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CHATTEL <br />DEMOFTRUff <br />8" ®101083 <br />18th February <br />Eff "O'O"D"i1f.orlU. Kutz and Marla M.Kutz, Husba d and Wife ------------------ <br />19 . theTnw",- <br />ARM R. 9AAM ATHIMM AT <br />(bmk "Thmae"), and the Besselklmy, "0M 1110Mft SAMOM & tAnw AN <br />ROM OF ey" M#Amk m <br />a deadedeftttasI ftkMOf NWIIIIr6A Wb=Gft=b 2n l " LGGM ► 06 9M UK <br />GRAND ULAN& NE MM_#mm*k*1Amdm-j <br />BORROWED, incauddesadmoMme hamb vieddimummahmsdawas4 mmewdoxamm-Tromme4 <br />introst. "Mpams offtle, thieftne papertyloammedhadmacamwer <br />Hi <br />LOT TEN (10), havino a lake front footaoe Of fift=y f,--- 1541 FLEET, n% T <br />WErf SIDE D: THE WEST PORTION a KUESTER LAKE 411,C, BEING, r?i A PART OF THE EAST HALF OF <br />THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (Em'SWAI) IN SECTION THIRTEEN TO1,JNGHIP ELEVEN NCRT", =AXGE <br />' -�F THE P.N <br />.� E. OF E 6TH 1. , IN HALL CCU•7y, -,EE?RASK;. <br />wilich has the address of- <br />,171 REFn <br />tj: -PrGpMV Add-Iff"); <br />(STAY;? & ZIP CODE) <br />TOGETHER wah alt the unpruvemessm; now or hermeftar ascend an vat propmrry, and ad anummi, rwas, Wpwummmcm seem <br />(sub)am bovem to the r4gbu and sughorma ovm bads to I "Am to can= sod appiv sach Vessel rapahmes, sm-m-1- ad send an r*ba and <br />profits, w4aff, wmffrwbts, and waffstock, &odan fLuoresmommorl a ,una samadmizo rho propesq.alef -d- mckiffftimpkmxmmaid <br />addifiam themo. shaR be deemed to be and rem— a part afthe propmety covered by this Dad a(Troma; mink at des I g i gnognsieww" <br />said vrom" Tor the Imedmid come if Hags Dead of'reatisom ahmandmiffiamhem raftead low do -Prv@@rty-: <br />Too SFC%;1LEtoLmdcr(a)the repaymentot the umdebmadmamsevidemocadby Borrower's soot dowd, <br />' v in hgsm of ----------- D006m -Note- -. o ofin%. <br />witb uncrim tbamm. providing for monthly untalseem of i q; I and usterm, wah the bmhum:r cd tee ' 0 if not soma paid. due: <br />mad Payable 06 u =r 26, 1987 - Lbe, I at an adear sums. <br />with interest tbawn. advanced it accordeace berewthto protest the security of tics Dead of Trost; and the perfaramemm of she owmaments and <br />areemmm <br />of Borrower bean contained. and (b) the repoymmme of any fentere advances, with teosaet thmaeon, aw* to barrover by Lamber <br />purseam To pxrm@Pap1s 21 hereof Ouncin "Future Advances"). <br />Beez vim covemmums; that Borrower is lawfuffy sessed of the estate barby —ve>ed and his the r*w to FTM and convey the Property <br />the the Propesty is ummicunAmmed, and that Borrower wffi warram mad ddemd gmeraty tit mk w the Progmmty agaimmet &V chmem wel <br />demands, $uL-Y-- to Any decWradons, camemmessu or resmictrom an a schadmir of comptimma; w- coverage in mT tick Ak) <br />immarmagLender's itteerat in the Property. <br />LINWORM COVENAN-M. Bor. owe and LAndff covesmant and amm as folkmi- <br />1. Paymm"afftindood road 1weremL Borrowershag pomptly pay when dairthe , I W. and ummem an the taidebbodaws <br />by the Noe. ytrpiptemt and Im charges as provided in the Norte. and the principal of and usterm an any Future Advance; *in Dead <br />of Trent. <br />L Y3rM for Tmmm and Insurance, Subpect to applicabic law or to a wrnm waives by Lender. Borrower &MA pay as LARM m ft deg, <br />sammathiy mossibmem of pramMosi and hassrest are paymbie nodes the Note, um;3 the Now is pod in huff, a summ one= -Fa -) eqmd to ams <br />tweNth of the sagely ton and assntasxnb which may attain priority over this Dead of ThmL need gtaand r cars cm den F1 am ty. if my. Phu tree` <br />reraiftb Of YWAiT I i * MOMUMMO for aarfa a uwwuwr- if no, ag <br />an fa itat MOM) *=WOW icy and from time to time by Lowder on the basis of me assaw; aid bft and ressmismak weammin dumemot. <br />Tb* Pwa,Ot *AA be held in an mmantutim the I ; , iu or accounts of which am mowed at pstantawi byaAm" of sum agency (windmag <br />tAnda if Ladder a vacb am institution). Lander shaD apply the Funds to pay said tang. am===&. mouramm press. and ground raises. <br />tAndw =" 80 ohNeW for so boidW# and applying the Funds, azm y sod Nocuous or verifying and compiling said assessments and bats. <br />moms I incur tit" Sorromw twetst on the Funds and awfimbk law perauts I sole to asake such a chmpe bus rowes and LmWw way agm an <br />w"ar the tame otemecutiam of test DOW of Trust that unerest on the Funds sMU bapmedto boarowas. send unions, such agrsaeem is nude at <br />