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<br />200801637 <br /> <br />so long as health insurance is available to the Defendant through his/her place of <br />employment. The Plaintiff shall pay the first $480.00 per child of medical expenses <br />not covered by insurance. Thereafter, each party shall pay one-half of any medical, <br />orthodontic, optical or counseling bills not covered by insurance. <br />13. Each of the parties shall have access to information relating to the minor children, <br />including but not limited to school records, governmental records, law enforcement, <br />physicians, and other professionals who may have contact with the minor children. <br />Such information and contact shall be available to each party without notice to or <br />further consent from the other. <br />14. Each of the parties is authorized to consent to emergency medical care for the <br />minor children at the times when the other parent is not reasonably accessible to <br />give such consent. <br />15. Each party shall have one tax exemption with the Defendant receiving the tax <br />exemption for the minor child, Valerie Juarez until he/she reaches the age of <br />majority, if he is current on his child support obligation on the last day of the <br />calendar year and the Plaintiff receiving the tax exemption for the minor child, <br />Moses Juarez. <br />16. When there is one remaining minor child, the parties shall alternate the exemption <br />with the Plaintiff having odd numbered years and the Defendant having even <br />numbered years, if the Defendant is current on his child support obligation to the <br />Plaintiff on the last day of the year. <br />17. The Defendant shall maintain health insurance for the Plaintiff for six months <br />following the entry of a Decree of Dissolution in this matter. <br />18. The Plaintiff shall receive as her sole and separate property the personal property <br />and bank accounts currently in her possession including the 2002 Chevrolet, VIN <br /> <br />4 <br />