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@'° Is $ � 997, 6.2 Is 41,geX1,00 <br />M pa�rnnt schedule will be: _ <br />Number of PaYrnen[s Anu>um n( Paynkm WMn I'd I nL trr Iluc - _ _ - - l <br />Estimated to be — Q clays utter fix date <br />1st Payment � Y <br />S 0, of the Completion Certificate. <br />All subsequent installments on the same day M' <br />J{ each consecutive month until paid in full. <br />lallmramce • � - _ _ <br />Credit life insurance arid, crvdik disability insurance are not required in obtain credit, and will <br />not be provided unless,l�ig{/ and 69ree to pay the additional cost. <br />TYI- Prenuct eat ;ignauue - -- <br />Credit Life �I want credit tit's] �f��/� <br />I insurance. — _XC.Q/tt;L—p'11i�� <br />/07s� y� <br />ign;uurr a uycr - - - - -'— '--p I will review other portions of this contract <br />Credit Acciknt , —� - - - - -- - - -- for additional information .about non-payment, Default, <br />& Health I want credit accident _� any required tepnymem in ull before the scheduled Drte, <br />and health insurance. ,ru,m,r asrr — and prepayment refunds and penalties. <br />5 O •00 w� __ e means an estimate. <br />Property Imamramce le required, and I may obtain such insurance from anyone 1 want who is acceptable to you or I may provide it through <br />an exlghg pocky, If I obtain this insurance through you, 1 will pay $ O0,190 _ _ for _ CZ_ months of coverage. <br />O <br />GP,f —me •ar v M 3 'x f,J <br />tircurlty: I am giving a security interest in: <br />I . the goods, services and property being purchased, and <br />2. Iny real estate and improvements, including my <br />house, all at my "Address" designated above. <br />Filling/Recording fees <br />Late Charge: If a payment is more than ten (10) days <br />hate, I will he charged $5.00 or 5% of the late pay - <br />menls, whichever is less. <br />Prepayment: If I pay off early. I will not have to pay <br />a penalty, and I may he entitled to a refund of part of <br />the finance charge. <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE. CHARGE the lin.mea share lint rsu ` ostinuucd a. ,tan ,,,, �1 %may /2 � �J <br />(insert the date) except in the event that you complete the installation of the goc3 and services on another date, Then the tinancc charge linterenll wDl'�e- �,n the <br />dale that 1 shall sign a Completion Certificate. The anrt,unt of Finance charge (,ntercsU may b.: more or Icss than the amount disclosed depending on the amounts I pay you <br />and my timeliness to making payments, <br />PREPAYMENT: I may voluntarily prepay the amount I owe you, in full or in part, at any time. If I make a partial prepayment. 1 must continue to make my regular payments <br />until I have paid all amounts owed. <br />REQUEST FOR FULL PAYMENT: If I do not pay when due, you can declare all that I owe under this contract payable at once I agree to pay you interest on that amount 2 <br />at the maximum contractual rate allowed by law until the amount r owe sou is paid I also know that you can foreclose fhe Mortgage 1 have given to you. ti <br />COLLECTION COSTS: If I am In default of this contract and you demand full payment. I understand that you may' send it to an attorney' for collection and enforcement. <br />if you do so. I agree to pay your reasonable auorneys' fees plus any court costs and expense incurred by you, that )s, if you are allowed to collect such amounts by law. <br />MORTGAGE: I hereby grant, bargain. xIt. coney and mortgage in you, as Mortgagee. my real estate and house located at my " Address" designated on the tap portion Z <br />of this contract as security for all amounts due to you under this Installment Sales ('untract. <br />REVERSE SIDE: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ARE A <br />z PART OF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT AND THAT 1 AM BOUND BY THEM IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS VERY c <br />o INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT. NOTICE: PROVISIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRANTY OBLIGATION. z <br />1. 1 do not have to sign this contract before I read it or it any of the paTeOiBUddeEdRor the agreed terms to the extent of then available information ? <br />are left blank. 2. 1 am entitled to a copy of this contract al the time 1 sign It. 3. 1 may pay Off the full balance due under this contract at any <br />Z do aad In so doing I may be entitled to a rebate of the unearned finance and insurance charges lit any). 4, 1 understand that this instrument LL <br />lit booed upon a home solicitation sale and that this instrument is rod negotiable. S, It shall not he legal for you to enter my premises unlawfully <br />Z or commit any breach of the peace to repossess goods purchased under this contract. <br />0 BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL �. <br />v I MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (I HAVE <br />READ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT.) p <br />COPY RECEIVED: I acknowledge receipt of a completely Filled in copy of this contract :long with Iwo (2) copies of the Notice of Right to Cancel Form, <br />IN WITNESS WHF EOF, lh's Instalink rot ales ontract and Mortgage has been signed on this. Rn 19- <br />E b b --- - -� day of f`�'. <br />at (city) -� Zv� -- ___ - -- State of Nebraska. <br />PACESETTER PRODUCTS, INC. isFfi.rit vlORraAGIT /f /� <br />By: listr /bf x cu L J� <br />1AUTIR RI7F.D GPFlCF.R, -- <br />By: ! 7/ 2I� LPL _ ll �y jl <br />IFA('I7yRy t`pRFSFr7`rA71VF i foR GAf <br />State of Nebraska <br />1 ss. <br />Ccwnry of -- _Z_�- -.__ -- <br />My commission expires <br />The lorcg nn • instmnlem was acknowledged before me on this _1._ day of <br />_... -- - - -- - F-+-- 19 .fl__! , by the above designated °- <br />t3uver(s)-. 10 gagorfsl <br />S <br />Notary Puhhc �2t!L-14 --- <br />I- <br />I <br />El <br />