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The following not ice bringgs to my attention the nghts that I have even when this contract is sold to a financial institution or a hank, and t shWd notice that roc unpor- <br />tattce of this pmt iston is s[msed by its appeat'ance in ten point. bold face type: <br />NOTICE <br />This credit contract finances a purchase. All legal rights whlich the Buyer has against the Seiner arising <br />out of this transaction, Including all claims and defenses, are also valid against any holier of this contract. <br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision is limited to the amourn paid by the buyer <br />under this contract. <br />A claim is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A deforms is a kgatly reason <br />the Seller- A holder is anyone trying to coliew for the purchase. - i� � <br />INSURANCE CANCELLA710N. If I have requested insurance in thispurchase, i may cancel such request for insurance fa any reason within fiiieen (I5) days from the <br />date of tills contract by notifying you or the holder of this contract in writing 1 know thai the cancdtatioo of my coverage will he ananged with the insuance carrier(s) and <br />a full refund of my premi mi (s) togethes with applicable finance charge will be credited to this crietract <br />PLEASE NOTE- lift have requested insurance in this ptrchase. I will receive within thirty ( 30) days a certificate of insurance more fuliv describing the insur>� coverage_ <br />I limo, that if tide is any conflict in the coverage or the language of the certificate of insurance ;ad tic fdtawmx Notux of Proposed Insurance that I am covered only to <br />the exams stated in the following Notice of Proposed Insurance. I also know that 1 have insurance caveraB- only i €i gave been charged for it- <br />• • ty�tA -a ,[M,7 <br />i take nonce that either Credit Life or Credit Accident and Health Insurance. or Doh_ will be appficahk to this Saks Contract on the reverse side only if t base Chosen <br />it by signing the request for such insurance. This instance will only, cover the person signing the request ate the racer for each type of insurance shown. $abject d ae <br />by the witintow company, the insurance will be effective as of today and will camianc nwly far the nembQ of months otter the effective dace equal to the = — of <br />inonchiy, payments- I understand that this particular insurance may not provide coverage for as Iasi New payer, and that during that period of tune I will ant hate any <br />"true rater �l benefits and proceeds of the insurance wilt be paid to vas or to a f vaecial inssia tioo or a Dank if it purchases the Sales Contract b extent act toe exte of its <br />irr�scfs aril am will be payable ro me. The initial amount of Credit Life htsiini r is tic aaoo r required to repay the Total of Psymu its: thereafter, the iutrwioe <br />devises M thi maaant of each anaothiy payment on a scheduled 30 day hosts. If I atrt tsvuiv obitgusad oat the Sales Contract with a Co- Buyer. and we hoda signed <br />the rest for Credit life losmance. death benefice will be payable Daly with respa.� eo the fL;r of us ladle. $abject m exciosiaas, elimutativas oc s atgperodaa- <br />inthe policy orcaaficate. Credit Accident andHealthInstanceisfortheheadtm siomorI areachmrath's payment f «each day thalIamWeilydisabled <br />due so sat salary or sickness wink r our any payment to your: however. I understand that i have m be prey from working due to such mW dnsahilay formwedm fowF <br />taps f 14) wmrxaerve days before the wsajaarce benefit is paid back to de from day of my wed di sattr3ty _ I lira Isaaw tint I eatst oMaia ay iaacaaxt � yea iLi <br />nwouerf6wearsdasa today, and I she hmw"The imraseces.eeawlisw iticdhamursoml"Maaaatfa aaseautefcav- -- N3wiarat{}���e <br />Cates ateidireaatsaaI that tamyou Doe to the maximum amount of- zovetage stated istier zpoky- tL wowthatanyunpaidanaeatisexcosofAre -iamraatt <br />coverage will still lave to be paid. If the Sales Contract is perpaitf in full prig o fir asst pntnew dam_ ;an smrBOedinsurance premiums will he refunded n am in durmmw <br />owpescribed by law. Within thirty t 30 t days. 1 will receive the certificate of ins:cmnc tore --W- descriiieat my insurance coverage- If the mus moe is rata accepted by <br />ft Minimum legn any. I w'U receive a refmM at the iasmaa-e premiums I !taut paid - <br />INLM W- libe am two pitragraphs comma warranties n4uni,r 10 this side Itiven hy us toOr "namcm ausiiemonorb ankwarderfdritto buyUasmaazt_ <br />SELLER'S iAtAFAiANTMS AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTAL L UENT SALES CONTRACT AM WORTGAGE <br />FOR VALLE RECEIVED. Seiler hereby sells, cooatn- transfers aid dr3rscts tin <br />f Assipm) all of its riIru title and interest in and m � fa us. Saks Coosrau-t and!Moreapc a gesher.wi>eb aU n ezist�g to save is paatgest, dad tie pttPatg <br />encumhrmd h"''. Assignee is hereby substiaaed as Mortgagee under the atortgage pmvssaws�at the -sw rm t- Seserszsn eas std represents, (l) B Ira !her Bldg no tkt <br />a ice) AU statements ad figwGC in tbi:s concoct and as the sneer's �remrt sac - - axe and cocse f3) This contract now fmm tlacebao fide she <br />dot peach and servaees de cr ibad bent.; 13) Tie cash duwalmyteemi She" an t� any � acts peed by Beaa mod 0 Ws latoeddi- <br />taalyorur�ecdyb.Seta to Buyer, (51 Each Buyer rskgath ampetemtoowwwctt6tTh,' ownia.6aranalirm- be IDS" <br />drmeinrri6ia <br />dtal�a: f� 7be extx�tiae of tlas:zrouat and drr imderdvugt sales tr>srsa2a,rt Q`� rice iScocty dad o r saarta� tan- federal or star law. t&eGtive, ttdertrreLtahtYtaaoe <br />is ON ,,: ft) in tLc event fiat this owaa-act x the- utderly6g sties a sea' :ssa m w a ar ri`xrstiae or uaceRttiaa by the Bayer, sari tewciahea areotanei�- <br />4itwge[ ardfiaespeaiand anherme sale nordeiscootact has been can -!-x rresciadtd..'rMCMMWIS5Mlil'liBt> WllM �ck <br />IN TEST111140MY WHEREOF_ the i-dersijimed rs an ambonr es — .sseawow at it a Stoma and tea surd taeiaer on I I I of the Seller an 11n. <br />\� <br />'tie LSE t sots aiaowiedged befafe me on <br />__�AP <br />l !h dut arthnnaed apeat ai Seiler wdo vi <br />Islysonaac�acy. <br />r <br />� p� Exp Doc tom. <br />L <br />l <br />i 1 <br />M, <br />