance in ltau qt egndsmnati4n. 1pndar #hall b @entitled at A outran 10 commence, appear to pith
<br />eve s In its 4wft tame any ly is a Or proceedings, and shall also be enikiad to make any compromise or settlement in crinnIKlron with sa4n taking or dpmpp In
<br />event env Portion q1 Ms Properly N ad taken Or gamagsd. lender Shall have the option. in ilp sole and absolul @discretion, t0 #PRIy all much Proceeds, pftpr dad_ on the
<br />rlMl e4Na chat expar"aes incurred by it- aortneplion
<br />with such proceeds, upon any tmMbtednaes 11ecufed hereby and in such Order as Lsndar msy gatarmins, or fo
<br />apply an Such Pneeeeds, Offer Such 4ed4c €14ns, to the restoration of the Pr4Peny, upon such conditions as Lender may dalermmer. Any application of Pt
<br />' Snell not axterM or PoatPSna the due data of any payments under the Note, or cure any default tharaungpr or hereunder a to
<br />f. '�MfflfalMew�MMr.lnlhe sven14f t g which mMSrially affe11cts l,sndar'sinlaroa
<br />l ln thaF o ano$ herein Or make pny P4Ymant4 10(p fired hereby, or itany act jet"" or
<br />IOeP MtnqufronAarntwerandwimoulrolaaSmgporrgwsrfrpmanydbNgalia (i oanyacatwh
<br />V in $is own discretion, but wifflaul ch the Bo�owerhaaagraad boo fai� pd�hanlaid*
<br />YaQ,An4 without iled
<br />s t4 preteal the aecuriry lroreof Bixrower snap. immsdietaly upon demand friar @lOr by Lander, Spy t4lendaf All 0410 and d mShads ale any and Sums
<br />® YLaminc9nrtsGbgrrwainIMaxeroiaebyLanderofIncfpreggingrights .logetMrwithmibyLe thereon ai oLrataprovided$ the N PO which Chanba Added ts
<br />tec4red hereby. leer snati not incur an
<br />y personal liability because al anything it may (JO Or omit to do hereunder.
<br />® teettla N OehtlN. Tha fWtowing shaft constitute an event of default under This Daed pf Trust:
<br />ter Failure tit thfY anyinslaumortt of prfnpipal pr interssl or any other sum secured hereby whendue.orf allure 1ppay when dueant, other ind"Isidna2a of
<br />Borrower b Lender;
<br />Oramainlifflower (b) A breach Of or default under any provision contained in the Note. this Dead of Trust, any document which Secures the Note, and any other
<br />Lima tip" me Property:
<br />tic) A writ Of allocution Of aftschmenh)r any similar prOcass shall be C rotated against Borrower which Shan became alien on the Property or any pOrflOn
<br />/,/�� 1Mrew or misty" therein:
<br />vas (d) Theft shall be tried by or against Borrower an action under any present or future federal, slate or other statute, law Or rogralercn rptionatg to
<br />4
<br />Vial of"' herds. ;slues of Morris maraol, of for there all be general assigner any trustee. of or receiver or liquidator of Borrower Of of all or anyparl of the Property, or
<br />Y 9art ®rat assignment or the b@naht of creditors.
<br />(e) The tale, the Sfer, assignment. conveyance or further ancumbranca of all or any part Of or any intefec- in the Property, either voluntarily Or
<br />!nv ®tuntardy, wlth4ut the eaprau written consent of Lender
<br />(q If 80rrower is not an individual, the sale, transfer, assignment, conveyance or encumbrance of more than _..._._ percent Of (fl a corporation) its
<br />�WeA rwtd Outs€artatnp stock qr (if a parinarrahlpl ___....._.__._ Percent of partnership interests
<br />�♦
<br />due UP*" Default. In the event of any Event of Default Lender may d @Clan@ elf Indebtedness secured hereby ID be due and payable and the and Payable without any presentment. demand, protest or notice of any kind Thereafter Lender may
<br />(2) Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustee small thereafter cause Borrower's interest in the Property to be a old
<br />and" proceeds fO bD dt$tributod. all in the manner provided In the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act
<br />(b) Either in person Or by agent, with or without bringing any action or proceeding . or by a receiver appointed by a court and without regard to the
<br />Adequacy Of its Mcunty, enter upon and take possession of the Property, or any part thereof, nits own name or in the name of the Trustee. and d0 anyacts which
<br />it Reams nece2yry Or desuabf" to Preserve the value, marketability or rentability of the Property. ar Part thereof of interest therein• increase the income
<br />therafronl OrprOtaCI me security hereof antl. with or without taking Possession of Iris Property, site for or Otherwise collect the rents, issues and profitsihereOf,
<br />lnchtdimi those Past due and unpaid, and apply tha same, toss costs and ONPenses of Operation and collection including elf orneys' fees. upon any indebtedness
<br />secured hereby, all in such Order as Lender may determine. The entering upon and taking possession at the Property, the collection Of such rents, issues and
<br />Profits and I've application thereof as aforesaid, shalt not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act (lone in response to such
<br />delfauit or pu "I'd 10 such notice of default and, notwithstanding the Conlmuance in possession of the Property or the collection, receipt and application of
<br />rents. 1119402 of profits. Trust" or Lender shalt be entitled to exercise every right provided for in any of the Lean Instruments Of by law upon OCCUrence Of any
<br />event of default. including the fight 10 Oxerctsc the Power of sale and
<br />(et Comnwme an action to iplOclOs" this Dead of Trust as a mortgage ap"c" a receiver or Spec tic any enforce any 01 the covenants hereof;
<br />No remedy herein conferred upon of reserved to Trustee or Lender Is mtendea to be exclusive of any other remedy herein or by law provided or permitted, bureach shall be
<br />Cumutati ». Shah be In addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now at hereafter existinq at law !,r in equity of by statute, and maybe exercised concurrently,
<br />iadillperideally or successively
<br />10. Tfswlee. The Trustee may resign at anytime wi Inout cause . and Lanae' mavat." urns and without cause appoint a successor or substitute 7rustae. Trustee
<br />shad flat ba Rabid for a0Y loss Of damage unless due to actionable negligence Or willful miscrinducl. and shall nor be appoint to take any damn ti ute Trustee with the
<br />ehforCetnertt of this Deed of Trust unless indemnified . in writing . far all costs, compensation or expenses which may a u_(I ,,led trier @with Inn connection
<br />nine Trustee may
<br />bOCOrfle0purchaser atsill $01001 the Properly (judicial Or under the power of Hale granted herein! Dxpvns ea the sale ofall Oi city perud therewith ith In has Provided Trustee may
<br />Or soh the Property as a whole, Or in sepafae Parcels or late.
<br />t 1 f11MMe A�2eaey. UpOrt request O1 Bon #war Lender may al dry option. make additionai and ruuue advances and readvances to Borrower Such advances and
<br />readveriCet. with I"roryt thereon, shall Cm SM' Wad by this Deed Of Trust At no Grne Shan tfte Principal amount of the indebtedpness secured by this Deed Of Trust. not in-
<br />cluding sums advanced tO protect in* security of this Deed atTnlsi " xceedtha ongIna (prticipalamountstatedher@vi.ors 4Q.r.7C�4.gg
<br />9r"w _.....whicheveris
<br />t?
<br />(a) Berr0 r Nat Ilflle Ned . Extension of the [,Me ter payment Or mpdd+catmn of y
<br />Lender to any Successor in interest of Borrower shalt n"I "Polele fit release. of any many Pia theeuabiipy Of the Ongmdl Borro by anld BDeed / wei s Successors shin
<br />iA theSi.L 20cShall not be Deed Trust by teas pr Of any rlgs'Ands "such su(:Ctlsrp, air ref(l4e t0 extend 11th @IDr pNyment Or othelWi so madely a- ortilet0,(
<br />M trio sums saCUrtd by this Dead of Trust by reason of any demands made by Ilia Ongmai Bnrrdw -a and Bprfp WP.rS Some or o @rest
<br />(b) LOrAW8 pewMS.Without affec ling the timilue y of a not Other pet son baba@ for the Payment of any obhUdlion herein mentioned. and without affecting
<br />the liw" Ot charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Pr 0Perly not then or theretofore released As security far the full amount of all unpaid obligations.
<br />Loader real, from time to time and v" r roc notice f o release any person so 'table (ill --lend the maturity or site, any of the terms of any such obligations. fin)
<br />gran"OmarrnauuenYOthw) relearn nri ,nvey. orcauseto"'claimed or rec Onv "led at any time at Lender's options any parcel, portion or an OI the Property,
<br />IYD t"* Of reeese any Strict of adOfl+On81 safurity IOI any Obhgalion here" n mentioned. nr (v') make famppritronr Or #flier arrangements rc Pathan
<br />with Bit of A In ropert n
<br />tt"hvt0
<br />€c) fpfleararKe by L*Oder NO a water• Any forbealance by Lender in pxercamng any right or remedy hereunder. Of otherwise afforded by applicable
<br />Isw_shall not bee Wafvgf Of Or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy The Procurement of insurance or the payment of faxes of other liens or charges
<br />by Lender $teas rtpt be a waiver 4l Leader's fight to acCeterate the mah m
<br />u+ly of the aebladness s @cur "0 by Ibis Dyad of Trust
<br />la) ML/ Bowed; John and SOW&I L
<br />hereunder shall inure to. the re 7 (rand Bo, The covenants and agreements harem contains) shah bind. and m@ rights
<br />2Wrnfa dSave#&I he aptions of headland tf th p ara, rAphct ft is provisions r st paragraph ni hereof
<br />on All darenot Land
<br />us r Ofl INd*hn@ thbepanland several TheCAUY+Onsand headings of lrie Daragraphs of this Deed Ol Trostal @ far Cpnv @NenC60niyOnoare not to be
<br />used to irtterprpl w llohrte iris provisions hereof
<br />(e1 IIe41s201 NtMeMees. Th@ parties hereby request theta c apy of any notice of default hereunder and a copy colony notice of sale hereunder be mailed to
<br />each party to this Deed of Trust at the address set forth above in the manner 1) resc abed by apphc able law. Except for any other notice required under apPhcabfe
<br />law tO be gtren in anotttef manner. any notice Pfpvided far ui Ihis Deed at Trust shall be given by mailing such "Olicto by cerhfted mail addressed 10 the other
<br />parries. at the address m form above.
<br />Arty Ar"010 prOVWW for in fins Deed of Trust small be deemed to have boon given to Borrower or Lender whao given in the manner designated herein
<br />If) fff@POGWR. Lender may -aka Orfauseto be made reasonable entries upon and Inspections of the properly provided l hat L ender shall give Bor rower
<br />notice Proof to any such lespection specifying r"esOnatioe cause the(elor related to Lenders interest in the Property
<br />19) Moomv""0e,Upon payment of all sums Sac torrid by this Dead of Trust, Lander shall request Trustee toreCon"y the Property and shall sat(ender
<br />this Deed of Trust and ap "0102 avfdOM mg mdebtednoss secured by "his Deed of Trust to Trustoe T,ustpe shau eco,,vey the Properly without warranty and
<br />Without chwge to trio person of persons "&fly "Milled thereto. Such person or Perstal9 shall Pay all Coals Of t @cOrrlatian. it any
<br />tilt poll IPFO",> taatnNrAVVONWM .Asaddilianalsecurit for the
<br />- Cimnn>tVn with rite reel estate of improvements Dae entollhe Note ail fi 10 bea,eauo the and state Secured hereby, sh used
<br />She Loos et Iota€ "I thereon, and not if umarwisa aecle,ed or dtemad tr oti n pert of the coal trial" Secured S hereby, shall n he
<br />strbtecs sod Code, mter02linfavor "it &ifIm roper trio Nebraska UtasecCpmmerciafCute Tnisinstrument ghailpecomtruedasiSecurity Apfeement
<br />And c*d" e. ✓tom pfd' pursuant t to have Deed the rights and rernediy of a tacpraa Party under said COde+n addition to the rights antl ftme0let created under
<br />And attm tea Lender pursuant to this DRet1 of trust
<br />off SOWSOWAIV, In tiff WMM mat any t#Oveman of this Deed of Trust conflict witn applicahle law or are declered invalid ur -linerwis@ such
<br />Wrof Co(fft§Ld.(rt rrtvaltdiry 2hiHl net effect the other pfoyisi0"A of this Dead Of Trusl Or the Note which can be given atlecl without the rohhlchng P,avisi unpnlorteaGi -. on still to Irils
<br />Mill OWOVWOM M Deed of Trust and "to Note are d2tl6red to be s@vefabl@
<br />oo"o*W two #*now €has Dead of Truss the date wine" so.
<br />vt@/
<br />fli -nitler
<br />$7. 102772
<br />s .
<br />