�- 100991
<br />Lt t > x Cov--4A,,7t Borrower a-r Lender covenant and aster as follows:
<br />I. Paent of Principal and tatetest' Prepayarent and Late Clines- Borrower shall Promptiv par when dote the
<br />r
<br />Tirt al of and interest on the debt r,idenced br the Note and any psepayMcnt aral -laze charges due under the %tee
<br />2, Faris for Toes and Lnnraaace. Subject to applicable lave or to a written waiter by :.order. Borrower shall pay to
<br />Lender on the day mrsnhh' payments are due under rite 'vote. until the fvtxt a is fail a sent (**Fu n&") equal to cu±e-
<br />. twelfth of. (at yearly' taxes and asstissments whiff may aitairt priority ttser the Security Instrument; (b) 7�1r leasehold
<br />payments or ground rents on the Property, if any, (c) Orly bazard irtsuranae paasiivars: aml fdt yearly mortgage i r e
<br />premiAaris. s; am, J`hesc item art "escrow items.- Lender may A ssimate the Funds due on the basis of current data
<br />and reasonable estimates of future escrow items.
<br />The funds shag be held in an inszatuti+m the deposits it accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or
<br />watt agency (including Lender if Lender h such an institution)_ Letrder s apply the Ftuuts to pay the escrtetc 'items_ Lender
<br />may lair charge for holding and applying the Funds, analyzing tin OF velit"'M the escrow items, unless Leader pays
<br />Borrower interest on rile Fund and applicable law permits Lender to mai a such a charge. Borrower and Leader may agree Us
<br />iring that. interest shall' be paid on the Funds. L;nit55 an agreement is isadc or applicable law LLxLuncs ro Pte• -
<br />-
<br />Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Fteids. Leader shalt give to Borrower, without
<br />charge. in annual accounting of the Fiends showing mdits and debits To the Funds 'atxi the purpose for which each debit to
<br />the Fonds was mad{_ The Funds are pledged as additiotal security feu the sums secured by this Security Instrument_
<br />if tbe.amoun! at' the Funds held -%- Lender, togetlier wiTit the fur m€ nthh payments of Funds payable prior to ;
<br />Elie dates of the escrow items. Shall "ced the amount required to ay Stif escrow' items when due, the ti{C35 shag be..at
<br />outhly Pay
<br />$or awe's matron, {AFher prt2Fnpxlc repent to BOrzowcr,esrrd$e�' cps of FaEaA#s. If the atnotiat of tree
<br />'Funds held i`s Lender :s not sufficient to pry' the e---re- nems when d1w. l'iDffr i:- .shill pal to tender any arati i.
<br />necessary to make --p the dc�.icicnc� in one or more payments as required by Leettkt_
<br />in f=ull of all sums seecured- by this Security Lnstr�eni, Letitia' shy prosup tg refund to Bt>=rowar any
<br />t.tpeui ;ay'ment
<br />?Funds held l Lender, if under, paragraph 14 The' Pfopertz is said or acquired by Lender. Lanier apply, no taxes t�
<br />y prier to the sale of the Property or its acquisitor by Lem_ auv Elands hell by Lender at the:,tiaxc of
<br />-
<br />application as a c=edir against the sums secured by this '-wuroy b
<br />3. 4pplin0en of Pa!r�s,a,�ss,r. Lukxs a ble haw Ptflvydes Otlrery ®e:' all pay�ests rtteftdd b Lender uttaSer'
<br />paragraphs I and 2 0=9 be apphe& fhT t. to late charges drat t the N-Me: ser.'nMid, is r+e +wu. Charym tutu zit sr. the
<br />Note: third . to a �mr payable under paragraph 2. ourth, ao unetest asssi so dal dlot
<br />♦. CbwVm Liens. Borrower shalt pat' all taxes, assn r's_ dUR$cs.. fimm artd impositious attributable, to tie
<br />Ptope -ty which ryas Errant pnor % ist`er this Security Instrument, and .ma c � T{t1IS. if any Boy owes
<br />- �3lai pay these O "a82TU[ts in the manner prewidee, Para d '= ` r «; met -hall ; tl ' on
<br />i h i
<br />- -'tam{ direrid?- iQ the Person owed paynrem, Bcrt�n ! r Shap pronsprly fizz. ki.to I=&-- a'i'l: E,vxxs of amounts to the paw under
<br />:'t *s paaagraptt. If Boo -ower makes thtnt pavroems duectly'_'Bozro+F� -h3 h. ?tF3 tF? Caries- rr�8pE -4 C. 2flg rite
<br />d.;
<br />-
<br />- Borrower shall - -OM NIA discharge ass '� aluc'h has �' :t c, M. -S Svc =*,. 2�**�r ;tnl�ss- &u't'owc_ (at agrees
<br />�:
<br />ws tens to the paytut of the ttbligatiou ses-t red by ie E est ^: +�• tars Lent': fb3 -tad gists n t fad .
<br />'
<br />s e L s cgansor operate s
<br />etea cte= the ikn by, or dc{{rxs agatest enforcement cf the i{ti u. tat
<br />.r
<br />the cnforoetatim of the Ism of forfeiture of am past of the preipersy; or (c) sec -,mes from the bolder cif the lien as agreement
<br />sate & -tyro to Lander s7jbordinating thc'a� to this Sm-A icy J*0r'tCier 1 ifs Lander s ilea any part of rile i'iag+er ? a
<br />s ject to a lieu w5 ci ma attain prioray osa this Scmaity rostra su, Leader =av site Borrower a aozint uiaisifyasg T�Sr
<br />- last. Shin Sal: 'y t:K -liter 3r .eke t`Yate ar: --A?re ",f ltd' acts S3"-,. e i t It, days of the gisMW of
<br />S. Shard issaraam. Borrower shalt keep xhc o "eaeaF rte* sa hcreaitet e€n*zd tier Fit tw" tusrarf
<br />a Lass by fee. hoards included wtthm the terse `eater = ot'a+gr and a ct%rer ids fsu �rhich Leader r e5
<br />instfflaws. This insurance shall be mamlainto m the amt -mot -0 fie x Pm*& That Lea+degr retinges_ The msyi.im- ixr �•'
<br />4°
<br />pratxitng The mirsirame shall be chosen b% Borrower �. -0 L ender "s a iripwal tefracd 5rtra� NOt $it unreasonably wed-
<br />!A .Reason, -. pohc= and tenew-AIS dial be at�table to lender assts aacfnde a assactatd clause- F- sates
<br />%ban bat the r4ht to hold the politics and renewals. IT Lccla' rsgmzft- Bar-04sc dog W. gi- to L-der am rev
<br />of pail pret mans and renewal notices- In the event of lac Bor s pn;e MUM TO the and
<br />- i cum -.. Lender uta: =At Pte Qf kds At ss6 °. �"sid�if tir,tl? ±' �'° -` �-. -
<br />LmJme Lender and Borrower otherwise agree n w S2Srt.'seStErar�e pt be to rstoratron or repair Of .
<br />the Propmi damaged, of the restoration or rtpaFr »:' {t'�l?: feassli pied _Leg's itiozorij '."5 'writ.. l=5.seti¢rl... If tr
<br />restoratumn of repay is not --semi, ttasible ter Lender's sec rats wouid be �. the irsttranet proceeds shall the -
<br />pd ==' zhe ;sin secured by this SecumN ins- -u Seel. -eta w nil' line with any esccss Tt_' Bo£:'tr'�'er. -I
<br />.:
<br />BSRT0 -V a+lttanzlim_s The Property, at does � answer within, 3!i day= a notes S:oor Lender that tsar- tts:trance Arta tt�;:
<br />o i s ` f e ; r o : -3 settle a zutu 2, then Lender may -o iect the : ' 3 s u r — s c r proceeds- Ltd mat fr 3 s c the pTOC!&di i i i i'Cp3�E' I T .'CgRLh ;G
<br />.. .
<br />the Pm-erN Or v pay sums secured by this Security It �-umarn;. wbetbes or :rim tom, ? x. ix 1r3 -dash period will begin when
<br />the notate is giver
<br />t�zless Lender and Bc -ro-c; oth--ise agret m Ar -414, a4Y 4WI:CATIOR lid 'j7LK�LCfLS, il: *yiiitK3§i"il Sl'.TLi ��'a.'. extend -
<br />. _ �stP+o tie- due ''at{ the motrhl'y pa} -etc t, {;c-r� To paragra}ttis and i's.- hinge the arnourn t Tbr PaYMce.:s- S.t -
<br />-
<br />`
<br />rides paragraph 19 the Property - acgirirvd t- L^v'adi-- Bo:r- +ac-'* -gtf te au asance 1,wcm:v-1 ant: ^roc.eedx ttsuhligt
<br />-.
<br />i
<br />4.,_:rti da -tage i -, _ Pro =em+ P :iir T@ s{ Rc4ii3 o n tali -. pas, ,-a - l..". -4+C- =E' t� °C'�': ,S . _e ;= :w�'i'i xis 'ed ^`t this Sec inns
<br />.
<br />. •: I:.strartT ,'^k[diateta' ptA4t t4 tyre arit5=t`Atin. .
<br />6- Frtsetsaaion and +taiatenaact Of Preperts, teastboids. Borrower sisal£ not es t P.: use tr substant mil± cltaoge
<br />all
<br />_ f*aor?ett, amt iw ttx Prligert }- To deteriorate or commit waste. -i€ this Security iustrur�em is ;gin a, kaschoid, - BS's - ,.owes' shall
<br />:Oinpt! -ith the riviision+s of The Lease, arcs if Bctr=owcr acipures Lim Title tG tyre �, she 1e25e1'Lf�d and fee tide SlA2El niet': -
<br />merve utims Lender agrees. to the merger in '-Titt'gg. - - -
<br />-
<br />'. li"Iet boa of L.eader's Rigins in Nye Yrapetts: � 1>aasanee. If 13c*.rrower fares to PetfsSSnt he s aye ass aril
<br />a£7'trawrits contained iii this Security' Instrument m there is a legal, proo [axial -that way itgnifii"anttt' $sfit-I Leader'5 Etgti! <AA
<br />,rte Propertyy (Such as a proceoding in trattkruptcs, ptgbalte lot 'c or Ie enforce saws tx regtAlattct sl. heft Lmcia
<br />- mat do and pay (rq wA.aitttt E. neecssan to prosco The'yahw of the Pra3pert f. and LinradQ`a gilts in the i4 L.CiSile€''a
<br />-
<br />_
<br />actions nsa> iticlude paying any sums secured b» a lien which has priory osa This Security Instrutlteat. Appealing in vurl. .
<br />- -' paying rtasanable ittorriey fee. and tnurrng on hit Yr45P{t'.y to mate repairs, Atz ough Lender may take action under this
<br />para(grtgr+ts tcridet j(.vs cst hate n '40 0 An, arrou°i5 disbursed bs Icnd-r -tinder 'tilt paragra b % 5hall bectittie
<br />'� 3 By it>bC' ti- -.Yrr t' Li73= ".ttr.ii 3i l'�. t iATiteflt. Units, }}S'? a+-t: .i.c'3d I- et3Li{° 8,t¢CY -G° a'M'r�'A LtiftL't *"�
<br />- payrtsetr : `�'retC a 3.nt5 iLai bra! "P.e {. t'i, fT3m _toe y.at± lit d1gb UTSCTT1Cnt a, 'i>e 'st.'e rat{ And 010 ht t,ttdt'k,' ATth
<br />-
<br />vDoo iV,, a`r i�CSj:, Lcrjel lo - an,T -v .'c!,j_Li V inn -ai`F }evil
<br />