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applicable law requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Leader shah <br />g;,e rot B- towct, without i;-haigc, an annuag accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br />debit to the Funds was made.. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the scams secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due data of taxes, <br />A.."�ts, insurance praniums and ground rents, shall exceed the amousit required to pay said taxes, assessments, insurame premiums and <br />ground rents as tney fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrows 's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly <br />inaatlments of Funds. If the amount of the Fonda held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assesments, insurance premiums and <br />Round rents as they felt due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount Messes Y to make up the deficiency within 36 days from the date nice <br />is mailed by Leader to Borrower nquesdrig payment thereof. <br />rt Upon payment in full of all sums secured ° this Deed of Ti ust, Leader shah <br />oY promptly refund to ]Borrows any Fins Ind by Lender. if <br />under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender. Lender shall apply, no lacer than immet5atdy, <br />prior to the We of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held *y Leader at the time of <br />applications as a credit agsimt the stets <br />Eseared by this Deed of Trust. <br />3. APPIcli lss of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, an payments received by Lender under the Note and I grapira d <br />and Z hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to I coder by Borrower under paragraph Z hereof, then to iaretesi <br />Payable on the ! vote, then to the principal of the Note, and then to interest and dal oat any Furure Advances. <br />4. tom; Mesa, Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments and other des, fiaa and impositions attributable to the Property which <br />rosy attain a priority over this Dad of Trust, and leuehold payments or ground Maus, if any, in the mantle provided under paragraph 2 he rof <br />or, if not paid in such runs, by Borrower maidns, payment, when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shat] promptly furnish to <br />Leader all notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the eves Borrower shall make payment ducally, Borrower shall promptly <br />varnish to Lends receipts evidencing such Payments. Borrower shall PIDO'Pthy 40duM any lien which has <br />Provided. that Borrower shah not be n verity over this Deed of Treat; <br />required to tiischar=e any such Les se rani as liaMOwer soap. spec in writing to the parmemt of the <br />obiigatioe secured by such him in a manna acceptable to Lender, or shall is good faith coo= with Ism by. or defend enforcement of sash lien <br />M, fega proceedings which operate to prevent the enforcement of the glen or forfeiasre of the Property of nay part thereof. <br />S. Raw Is asrsaoe. Borrows shall keep the improvemeau now a or hereafter erected on the Property h, - -, - I against log by fare, <br />hazards included within the term "extended coveraa' and such other hazwdf as !.ender may require and in such imomiw and for such periods <br />AST emcee may require: ,provided, that Lender shall not require tWtheamotassofsochenverege ezened tint amotsaa of covsa4pe taquar to psty <br />the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />The insurance tarsier prmidin= the insurance shall be chosen by Be-- subject to approsad by Leader: provided. that -ch appron�i <br />Oak not be unreasonably withheld. Au premiums on insurance poll= = shall be paid is the mas ae provided under passigisiph 3 dserermt or. if ant <br />pied ea sarch manna, by Borrower tnsir, psyment when due. `t uactly ro tlae i aa. in, <br />AN assurance policies and renewals thereof shall be in form aooepabie to Leader and she mchaide a standard mortgage da— s fang of <br />and m form rnoeptab4 to Lender. Lender shall have the right to hold the p aaaes said ressewtds thereof, and Borrower shall promptly forash to <br />Lender all renews! notices and a2 receipts of paid premiums. In the eeem of Rtes. Borrower set$ gee prompt notice to the im iswanim carrier and <br />Lender- Laida may make proof of loss tf cot made promptly by Ber•wc- <br />Ua1ers Leader and Borrower other+nae agree in wntiag mmaatn = Isroaed sued be sPPl+ed to restoration or repa>= of the Prcipffm <br />managpedi prowled such restoration or repay a c=wmOfty fa aaitie and the sttaazy of this Dust of Trust at not thereby impaired - tf swcit <br />seswraaion <br />or repair is not economically feembie or if the se urtty at this Deed of Trait yeosid be imposed, the imsurizacie pruaesic d" use <br />+pPbad to the stases watsed by this Deed of Ttua with the cleat IT eay . pod to borrower_ If the Property is ahaadooed by Borrower_ or rf <br />Borrows faths to respond to Leader witlfin 30 days from the dear mom is MM&M by Lemds to Harrower that Else imsurissaoe curie of*e t to <br />settle a deem for tnsttraatx bmefmu. Leader is authorized to mml;a x and aKtpiX the suscssmce ,_cradle as f.anda s tsptiea essher to temeatiou or <br />IV= of the Property or to the sums secured by that Deed of T runt. � <br />U class Lender &W Bcxresrs otherwise sthrse in wRnag, sag sots aPO of Xciceadis m is Ham shah roc emamd or pouponc tdse nor <br />date o•, the mac ly Musiut-,em referred to to pairldraphit I and 2 bee s me iiatiouss Of sock _elf antler <br />pecan 1 <br />he the Property a acts -sd by t ceder, a: terse ads emC t near st of Borra.rc sac _o i> smanor pofiQes and in tmsd to *bt ;trdmes£s <br />thereof nesnl:arg from damage to the Property prior to the seat or actlasacce stsisi; past to g.mder m the a err or the azmss > b* � Deed <br />of Trust tntmethateiy prior to such sale or acgramtoe. <br />6. hnerrseses sad f I of Fir"ar" dstlatrso. CasUeshrome 19 aori Vuhl €fevalwaasas. Harrower shaa keep the <br />Propary m Snod repent asd s_ASan nor commit waltr of per*u,.=t mtpae>aem err deraxi>5oa of the <br />Pit Onty asd seeH comply warp the prori9ctaa <br />of any ease if this Deed of Trust is or. a imehol: '..� < Wiz~ ,. -: -. a �. a err a planned asks development, Bor. —I <br />shall perform &D of Borrower's obligations rda , __.,. , or,Ys =eaimg or 'a the coadormismat or phoned am <br />dude :. ulie ^,_hews Lod *eguiations of ere nraon _ .• — ors- i _, and �fi� dog. If s <br />planners uwz d � <br />'' s is executed bV i err sltd :off sack two Dead of Trost, the txrteseass and a g eemmts of sate <br />rider sisal! bt tn�-tat-porated imo and shall amenc rte» zovrna*^, and serismicass of zhw Deed of Trust an if the ride were a par; <br />bcmF <br />7. trwteediss of Leader's 5ecoruy. If Borrewc MUS and Agreements Zac�uLacc this fixed o± Ttuu, or V aar <br />ax'Oor, of procceoing is owitmenced which saterai % of -ec_r i.e �.s in..e= in the Propeny, ;;ac -; . „ rim , "od to. eminent domant_ <br />easoiveacy, cade enforcement, or arrangement, or procetxt g =Not=* a bssttr,Pt 'r :wed'. ri er ; ae-r at Lender � --poor- upon noticie <br />to Borrowai mug snake such appearataxs, dssbunse stucc sums and take s, zn scum as a 3ereas€ :c Asa _zn6 -s urcrest. incuding, bst <br />tea bmxed to. dL-b fsem-en t of reasonable satortey's fen and entry upon the Propsty to mast r„ac �. of i r,.ca acts ere W tna9rsaCe <br />As s cO"sciiuon of ma" the 8oau secured by tors Deed of Trust. Borrows sW pan the pre^3itilm required to ietain;a=n Such n:nwassm— in vrc­g__ <br />until such 1, as the requirement for such insutance tee in a corcima, with Bemrrtva's ate1 Lerw cr's w°riren agreement or apple <br />taw Borrows shall psy the anicium of ail mortgage insurancc prennumas to the manntr - „rev-sies: =a:s paragrap;: 2 hereof - - - <br />1.: <br />iuisovz < disbursed by Lender Pursuant to this paragraph ?, with interest m—c-eoti_ .;_a;; ba-ome additional Indebtedness of Borrower <br />sacred by this Deed of Trust. Unless Borrows and Lander algae to other terms of payment. rxh amount% shat be pt�iNe ups notice from <br />Lender to Borrower requesting Payment thereof, and shag bear uscest from the date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on <br />Principal under the Note unless payment of interest at such rue wmW be oocrrrary to ApTisable law• to which near such as forms Wr <br />abaii bass mama at the highest Mae Permisabie tmdet appimcalsic <br />expense or rase any acttoa he Bander. gas. Nothing oataAmted tisss peragapI, ? shun t ,, Lender to t star any <br />!. ingectkm- !..ender may make or cause to be made reaaonabte entree upon and inspection, of the Pre perry,. provided that Lender shall <br />ll tpve Norrowey notice pnor to any welt inspection spedf ma reasonable cause therefor reiau ut to tasder's intent m the Property- - <br />�. Casdmmmstlw. The Proceeds of any award x ditties for danaats. drat, of ,onsequeatsa3, to connection with any condemnation �Y <br />other us" Of the Property. or par thereof, or for conveyance mn lieu of condemnation- are hereby •saensed and dusil be paid to Leader <br />to the eves ,lf a taai taking of the Property, the Prazcd*_ &'haU be applied t0 the sums secured Ir. this Prod of Trust. wtth the excess. if - <br />ps d to iiorri er In the event of a partmi taking of the Property, unless Borrower sad Leader otherwise agree tow Tung. there shall be aM eel .. <br />10 the sunss entered M this [?red of Trust such proportion of the proceeds as is egua: to that propongon which ,he amount .,f the sumac secured <br />