87-'.- 10080r'
<br />76, co. of Trustor Wtm t-iespecE to Leases, W412001 Ml lair t#° :non GGrse!! .r Ceno5rrgry. 7 r`frrtor draft not" directly or indireCEiY.
<br />versants
<br />- with respect to any lease of space in tt e Trust Property. or any portion thereof, Whether such tease Is now Or hereafter in ettistance:
<br />f,* Acceptor permit any prepayment. discount or advance payment of rent hereunder in excess m one month.
<br />pr accept any ca ceilatnn; termirnatiori or surrender thereof. or permit any event to occur which would
<br />fu) Lance! or emnina- r e same.
<br />occur thereunder to terminate or cancel the same; other than termination for nonpayment of rent,
<br />y,
<br />fc) Amend or modify the same so as to reduce the term thereof, the rental payable thereunder, or to change any renewal provisions
<br />herein contained.
<br />(d) Waive any default thereunder or breach thereof,
<br />or take any other action In connection ther°Wifrr, or with a lessee thereunder. -which `
<br />€¢) Give any r- AnSenf waiver or approval thereunder
<br />would have the e€fea of Impairing the value of the lessor's interest thereunder or the proper; y subject thereto, or of i arparitng ilia
<br />o
<br />position or interest of t3eneffciary therein, or
<br />its :merest in any said lease or any rents, issues, profits issuing
<br />{ Sell. assign. pledge. mortgage or otherwise dispose Of, or encumber
<br />or arising thereunder,
<br />is of all 37rusmrs obligations and #vises hereunder and to the extentpermit ted
<br />tT.;Waiver Af Statute of Limitations_ Time the essence in
<br />law. 'rustor waives all present or future statuses of limitations with respect to any debt, demand or obligation secured hereby aril '
<br />any action or proceeding for the purpose of enforcing this Deed of Trust or any rights or rarrtei ies contained herein.
<br />to the event constriction of improvements rs ct mpla ed #r the loan evidenced by the l seeurecf -
<br />78..- Rssigrartemt Af Deposits. ail
<br />nereby, as additional security lnerefore, Trustor hereby transfers and asmgns to �3eitefietary: ale right; title and ty com t to airy
<br />d
<br />ttrornes deposited t y or on bE+?alt of Trustor with any city, county: public body w agency. sanity rjisirrcr. utility company- and
<br />any other body or agency. for the installation. or to secure the installation of airy utilty try Trustor, pertaining io rfre Trust PrpDerty.
<br />lg. ';Corporation ar Partnership Existence. tf Trustor is a reparation. gerteral oartnershep. or f mited partnership. s will do aN hangs
<br />necessary to preserve its corporate or paztrsership axis once, as the case may be_ aril all rights and prrvilEges under ate taws of the
<br />Still- of its incorporation or Organization.
<br />2D. Forbearance by Beneficiary Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Sertatwaary in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, of
<br />by taw. shall trot be a waiver of or precklde- the- exer=se of any such right or remedy. The procurement of
<br />afforded applicable
<br />fris:irance or Me payment of taxes or the discharge of liens or charges by -teary SYtall not he a waiver of Benefcrary s rrgi� i€t
<br />accelerate the maturity 01 the Indebtedness. Iftfs
<br />Deed rust � d+strnct and cumaaf * 10 arty other rig! tar r� under
<br />2. Aemedres Cumulative, All remedies provided in this of
<br />wed AfTnrsr or afho dad by law or equity, and may tae exercrsed fur 2rtiy. aride�iendertG*v orsuccessivr�.
<br />2i successors arxf Assigns Bound. loins and Several latuliry Capers. fine covenants and actreeiterLts faer corrrCed d arui
<br />-
<br />hereunder lriirre to, the resJoect've and ash is Beiifteficiary. Trust :trod 7rustor. A # cis arts!
<br />the rights shale .7accessors
<br />agreements Of Tnrstor s.haN be frifnt and several. 'ire captions and t .;rgs of the p�gr%,ft of dtls Deed of Trust are for
<br />�GAr)vanlence only anti are not to be used to ml erpret pr defina the hier'etis_.
<br />23 ltittiace- Except loran f notice required under applicable law to be given Ih � main er, faj any notice to Trustor i�d ADro this
<br />-
<br />4.3aed At Tru r Srh2ll b0 R, jtvert by mailing S7tCh nDi#Ge by - -rrw`, retur =n :reGBi.�i'e. requested *�XfdreS &Ed SD� T7ttSi�QF 2t NS 3:rt bg'
<br />,
<br />-
<br />forth at such ohmr address'as Trustiz may dessgi by notice to Ber',elrc+arhr as provided h arttl fit eta
<br />address se above or
<br />notice to Beneficiary ar Trustee shall be given by cervffi d maid return recez� requested to Bi nefrciary s acrd T ime s maAng
<br />herein or to such other address as Ber?escrarx'sir T* a stab drs txn by notice to 7mstor as prtry d tom. Any
<br />addle Deed
<br />-.rrCe provided' for :n tt7;5 deed t'f t R'F,;fit ;Shaft -he {l£ett?2d 2fJ -rAai" £Yei:i 4+. �ary C�7 ,rnY3tB'e W -'1*# Qd1'er3. -fit t'
<br />- ?tanner ynatsd,diezetn,
<br />T4. fain errnrtg Law. SeYerabilr y This Dear'` ar T ust s«.ak be 46res by the taws S to at WbTaska. In the emrenr any,�t �
<br />�
<br />'
<br />Cause of this Deer of Trust crrriri cis sv appiicaiNe raw. sir r. -rc2 s' rt prrruasfons of !dealt o Truce ovv i Cal
<br />- be givE3! effect WiiJ;4Ut Lh$ conttictrng provisions and to this via -he mesons of this Deed of Tryst are i4EC.±ate6 to he sel'eYabie.
<br />�
<br />25. (7f Defasi . Each Of the:fafksw °nA occv�rrer-,Ges shad wV eve,,r Crt d hereurnw, l'bereir'na r . '
<br />iifDetaiiff -ll-
<br />Sfiiill ;axi t© Pay When -due any P- 7cfpa' mtf`as', u� i' of ��` =ntr es, t �'i*Iedr
<br />lbi Any warranty of title made by Trustor herein shah be urifrje.
<br />(c) '.7n 5ror shall fait to ob:;Gr'tEe or perform d7ty Cis the covenants, S7+Cjr�'¢w cz* X l.'t� �-r?s 'rr.s Deer; r`. Trust -
<br />T
<br />Any ri, ?{FreSer?Iat7Cn Or tt'airrattt- made. y 7y,5*, � "^.a: .c? s' .` ,'t=p -45 s,,. t'lKtf�J t*3 serf ta.E +r 'y &F or Carr its
<br />r
<br />Trusro st=all prove false or <'natenalty ir^s"alrig,
<br />). 'i nIstor slwy` fail roperibrm, or observe.aay Of try.' covpnaT;, cis or 3gFt'+emen -M .':ice x'm. `iJ' ?7?d!'r7g ZPpFdtt fru3 JP"Y i -
<br />r
<br />any -- widing loan agreement, securr=yagreerrent. roan agree'r4 --v tirarncrag s: . x oEher-aerrser€tert;; :T? }
<br />document exectred oy Trustor cn comiecDon M t1 Ire GMM v:� try tom,
<br />}rl tr iStee. r C i� er rjT :rA t 3au`ir Ar x e T: uSi opei y ci .: us. � �'�� !t.- - $' � Yietf fK�rs Of Trustor Sf�ll 3
<br />peVLian rr tent a ley against Trustor, o .€n _me reorganization of T`astrr Est to The Feaeaf Sankrupsey Cie. or strata,
<br />law, w"e tier tedeiai of stam and F, sA'cn tamer of per'?, Shat¥ r i7t oa. rrsrhaigeE? or .rmsniSSed within rnirty ('30! .days after r,- awe
<br />on wv' rh sawn order or petiitior was h c- be
<br />niS m shat• free a petfien pt -- ,jsarr. G '-, a Federat Bank , Icy �'�£:' <' any 3`tTr'?etei5 Fede'raa StatL', R °.r 7- .i'Srflr arr3R:
<br />wr
<br />a bankrupt.. t be declared msotvem. de't' shall 'mice an as&9nrne0T for Ine be -er-Af crear ors Ar' s"'• Lati al, - . '�
<br />-,r
<br />?linty *P cav %ts debts as rney become, wire, or shall consem to rte- appCkrfinlem. E]# a fecetver 03 ar"+ Ar any tit E 7f rze as: prF*-4-
<br />thp` r a cQmen fo' the payment of money` S`Yail be rencered against T.: JsRX ar#d 71 srls� iA£ d ai rraTge me same Or cause
<br />- be ussC;'!s3rf�'eA i� °t!hfn Zhtr Y i31'aV dav5 ?tLer 'Fie' t,'?Yt0?, or s ,fit ar3aoa_r rP?'A:,. o :Trott' -'he G; der %»Gtec `p'.ik"s:s`_ ,:1�"�"
<br />.
<br />- .. wry Yt -, p rsua17F r"'t - wtaich said Wgrrarrt was grz taM baser- ar enrered. ar is seLyLwre a stay 3 er?ce.Ff n eendir xr, Apoeal:
<br />s +? 7fus O shahs l at co-.bey the Tres! Pr Gary *r hair thereof rr any i, re es Therein. or snail be awes ea ol m ov
<br />aria-
<br />the - r , any manner or Vay, At etr-- V3tu r,an•y per ,rvuiih?tc riy. w caur the sWntterl C^tPSc+ ^i. ^; Beneficiary b$`?C32i 5t ad d.:
<br />cor�'r a�*n Or pd.?rre:*_rvp ar-a •r-e. --. Dry pent R so,- -r of tt?'° snaras ax, o�csai frteresiss m sure �amQr, ce" -
<br />-
<br />partnership, as the case may oe, Soo# be €cans" erred Or Conveyea, whether :+Qi .,taniy or trivolumar 1:: witrour "he con'sa-vt � .
<br />-....
<br />- -..
<br />- _
<br />Beaencialy oeing firr, had -and mod..
<br />-. fit_ i4C'L- `e ',h" G=r i.3'EtYt: r€YtaGIASSi+'e lJL1G.n :.'"e Jc -Ci.^, r'e'tire ,7 "aG?y crem s,*-«: � aL ..- atrt �`� ��.%t� £'mac -- -s ,.. .--
<br />-�et8t
<br />- det'iare fnCleCEed. "eSS SeCu ed nereby :r?1r%rPdrafG }" due and Pa 2rsd;fie SiR1cr 5r`ia 1it3? en£8rE`S= at the dE'f3£t?t ems. £`7 3'"t}`
<br />..
<br />- WK itinh in the Note- or omerwise at the ,"gnast rate - pe"nived tort' task, and irrespective of iS`13L'ther SenefiCrary' exercise* wits cp r:.
<br />..
<br />' ma;y . at riS ApSii*n 8r'd7 rr3 itS SOfi" dtSC:'etrt;rf, WR.I'ipii". <!nY f=H'tner rtL'flGe -Lit derriarld to Ar -dJpon -T. tistor', d0 one +-'fir mitire L?t tf+e fAko9Ya7w2
<br />-.
<br />(8.k Len{ttic any may enter Moon . take possessroon It, manage and tlpe€ate Try PrgjsL=nv Or a- Part t eol, make repairs a
<br />a#Eeratfonz and do any acts wtwc^ BVWtVarV deems proper to txts'e'cd the sc'unly thereof, ono either with ear yvitn . takurg ..
<br />crswess n . rn in; own lamie, sue for orCAfterw wise coftecr and receive rent= sues and p!^!iu s, Including Liaose; last true and srp�w,
<br />apply the same, less Costs and a%penses of operation ano coaecvon, s_'?riudmg reasonable atlornev feet.ana 8 enema -3.1 S
<br />sty. r t re Ircebiedness sec Ped rfereby and :n cuCh trrrher as 8e lac -acv ray aeterm r e urro r Est 1 Bar nc va uc'
<br />tr .
<br />W
<br />tL.
<br />s'taif alssernbw and 5:11all make aiaAatte to C 7ef+crary any of ne T t st Prpperry whicr, has poet- e-rai -werl oe, &,terzmg f to
<br />tale ^ oCS! S An of th@ ?lust Ampenyy, tine ar?y n � t�, CT Ie$ 3n 7 p ='3115 :t tC f� dZ i3 ?C� TheA£K .r 5C r 'd 2, ., iO
<br />s ire writs LA a y E l i i Ir72r? D e ?@ oaf a x( sung aft !any t t rde au P S t h `f 1R ^;
<br />gfNne llursuart to �nv sus -avr'e ritlw7fnsta 7mg Sir sri - - a -
<br />r'eei.,
<br />a}'
<br />� iI CNIt rr r ell;C P Pr(ae`s'
<br />-
<br />r1•T.,, .4f, I': »
<br />