<br />#f required mortgage insurance as a condrnor o.` kiPoll ,he ' an secured by t_h; Securty Insttettnrnr,
<br />,Lender
<br />aorrewer shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the
<br />insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender `s written agreement or applicable taK.
<br />c.
<br />a. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon And inspectio -z of the Property. Lender shall
<br />give amower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cawse for the inspection.
<br />9. Coademaadoo. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, ,direct or consequential, in connection with ally
<br />condemnation or other taking o rt f any pa of the Property, or for conseratice in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the eyrnt of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security,
<br />iftstrumeret, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Harrower. lit the event of a partial taking of the PrtrperTy,
<br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise .ague in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument Sr' - be reduced bl, the
<br />-
<br />.
<br />amount of the proceeds- multiplied by the following fraction- fat the TOO amount Of oils stems secured immediately ite€�c doe
<br />Bing, divided by C#i) the fair market value of the Property unmen —c1-" before the taking, Any balance be paid to
<br />$ct* 'Wei
<br />If the Property is adandoned by Borrower, or if, after eottiticr by Lendeer to Borrower that the c on Lender offers to
<br />"
<br />aaaice an award or settle a :aim for damages, Barro `er Wise to respond to Lender within V days after the date the notice is
<br />given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply_ the p.-ov"erds. at us Option, rsther rot restoratson or acpazT' of the Pr Derr' ua
<br />by this Security lrtstrument. whether or rem then _
<br />to the sums sec-ured
<br />of crcettitis r0 ttis>`i s scot extend otr
<br />Unless Lender and Bur rower otherwise agree to writmj,5 "any at
<br />'
<br />the der date of the monthly payments referred to in pa agFapabs t and = of ate£ the amount of Sum pa
<br />postporr
<br />Lender 1-at a we r_ Exterasian tae the time for payanent or �i
<br />Is. Born"w Not Released: Forbetranc�e_
<br />1111 -
<br />4B`y
<br />- of arttorriration 4f Ifni ?:Ur't35- Sellred by' titae �S.Ytity {rtitrumern, � � -�aC�r :� any StiCrn[Rftr ire. titTerCS2 @f $OEr�la[F'. _ -
<br />-
<br />shall nor Operate to release the liability of the original .der fir Bt- sir's sazi<t sin- interaT_ Lender clean be
<br />,i.
<br />successor in Interest OF Trfule iO tmend time for pal"n" t -or otltsastsr t�y'liy
<br />T
<br />g;+tls:ired to iomatence proceedings against any
<br />amorti lira of the curios secured by obits securiy #nsiruitTetu. LTy cease of ' demand made by Ike original Borro+tr OT
<br />�'• successors in interest. ,any forbearance by tender in e!xe€l "tom' -�9s Sr !'.t. Or iRni1.13 sha not be a.w°a3vrr Z"e
<br />.
<br />.. rr_lvt r The exercise of arty right Or remedy'.. -
<br />11. Saeeessors sad Astons Bound- ivies wad Scyeral Lim Ce saaeas. The covenants and Agreemessts, of dSLS
<br />d
<br />�;zritr lztsirtiment *all blind and benefit the successors and asswn-' _�� t and rower. - subject TO ilxe p oyisr�s of
<br />-
<br />"pEr$grap#t I'_ Borrower's co *vnants and agreements shag be Ant! Q't-e -nd, tWY Borrower who co ---*ms tlas; See=&, -
<br />x a
<br />iligaagiaph btit does not Chanute it,- N:tHC ta# 95 iSf-SlglenR this St1�in'r li iSt=it�nt only to mortgage, Want a,II.d Co�m-
<br />t5L
<br />=
<br />y
<br />Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this serursty -t_ rbt t or - pasoualay Obligated TO M,
<br />sums tv this Secu -MN ITiStrumcut; and tcl agrees that Lernom and any other $o,. O-Cr matt agree ICs Cxiend, r6 i„
<br />. secured
<br />•l'irbar tr make am_ ac^ommodattons with cgard to term s5 t as Sti� mi . lnsrrccment ..� the `s;ote witisi4r that
<br />+
<br />gkg
<br />i
<br />- bo;re*'.-, consent. -
<br />LI- fAaa C'l agm if the ioart sessared by leis Secur - Ins t '_ _ueu€r ter a aw wlriGft wts - .
<br />'cha'ges. aTUi "?taF ?aw i= i,naliy interprered s:'t r+ta: tote iteresi or chew ,��+wpe,- k^+ #c .d f Lc '-x irlkcteri ut a>'r -taoit
<br />a
<br />with he loan exceed the re gait *.rd hmuts, then: Gal any sou oar charge ciar2 be resiu.nz by iu atnottrt necessary so md?r.
<br />f:
<br />cite ciaa.e to ette ^errtSittPd .unit: a'Ml t�l any }titn# already collected tro0*.`T"'r'E2r witch exceeded pertrnited
<br />`
<br />refunded to So-rnwe?. Lender may choosc to melee tlt4 rrfarid by � 2� Principal weal cider f� `«xe car LY -
<br />i dge6r psyn -w-a to borrower, If a refund reduces prsntipel. ,fae'Ttr� .^a wrh ±r tMV-td a; a P r`�..4 pre ymcm xtlrenat a
<br />larepas�sr?a _:aa=fe Unnaart The e €us.
<br />.. I2, on Affr'ttlag Le der 5 Wzkts I.. enacimeat or a ra -anon, o - 'p,+irabie laws ftas t- effect or Te�{q��,t£ 3
<br />-
<br />Provision of :lie Host' X c Secur t i .„4 ru mcut uncution'vante a.tx3r� n 5 :errFS:,. Leiner, a ". :tS o- 's'Ricin, :EFa<' r'CC{a'eil-
<br />- ' - e ai
<br />iarinedar piameni t fur of all ms ssitr.' , ^y .us w»y are., =1 avokc ax reme rn %
<br />V-84 :-h 13. s`. Ltndrt excr€,.se=. tr s Op x n. a,t. 5410 lane the s-,C pecif" I •it t seooaid paragrapt i I�
<br />Y
<br />14. !-966, Any Tz�mke to Borrower prl3t` ded .ice = this �2d`i$tt=l�' ° �"'T""""f `ssWSS. l:!G LCii'Cf1 (3!� [rind � or �F
<br />. Ma7% it 17k "Tr * -Class ._3T: Unw! s. apps caw a- iewnes uW of AmodlG' a� t - �13ie nKXECe ::LEaII �',e directed i 'St
<br />he- aot'Piiw er fifes eS 'aby nonce to Lt '..: y no tk2 to LHtdrr Shat: be $P''en : ti "8r*t.
<br />-
<br />- r 4 other tS:
<br />y o. an address _
<br />3ddrrss -
<br />, .
<br />�"CRte'S
<br />class rn.ail -o Lx.der'� address stated 3ercin ce ar-y of € adsiiwes.s m..:s€%r does i-s YsLi:.;
<br />givsaa.
<br />-
<br />when Pro
<br />- .provided or -in this sec -a try Instrumen, shalt be. 6eemed. V -1 hase bee - g;ves -'o Ba�r*rnar nr Lend, t'ra'ct gnat a< gcozaE<ed�2
<br />'
<br />this paragraph. - - - - -
<br />1S_ Goveraft Low; SeyerabW9y. This Sir ss tztrs; llimt 5b8a be gC°er- ?may' federal law and 'be 'ma x
<br />f
<br />w-
<br />3uravdt data in wblzh Fhe Property is imated in the -,cot - any Visions or clause of this serirify instrument or zbr
<br />,00ze conflicts with applicable law, such :anflia shalt coax affei:, otiirr provisions of :his See pr•ry' Instrument �z the }4stc
<br />wbicl, � be given effect without the coaflacting pro, zs , To laK lad r° yiszor_s cf the Security 1~ctrac errs atw? tie
<br />Nate are zleciared to be styerable.
<br />34. Boreavves Cop}: Borrower shall iec gt.er. Cele consaormed Copy of the 'tee and of this Setsru% metre: _.
<br />i?. Transfer o, Ile Property or a Beaaeficid laterest ra Barrasrr. Lr as n�is aro, part sal' the Property or any ¢colic ct Y r
<br />ice trails' (Of if a beneficial Stores, in Borrower is 'aok'1 or transferred and Borrower is_. not a natural- PC!'Wist
<br />T:
<br />without Lender's prior written consent. Lcgdei may. w- � MtiOft. •rC'�uMe IInTmedlatC tTneEi :T fTil'i dSi a4'1 5t5'tn5 �el'6L'ed'?T4:
<br />. -
<br />this Serunty lnstrunic- t. Howcvef, this option Shag not be lT.0 Cised try Lend=- it .eul -, ie is Prohibited by federal law a` i,
<br />_ .
<br />s -
<br />s,
<br />>
<br />- the dale Of his Security Instrument. - - -
<br />l LVndcr exercises this cVw,, sender =#tall give ,3ortower notice of acceleration, - - The notice Shia one% a period of
<br />croft a era - ,` be sv a i a . �,� .a Or -1-1 -slit- ,sue she � st teals all cams secured by
<br />this Secure: Iniz.ument. if Borrower tails to pay noose sun,$ pzatrF is € expxat Of this , Leader nor mvok oast
<br />u"
<br />remedies penciled by this Securty Instrument without further notice or demand tar. Borrower.
<br />is. Beree+ret's Rlglt to ReiastTtae. If Bcrrei■er inlets cet3auT ccsndtt ^.aart_c, &urrnwer sha11 base he ng3aT to iiayr
<br />enforcement of this Security Instrument discontin;xd at any time prow to tote earlier af- ta) i day's for such other period as
<br />l '....
<br />- Applicable law may - specify for reinstatement} before sac of the PrGypetfy pursuant to soy. peer of sale contained in this -
<br />' t.
<br />Securtity Instrument; or (i) entry of a }udgunent enfnlitt this Smutty Instrument. Those conditrom air that Borrower ;a)
<br />for
<br />pays L oiler all sums which then would be due tinder this Security Instrument and the Note had no acceleration Occurred t%A
<br />cures any MAUL of any other covenants or agrrcmems fc,) trays all expenses sm.-nrred it' enforcing this Se-unty lnsTninent.
<br />nclud r 3, art is ot limited to. reasonablc srtoiney's fees, and id) takes such action as Lender may reasonable - require ro assure
<br />t.
<br />mat the lien �f :hue SC%:Unty Inxtr,tment, Ltridet . Tights in the PPropeny and Bower obligation to pav the sums sei�urrsb
<br />-' by this Secunit instrument ihaR inturut 4n. hanged, UpoA, retnstatemern h* Borrower, 'r:tis,sccunry Instrument and lit
<br />rt taaat;rns ;;;rrsi hereb shat; -stain telly rlfeciive As if no accrieration had -- ,zzurret iioweyn. ,lz.. *iR_ht to setnsiate sha`
<br />Faoi apply ;fi star .aye t itbtgY.eibrer:ii) ander paragraph .. or :' -
<br />