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Borrower <br />PFAFACE TO OEEO OF TRUST <br />aowLETE MW Darren OIIKr N EN raN �rger$y rMOAYeM,:,herb of WOWMALLY OWWO AGOI99N.TURAL LAND. <br />q <br />811410114181111111- DOW4** ONLY ONE sinter A. E. or C: <br />❑ A. 00BCLAfsIN1 OF MtOW To 0g8N ISATE HOUNTEAO: <br />The EarroYysrls) acknowledge that they are about to Basic We the following peed of Trust upon the real estate described therein. The BArrowel(s), end "Ch of them if <br />fnora ttrat one: do hereby dtecisim their right to dfignate a homsstead pursuant thereto. No part of the homestead of either of the Borrower a is <br />fubae0e @OU*W open said real eatate. The Borrower($) understand that 11 either sstebllshes a homestead on an during ) preNMIV or wits m the <br />rerttpequheaastted aMN licit upan satq real estate, there shNl be no nght to make a designation of nomestea0 m the even of a M ieclttate or th ti'me the wiOM rd of Trust <br />aril peed of Trust <br />ettpept to <br />❑ B. wArm OP mom To tgtl10NATE #,oftsTEAO: <br />The BOHow"s) acknowledge that they are about to esacule the following Deed of Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(s). ahll each Of them it <br />mare men one. do hereby waive their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto The Borrower+&, understand that they have the right to make a detlgnatton of <br />ltofrtesNad and thet try •aecuung thus waiver. they are waiving rights otherwise or the purpose <br />seem of a default upon the Dead of Trust . avaltabie f of affording them the opportunity to retain their homestead In the <br />❑ C. DISIMATION OF NOMEBTEAM. <br />Pursuant to the Ferro Homestead protection Act (Section 76-1901 ef <br />proppty described in die ° seq. Revised Statutes of the fete of Nebraska,, the Borrower( &), do hereby designate the rest <br />Desigrutidn of Homestead' - attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference <br />Borrower <br />Borrower <br />DEED Of TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED ()F TRUST .s mad, as of the 13 a.,y „! Ma y 87 <br />Grubbs, A Single Person e nyandam(ng the Trustor. Robert P1_ -_ ---- <br />»n m a,i:n() ef,d!i5S is 3705 Fa> racres, Grand Island, NE <br />anal . Inerasn orrawar , roar 'r :.rara+e _._ <br />William G. Blackburn, Attorney <br />w'fioaamar"addressis P. _O._ Box .22BO, Grand Island, NE '38802-2280 <br />and the Beneficiary. Five._Point> _ -_... ._ --,--therein "Trustee"), <br />a rhosemafmngadoresa<s ...P -.G. BOX 1507, Grand Island, NE: 68802 -1507 -- __ ---- <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION m, ^,ham ry tor. ,rulettaer7nc -ss :dr ad,ny newer, and rills! s r e _...... __ . __ (herein "Lendei'1. <br />h`h1b`Yif*evficablygrants . transfers co f. sir ?da &s,gna !�T, ,TyrC <e frj 7Ril�T 'aa! ®<f !"t,'Otelpt of which 15 hereby acknowledged. <br />terms and conorbom hwo,"Iter set to,, tn. r Wl7H F CIWEH (if SALE !<,r !n, r,enel,t and secur:ly of Lender. udder and eace r 1° her <br />cat prgpr?rtq. t e'SLrepsd aT tiST k <br />Lots Four (4), Five (5), Seven (7), and Eight (8) in Fairacres Dairy Second Subdivision, <br />Being a part of the Southwest Quarter (SWi) of Section Twelve (12), in Township Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska <br />Tf wife, so s lld -gs '- wavemanis, futures streets, ally s <br />- soil m1 remb. � oft Y.. Passageways. nas ding, . ngh t l mit" to end appurtenances ;<u.atsd tnareun or .n aayw +ss <br />is aNaChedto Nee Pr ta, reversaona arxi remamdera ltlarebl; includ,ng, but nOt limited tn. hsalrn <br />,mprdyerrtents soea to constlutea fixture; and together with the homestead or mautatlnteres 9 allid oolinghequipm t and such ra0eiaod <br />Wed 1°c -�1` t,9 rePface"Ma and additions thelefo, is hereby declared to be a part of the real estate secured by the glen pt Lh!a Dead ol4rh -arid au of Led <br />t,9 to herein as W. "prpponly, <br />T Deed a' T— - t ure tat the payment of the principal Sum and iMeresl evidenced by Borrowers note and,or credit agreement defect <br />.s1/S3% heYmng a mstwrty do,..t `$11.31.91 <br />in the original pnneipal amount nl 4f1. 7 4 44_. <br />artd r sir thereto aRrf any ar'd ail future advances and readvances hereunder pursuant to one or more promlsefrry Wig lyj <br />- l:ia9the lmymentat other sums advanced by Londe, to protect thesecurlty Of the NDfs.(c)rhe perldfmancea4lcmenanla ancyA r, And Al, <br />ff� u� fdt �f arad oo+gatiens of Borrower to Lender whether d,recl. intl,rmct. absoWte or cbntin g naa rent <br />ar ` gent and whether ar,s!ng by ,rots. <br />. .ate of r/ha t:Yead W Trust, CovnnAMS and a yeas with Ls <br />t FBI !atefllM/Rttal�s$anf/lltlensl. fowK �ra41 otm 9 riWr as follows. <br />Owed of Tw:N, Pr PftPAY YYhendue the prmapoi of still vrlerestdn,antl any tees or charges Dior ded'n.ihe Note ormth.a <br />7 _ sa hxs fy ty: has tint npht and authority to convoy the Pro <br />M' 1' MAi,9l longs FrBresn, andf Deily, artAwarrants That the list, created hereby ise hrsland pilot lido ore <br />y fee easCUfion and delivery of this Dead of Tfu$1 does not violate any contract or other obligation to Whr<,h <br />9. mere Aeeaseltlsnla. 4a Cmy flmvf!n f tease. fat <br />L Y he mils and all other charge$ ageinsl the P,afJSrty And. upefh written ffamanit h LRodef Ir pay to <br />to rho L to pay such asses, a Ms dr tither Chat Y 7 <br />hltetlialMSe, Ta Ptr. insoles gas as tney lssc Pine dos <br />pN t✓ - f°af ®yt ff,e, haEards'rsfu tried within ifrs term -- eafanAa4 CAYOtaga arr,t af,Ch 1:slher haaarAs a& L.snAeY Wray <br />k aRp� Wit. aRbadR'rar ahRbi wfth!eaatratyamielUfhalends+ tPl6a u1IJ &$Wndaf&sii:hpnl,( ;'e1. ells, .eniter�SAllllsnr,EadIdatlt,lal. <br />{. ta o olopfrllymvail n, part dt tt9e lnyaraht'b pitpe':ee{15o, to any,nvlabiBaa/r9HA &Aaf:1l'eA he'ehY sire# Rane'df <br />-A_ irfi h� <br />Arts"Puf a"" she her, - t$gef �Ai.M $ r3Rte �;+0 ,qt, r y gt� mr v � mane S e fVq t:#S'rNcANf le pj,l, 4P y tttratto!ra atF9Fdgn . ta!f try PII � <br />tEdrty pf iH,} !Or any t Invt p4 push .)i 4?t7iacl Satl &taC idly i,J i Mn�rpr <br />�Yf>`'N•nt kreruryt prate am noti:al¢sn cr!S?r!�'ppd &1t, nx +feniaa,fn,sa Rhall <br />s <br />W cmrR sfey heaum hMrahmr sir nereurrhwr <br />are CaeMPNMSe W t Laist, ' t, wVYf prise/ keep Ane P <br />._ a rebs .!sr aats?fhaYYrt. v@xaff rim csanaeh'! or hire +fy <br />Oka k^+a Pe f+fesia perrn:a an wfsrn �tyal. -. af,tN , Pq 6,,. Uils a_e ,� a i. <br />i$a�i m 'f^ar +aver sir vin licit s..s;tfa *traSN airy$ l+a fie silos ,.,+,Gtr rte pis Bel iv x!. ! _r Iw I. ,x!q !,a,iv a,aF, <br />sllN fwna sreGy+M�a�AAl fk 3, na!exs� cur r ,, rr,i -fin i ;n +;r x,arn- s,:,! <br />