<br />PREPAYMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE P1'NANCF, CHARGE: Even though I do not have to pas more than the regular scheduled modah#y paymrot I have the
<br />right to prepay the whole amount owing to you in full at any tithe or in part from time to tine. If the lending institution or batik that buys my contract conripuaes the finance
<br />charge daily, I know my finam v charge will be less if I make an early payment, and it will be hither if I pay late. I also recognize that an xttssan, adjustmew to my total
<br />finance charge will be reflected in my final bill; I also know that the amounts shown on the reverse side for the Finance Charge, Total of Payments, and the Total Sale Price
<br />are em mates based on the assumption that you will receive each of the Iaytraertts ewtly oa as due bate: and I know that there w'df be no refund If I prepay bccmw there
<br />is nothing to refund if I am charged on a duly basis. If the leading iusthu ion m fink does not compote die finance charge daily, and if I prepay the cchok mmou t. you
<br />will refund tome the untamed portion of the fir -e charge i iatere t) by the accouniting pmerdu.�ec . tnowa as the acrosriai metlwd; an.? the amount of my rt a sti116e
<br />figured on the scheduled dates and amounts of my monthly payment and tint on the acnul dames &-W mnoottt of the prepayna tits that I pay to you. I kww that a reload
<br />oftess than $ 1.00 will not be made.
<br />tbl l bave read, m detail, the sepmue "L#MITM WARRANTY " which acromparoec doismm act. It erpiams the eooditiom adcic ®v6icb etc mf
<br />aiwoo ed products will be repaired or replaced. Italic malice of the limitatwmm on the wwri my. and I pascala!r- tuogtize dim my implied waranty w^i>le4agpliks w the
<br />goods ha moully as long as the warranty or service csaar'ac-t-
<br />SPEfTAL -ORDER GOODS. l know that you bast measured my Matte and its openusgs so door you can make the prdLtcts ai fit tm particular house. l take alone tint die
<br />goods tint are mmntffactured for my specific louse probably wil3 rot fit any otter houses, and node such cow. I tuna• that I canot tamed ibis meat sty time
<br />der The perwil 4 time gm. to me. b; "-. in winch tocancil. After thitt leizi period of tome. I kno-lbot I hot. ft obiigatiraso pay you m fun Memoo mewed
<br />OBLIGATIONS PF:RTAi \!!G TO PROPFRTI INSt'RA%CE A \-I) %dt- REAL ESY41"E. §. I pnarrise w keep my house in good repay ad W Lem
<br />r trsirsc¢d fiK at #cass; sfrt% w its :, Pl: rnvm 'clue to t'--c a Tire and Zsvca vd mv>iwy. The Ir»urauce corrVirta masr Ie aplrvm cd
<br />ids yam:. and the pr+ixv must hard: a hcnetii terry ciau�, afresh says th.1 e,w .mot :,, 4 eu-i d there ss s loss. Tlr atsura>msz caaquns muss aV don[
<br />i wit# m.K C.Mci ms r"LeC, art .';t -firs: 1CM.g woes I aut.rmrc the .ns�e ctir.¢srry s pas � dnertfy for ay loss. You can 3aae on we dos
<br />iis.uaau-e pavmert to e,thrf qu, aav am,wnts # -C ICW cv t„ voids ens trace ! Base lime r,g,a'. w.. ,Ass pmt.dtne pnrpexn "Murmoe dwi mgh a cummog
<br />ttxmateh a pelted m.dcpcn&mh .".tied Anil paid >ce f,y me ar.,.�w.z ?ua # w, §< rot al#.+ss :.mine else h place net lsetes a me real
<br />y!w w'airy pro ".m 3 # is rm,w !ice pa, at? r;c . 'is.:., c . ,.z ,'=rem mt � noes# estate -ilea due a f prcc.W c nn miners
<br />mrxrrtt. :.:;�- lour 4— . decd ha ;r.s rea5 es*.nic i a:-:+ rr< °mar s 'f �•,- l � csRad. mrae,a- sr cftaslge print k+_ w�h[ -a sa-c '..War
<br />pe,r?tn,:s" #f fi Sr ore inwr m. Ivw,r .,r ,a ,n*. <ehc- =d+isg --4 sc » •_ the r .cw :am Jo it few me if eau -am tl+at � Jo rsot-
<br />.,are 4" 11 v..,; A, pay anw ..t there +ihfvaru� tor tie.- I agr°e U ss-t *sa. a *wand rb.- , ar the hTkeY ti -feel a,otr`i1 rase ct saexst
<br />i nos: i ;tax , -<, h*A, where an.wn,> 71,
<br />_1ki _ r^.} jeo; tr .tit; .t" ,.. :ra: :.ear .ss,: 9ew..r 1 low friar of :� dresk ►s bmn
<br />:- t,srans f,-: nor ttat s..: ,is na ?save u, .'fan ;rm ;tar hreea++u:rr �
<br />S413: OF MY HOI"W_: #
<br />DEFAUCT: I -:.1 be in detauit under tits cmaract if
<br />i terra "i rt akca payine" w'"oue: a[
<br />Ito mvlrau+se I made to you er t1s3r orara.t_ or
<br />Soule" else !sapper. wlcuA Mmes you sn believe a ge ed fain not I air^aar arena 4,vm,, as PssmeAW& M
<br />a I default m tiny as sus ft. waved, I am asst M3 tr me as,,d4tara . =s
<br />Sc>a "I II amrhesme -,b -b dceare-fs ,iie -,gbts. 4aaa,vr -it
<br />ff I AM I N OMMA..T. I smdersamtd that sea have dw mile w fimck vt the Mwornamor I hose sues, w w: art how my Itzsre soil so repot eat amnm:s I one rasa if I
<br />are m detask under don ave-i t Before m. use ms wid. ,,cm.rsK ao @ms iz y es K"M hat err mmaeary sa mum wo ms sus l mme.,z- emoeme-
<br />or. us ponied .men - I arm 1 pa yeti €cr your rearagd,[e at-va , - *ve, Joe eaten �=*t- meiroad enpestact. as o" at cam- bde searI a�money 7m�
<br />to pwtka: ray bc-m r. ,f you use alit -.tai a:. cedtect +wes�t metes t.. ter..
<br />OEi:id7S: Yr'e um �d+se ms roeffiairce sea <� tlr GMs deafer rant :.,,sea.t r, ,•tats am+e weal .++tkrm twacgt rives, tk. we ra delay emoees� ass aiOCri�
<br />etrtrnasitltew Wertesa& srtacsermrigkrz. a, ++a�,rmdorfye�egreso��a.kg';a+_
<br />DEILAYS. I know that» wil use s beat � xft u a a 3 rite #...sue an, aez Asa »,g ,s,. S m c, �Wa I aeon*, ii-d"Umod dons w some momooas nos ansclandor
<br />,3e#sys dud use d by atrilts. weitlter oxadtnorss, dciayc tan peso to *�aaGiaRS < <a .rimer ^ez,.~m. m e a t t dreg central. 1 aadesrtaadsist you
<br />trot le hulk for web ueltts
<br />ARltm"TIM II i lase a ttelmor or clamor with you v.-Cxvxsgt *w jummit, 4..av x pec-.asat%=cv oe not pwolen., l understood that my das@me ors be smbmm tnd.an
<br />and shed aaxad>atg fin tier sat tsruos -nor aa[eor prnPysse Out ni- tu•c dr.- -*vcd t'^.!+ .- y 2 - Iues�a mt ray 3¢aars umde Ise a rabmmits! aeacidltss
<br />atsvd m doe cetti hs yCr_s+3n�esi,arer me sod ys�n
<br />S,lI..Y A4� ti ALLa: i levant star air w%rdow s. -were a+rt - xsa txtar: - wrtrssn ms€ 4s+r st- yr :�raasra!w need led �s use #awe I� satsope.aiar. llETa wr sr-
<br />tnow -do m, yea+onlimm dtaulnnrwtuaestrprrrprse yoiet semi
<br />SPECIAL WM ALMON .Ilse to sec - ft4tieness.K rose Ki( nor nras z" :fir ., rr +r := : ^.ma?c-,rms2 roc : s}ees ,^-- -- +amens -car I#e{ta€mt Qiff2 �y as etatra
<br />mad aooq% On nom mars. I adsrm smdeumadd &-- &-- t.� -rtosed in,nv loome we elan you Ana I =nor, roc n et not a3 me onmer t rat &W mommommot
<br />sraorI'somit s:l say saocarti taava :stMANKmoma e m ,esarr zee m3..
<br />IMALO) TIMIS"& If tmv prvtuwm of des contract rs[mtaes doe etw aid ss the nest -,[ die csttma.r .nz be valid. It am pmt coMMIC! mesa
<br />prtymtmofmaec lexdean6ehE pemaits, then srou esI! �± essr de zg4e � .z.tat f+,a n:Idraootrd- asmaeu asie3 d+r Sus aRoa,s c�oec.�eBec_
<br />€I[ITcTitAi`i:'iirs sisrrac..a i� t rt,�ct�tva� :� u ad I aczr as-: :.;tom
<br />a
<br />I d
<br />R
<br />