<br />!
<br />8 to re A1Yp�p�( RUA[. OF THE FINANCE CHARGE; Lvrn though I do not have to
<br />right a prepay the whole attuaunt owing to TOu m full at any time or in pan from time to time, If the lending institution th bank that buys le contract computes the have Th
<br />charge daily, l know my finance charge will he less if 1 make an earl aY !rtnre than the regular scheduled nx>nthly payment, 1 have the
<br />fitutrce charge will ire Ieflected in my tine! bill; I also know That the amounts shown on the reverse side for Uie Finance Charge, Total of payments, and the Tnla! gale price
<br />Y P+Yment, and it will he higher il' I Puy Tate; I also recognize that an necessary adjustment to finance
<br />total
<br />tat: ealimaux basod on the rasa
<br />is ixn►ring to re fund if 1 am charged On a daily haxis. If the lending inxUtuhon ur bank Jars trot coin to the Pittance charge dell and if I
<br />mptttm that you will receive each of the p :tylrxnrs exactly on its due dpauze; and I know that ahem will be no refund if I d the Total ale price
<br />wtN refund to me the unearned portion ot'thc finance charge linterest) by the accounting rocedurc known as the
<br />ac" tin }ark
<br />figut x1 on the scheduled dazes and alimuntx of my rminthJ p prepay l w amount, ou
<br />of less than $1.00wil1 not be made. Y f�Y tit and not nn the actual dates and amounts of the ' � tt amount of my rebau wiU ba
<br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: Prepayments that I pay to You. ► know drat a refund
<br />�adrr(ebd) ) have read, in a rep, the separate "LIMITED WARRANTY" which accompanies this contract. It explains the conditions and circumstances in which the man -
<br />products oil! as the repaired or replaced. I take notice of the limitations on the warranty, and I particularly recognize that any implied warranty which applies to be
<br />goods lasts onlyaslongasthewarrantyorscrvid contract.
<br />SPECIAL-ORDER that �RpaBRarGtOOD or my specific house probably will lot f- any other houses, urses, and under u hnconndipons�l know that I cattnot cancel this contract
<br />afar the Periodof time given to rite, by law, in which to cancel. After that Ie al Y particular hose. ►take notice that the
<br />bOBLIGATIONS Pit 8O,k PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSURANCE AND Nil IREAL ESTATEatlhivPr orliseito keep ep env house in food repair and at�Ytitrte
<br />insured for at least ii0 °k of ii+ replacement value hp hus'urg a fire and extended covrngr mu-rancc pcdirg. The ns rl�e full he
<br />fire by you, and the IMN must have a hencticiary dame which says that you are w f' paid it there in a loss. The insane company must
<br />it will not ranee! my policy without tint telling you. I authunre the insurance nnnpan) to pay you directly for any loss. YOU can choose and to keep
<br />insurance payment to cuher repay any amounts I owe you or n, repair my huusc. I have the option Of providing Company, e approved
<br />Policy or through a policy independently Obtained and paid for by me. I also agree that
<br />estate without your written to use This
<br />permission, i_ 1 pnxnise to pit) promise that I will riot all Pe else y insurance through an existing
<br />make all payments
<br />nn my prior loans secured by mj' real estate. I star, pronnsc than I twill nut charges (o, renew anyone else to lace any liens on my real
<br />permission. 5. If I do not insure m� house or lullill olherl� 1 also,u,uss)Ilsettt •n I estate l fit), exte yr a n'ann.al estate when dui. 4. I promise to timely
<br />have tol. If you do pav any of these Ohlicabons for roe. I agree to c r change prior loans without your written
<br />Lin"' 1 pav you back, these amounts will'hr added to it,, debt to souvWhich y h;-,k r,n dentanJ plus interest at rlthclthighesiie It* antt(bteYf interest.
<br />of
<br />insurance fur me that you do not have to obtain any hnn,euwner ..r liahi,iu insurance.
<br />SALE OF My HOUSE: I promise not to sell, lease Or give my house W% incur until` lufrtrvdstullicvrepaiJcnwlJeMd, oust. I know that if you decide to buy
<br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contract if:
<br />I- I don't make a Payment when due; or
<br />2' I break any promise f made to you in this contract; or
<br />3' Somethingelse happens which causes you to believe in goad faith that 1 do not intend to pay you as promised; or
<br />4. 1 default on any obligations for which I am using my home as collateral; or
<br />5. Something happens to MY house which threatens yourrights. ifany in it
<br />IF 1 AM IN DEFAULT: 1 understand that you have the right to foreclose the Moriga e I have given to you and have my house sold tore Y on I owe if,
<br />am in default under this contract. Before my house is sold, you will do eve gh y
<br />m', to protect your rights, I agree to pay you for your reasonable attorneys'-f es and�fofr other related expenses lurch as attorney coo assist tute you to se end house, or, to site rite, arrio is you
<br />toprolect my house. If you rue allowed to collect such amounts by law.
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose not to enforce any of the rights under this contract as Often as we want without losing them. Or, we can delay enforcing any of the rightsyou expended
<br />without losing them. We can also use any rights now or in the future given to us by law.
<br />DELAYS: ►know that you will use your best efforts to install the products I am purchasing on my house, but 1 also understand that in some situations you ma encounter
<br />delays that see caused by strikes, weather conditions, delays you have in obtaining materials, or for other reasons that are beyond your control. 1 understand that you will
<br />rmt be liable for such delays.
<br />ARBITRATION: If I have a dispute or claim with you concerning the quantity, quality or performance of the products • 1 understand that my dispute maybe submitted to
<br />and settled according to the mediation - arbitration program that may have developed in my community. I also know that any decision made by an arbitrators) would be en.
<br />ured in the court having jurisdiction over me and you.
<br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know that the windows, woodwork, and other materials that have m be removed by you for this installation have
<br />move them. You can have them ha whatever Purpose You wart[.
<br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of urme of the products that you sell. I understand that in s MQ salvage value, When you ra
<br />tad accept this contract. !also understand that this sale Occurred to my home and that you and I may not have had all the correct information important to this transaction
<br />at our fingertips; l give you my consent to correct any obvious errors that may have, xcurred when the blanks in this is contrac were comple ed tonal Office may have to review
<br />Psymen 0 PROVISIONS: If ant provision of this contract violates the law and is unenforceable, the rest of the contract will be valid. If an
<br />PaYmeatof mine interest than the law permits, then you will only have the right tocolleel from me the amount of interest which the law allows you to collect.
<br />COMPL IIN HIS CONTRACT: Y pan of this contract requires
<br />;� RACT: This contract can only be changed if txnh you and I agree in writing.
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