- it c4ranCe premiums. gourd rents. arao all oche! charges whats Over levied upon r, - assessed. placed. or made against the r; us1
<br />_
<br />P operry Trustor furthe! agrees upon written request by Beneficiary. to promptly deliver to Beneficiary all receipr,� for the payment of
<br />such charges Trustor khemse agrees to pay all taxes assessments and ether charges levied upon Or assessed. placed or made
<br />a inct nr rnpAClJreri hV thrz D,-ed of TnrSf rN. the rprordafton h-fwif
<br />5. Application of Payments, Alt payments received by Beneficiary as to any debt. liability or obligation owed to Beneficiary, by Trustor
<br />may be applied by Beneficiary to the payment of the Indebtedness or to any such cther debt, liability or obligation. in any order at
<br />manner of application which Beneficiary, in its absolute discretion, deems appropnate. Unless otherwise elected by Beneficiary, any
<br />such payment shall be deemed applied first to the payment of any deot liability or obligation other than the Note.
<br />6. Charges, Liens. Trustor will keep the Trust Property free from alf liens and encumbrances which in any way may, in the ludgment of
<br />Beneficiary, have Priority over. or impair the security of, this Deed of Trust but Truster need not discharge any such lien so long as
<br />Trustor shall agree. in writing, to pay the ofirigaflon secured by such lien in a manner acceptable to Beneficiary and shall in good faith .
<br />contest such lien by appropriate legal proceedings effective to prevent the enforcement of the lien and the loss of any interest in or
<br />part of the Trust Property.
<br />T Hazard Insurance. Trustor shalt keep the buildings and other improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Trust Property
<br />insured by insurance carriers satisfactory to Beneficiary against loss byhre, hazards included in the term "extended coverage" and
<br />such other hazards, casualties and contingencies as may be required by Beneficiary, in such amounts and for such penods as may be
<br />required by Beneficiary. The policy of insurance shaft be, in form acceptable to Benefrorary, provide that the same may not be
<br />f
<br />cancelled or modified without fifteen 115) days prior iwrffen rionce to Beneficiary, and shall have loss payable provisions in favor of aril
<br />n farm acceptable to Beneficiary. All premiums on insurance policies shall be paid in the manner provided under paragraph d herd
<br />or, if not paid in such manner, try Trustor making payment at leastfifteen 115, days prior.to the due date, directly to the insurance
<br />carver Beneficiary shall have the right to hold the policies and rerieiwals thereof. anti Trustor shall promptly furnish to Beneficiary aff
<br />renewal notices and all paid premium receipts received by it. to no event shaft Beneficiary or Trustee be held re to #where to
<br />pay insurance premiums or for any loss or damage ansing out of! defect m any policy or ansshg out tof any tailure of any insurance
<br />company to pay for any loss or damage insured against or for failure by Pusfor to effect the insurance required hereunder. In the event
<br />of toss, Trustor shall give prompt notice by mail to the insurance carrier and Beneficiary. Beneficiary may make proof of lass if no: rn
<br />made promptly or in proper toner by Trustor: Alt policies o -r insurance and any and ak refunds pf aneamed premiums are hereby
<br />assigned to Beneficiary as additional security for the payment of the Indebtedness. in the ,event of Beneficiary's exercise of the power
<br />of sale contained herein, or'ia the event of foreetosr re, 'ati ngft 0#0 andfriWas, of TAWer m an d to- anyinsuranee pok-y uteri zri force
<br />shall Pass to the purchaser at the trustees sale or foreclosure sale. lit case rrfanyf loss. the insurance proceeds may; at option of
<br />Beneficiary, be applied by Beneficiary upon the indebtedness, or any part lfiereot, and in such order and amount as 3- 0tiary .- y
<br />determine: or said insurance proceeds, at the option of Berrefictary. taay, raiser tie used in - placirig or restoring the Trust Pmpertif
<br />paniafly or totally destroyed tea £pndriran sattsfarlory to Seneficiary, or s irtsuranCe Proceeds, or any bra thereof„ € ay be
<br />released to Trustor. Unless Beneficiary and Trustor otherwise agree in -wi g, any sorb app rc -affon of inusurance proceeds no
<br />extend or postpone the due Gate of tare Note; or any thetas, rents ca c therein, or charge the amount of such Msmvrents. ff the
<br />Trust Property is acquired by Beneficiary pursuant m the exercise ofthe Power at or ptherforecl osure alf rglit trite and Yrtterest -off
<br />.tstor in and to an insurance proceeds payable as a result of r ` y a n 4e tc the Trust A , prior lib the sale or acoursboo sfiafipass
<br />to Beneficiary and sfiait be applied first to Ilia costs and extaenses, r''lcidldrrrrrgt artomev fees, itiC:Urred in cdliec ing such proceeds den
<br />r fee manner and M the o der provided here .
<br />8 Preservation and Maintenance of Trust Property. Trusrdr will keep *Vie tire, +dfings arid Other improvements now or hereafter on
<br />the Trust Propene In good repair and condition and will not commit ar pe-- waste_ wt# not after the design or structural character
<br />constituting any building now or hereafter erected on and consfiftai £[g bie Trust P^gpe€{y`wi ot.' the poor written consem of
<br />'I
<br />Beneficiary, wift.riF do any act or tiring which voukf ur du y rmpatr or cep ec a e tin value of the Zr tsz Property and wi rttat atiarzcizrr
<br />" 1"+he Trust Progeny_ Trustor in'ik nOt r?Y7}4ve any fixtures cQ?zSfifUttnC iE ^t's,`; Gp %Fy vnie is byre sarne' are i?7rrN_. dliat2ty- repi$C2(i '+b:th
<br />like Property subfect to the lien and security interest of Mrs Deed of T: zest and of at ieat equal value and urFGrty -Ti isfor ww cOttoy wjgh'-
<br />all present and fbrtiire ord notices, regrr
<br />abons and ecrurremar s goven��rgal i ratfy wh ch areappiicaile to T«t PrcrDec`y ;
<br />and to the occupancy and use thereof tf Ills L?eeii of mistlseaa a xuutrrr a L andort rrazan or ptaraaed x rtrt deveki� TruSi# std
<br />AM
<br />perform al' of Truslor.s obligations under the 6-ctarations or covenants rmoalorrg or govererng the coridominiur, or the punned tom`
<br />development :he bylaws and reguiatrons of rite ctxidonxrxt�i or prarz uyi t -eev�r t, and constituent dA €&'rte.
<br />`
<br />inbpeCL -or. Vie. r9frC3aly.4` 2S 3QPr!!s may, a* all reasonable 'v?'. " &. entet - alp'` - [' ?'? fi.; L i O?� "idle =`t'v .for'ne' pt.'rXX}SL #F?' i°r"
<br />Beneficiary semi Lave rho duty to moire such ,nepectjon and st aT pt t e lib . <.` Tn srtx tc .err} pars x€ ai possession if ir,Makes tar_, .
<br />fail s to male any such inspection.
<br />If), Pro ec fn f Secur ty If Trustot fairs to r e+f am any -m .fie S tan s arm agrem -. ris c tatned in :ors .Deed of Trust- or f w:y
<br />or proceeoing •s commenced whrcn does tar may adversei`r` afra- `^e -7" us P--i Wm r t" rfe eft o#- Trustor or Benenct ' the v
<br />the tt a of Trustor thereto, If- >r3 ye nefYCi3rr at i option ^ay p,e„ { r sw i canveriants an a leements Tiake su r appearances,
<br />_
<br />derend_agarrisriril nvestigate sc ch ac ran >r puree aid axe , ' ac?nsr as fez tail t ee ms necessaryti prufactts,
<br />- rns'erest kr£fudrrrg. but not irrrle:d to. ttsbursenxerft c= . easc..atire acne bees ar^.p errtrar . °^ tore Trust Property 3o rn3ke : eparxs •. . ''
<br />:.;
<br />amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant ;a thrS paragraph 7a. With interest tmwrew; Shag c onstd to Incebtedr:ess of Zr istor
<br />se cured ills Deed of Trust. Unless Trustor and frc :pry -ogre, to carerW :.- s- z�f.nayrrer€f s-rcea rrtES- :stza�' tae pa"�d ;xp�' -'-
<br />notice f';rdm Beneficiary to Trustor requesting pevflier?r-rt,Se,'eofi. aim shag bear inferalur from the d ate of disours£ni" at the dfelautw rate,
<br />i, aril^. set fc- rte :n the Nate, or o?rilermse at tta, hidnest rate ter sits€t.0 law, f ti? t rrrgc n'hic par�rjn' erg Vie, .
<br />Beneficiary to rncurr any expense or take any action nerazn-toer, %srW YrevD1,ab0y auuxuires and empowers' Beneficiary Its enter, jAcoQ
<br />the Trust Piope2y as Tr rstors agent and, m Tnistor s ,-:ate or other-w---e to perform arro and at r pants and agreerr err s t be _
<br />performed uy Trustor as herein piowded Bene#rc!ary shalt: at its qorct,, be suprogalea.17 any enc:rribratrce'. 4err, elatrr, or demand
<br />arid L aft nghis and securities for the payment mere, f pa,d or dscharged by Beneficiary toide the provisions, f ereof arid a, y such
<br />subrogatira : r±ghts snail be additionaf and cuirulatuve sec rrty rx this Deed ,' -rust
<br />i. i:ondemnatror,,- The proceeds of any award Of Claim for damages. direc or consequemkv, in o—riec'tion w4r, ary .,co- Bert- nanorrT or
<br />Other talcng of Trust Property, or any part Ihereuf, or !o coriveyance in bell of or n arrfic:ipavor of conde,?ina ro are hereby
<br />ass= ned o and shaft. be p
<br />- g aid to Beneficiary Trustor wi0p,4e,ard prn_sectee. - good f it and with dare oakgerice, its cta-n t v any sci-r
<br />award orpavrrent. and will cause the same to ne coilecre=d and paid to Beneficiary, and, sty ,d 'i tali tp dG So, -TrrS ,. +rrerorap =�.r
<br />.
<br />- -_ e't #J;'S,r%c''S arid ti?7pa?welS $en2ftCrar*'. in the name dr i rtdstrJ'r Or ottletw•'Se. 'o t`e_ p'rtiSeC , Settle or Dmn.'.5e aril ^, Ue"? Cxa,, " ;x:.
<br />to collect. receipt for and retain the proceeds It the T ust P c, -er-y s abanr%r?ed lay ' rustor ,"ar a`ter rro Ice bi Sere c ark r0 T r -
<br />that tyre condemnor offers to make an award or settle a cairn ft damages Trust*`, tats tb mss Io Rene c w ty „� 5
<br />lif er the bate SLCt notice- :s mailed. Beneficiary y is aLro>nwzeti -'c ccilect arc a j '7e r£r£ e.3 _ r^ •- ar _ - ._ � ;c-
<br />>:
<br />proceeds of any award of 3ar 7i may; after dewuRt 7 a re— on=abie pw;ts and 8x _ :rtehiC g a,: r _ -P c may Nam
<br />beer ' ncur.ed by Bent+ is y -rrr The cofiectro!: lherecrf at The sore discret c. - or Beneficiary b= eie ased rc� Trusrfa,. apgf+ea tc,
<br />•
<br />-- - - --
<br />.
<br />_ M F . ` , �y, C a „ a= t, pSa tl e P n -
<br />-
<br />enst al.rnenrS -called for thereuunde, -
<br />-t,' , rrisfor fifer Released Exteitsio p of the hone frrr payment clr rnpda$ra on of any amonzanor v me A'iL{ffbiL'i.f'i$S"a STt3 e+- t.y
<br />a >, y Suc essor in ,nte'est of i rustpr Shall not oper,e to reaease, an any rna.,rier the ?Jab oty r, rrus"cr arty • "nisei'
<br />erfere.sf. B2oefiC,ary 4nali,•ant be qu,re; rc, continence P`Mafi zings against &uvh- sic,- es5t;i -wrr wuse:0 x e -, °r
<br />otherwise modify aY'`w rf zam>r- of the #noebtedtiess by eason of any dernanc .a'1 e of tP sft a d 3 rr, d 5 C' .5,s XS -
<br />rr• to est,
<br />t'.,t. Far aF ,+xk7rrPld;4S ;N} #✓rvir. Itiq resl .jar Betwociake v. Tr sh3 will provioe fo £3P"+Pf�ia7°y .Y 'i','r' : *ZL iYf 1 - r'� }'^' trS S i - , i 3 '�'
<br />:
<br />year 11 T us gar the c4nsol,=:iatecr balance , hppt an£ i a ern?nt
<br />- set a, is re'. enji if any and wu3l Provide anti
<br />-
<br />rear reastn,abir iC= ,7trc:5t trotr'tirne. to rime. -
<br />3a;a d erar!i ratyfl Lein rvie tlhe,t art a . an5snf7i5
<br />1 a StS,i d •?! ?73 ., t .}r` _ �: ir# F '4P '+ 4 ht, rrl a, rw fir, `rr= �# +p ,-* r5 i - r t -t . .
<br />-
<br />"4'Yt r3f'N,a ✓rr7ri „1 f_, r(,'�y ur dos, -r r
<br />,l a.: "'. -G r 7r,i; :, n,.. t7'erei£� yr. ar'n� d{ £ . 'v�y:?•
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