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<br />200801637 <br /> <br />9. All child support payment shall become delinquent the day after they are due and <br />owing and interest shall not occur until 30 days after the payments are delinquent <br />and said interest shall be computed as simple interest except that so long as child <br />support payments are being withheld from the Defendant's income the Defendant <br />shall not be regarded or reported as being delinquent or in arrears when (a) any <br />delinquency or arrearage is solely caused by a disparity between the schedule of <br />the Defendant's regular pay days and the schedule date the child support is to due; <br />(b) the total amount of child support to be withheld from the Defendant's paycheck <br />and the ordered amount of support are the same on an annual basis; and (c) the <br />income withholding is continuous and occurring. <br />10. Pursuant to Nebraska Revised Statute, 342-264.13, any person ordered to pay a <br />judgment for child support, medical or spousal support as part of a dissolution <br />proceeding is required to furnish to the Clerk of the District Court of Hall County, <br />Nebraska his address, telephone number, Social Security number, the name of his <br />employer, whether or not such person has access to employer related health <br />insurance coverage and if so, the health insurance policy information and any other <br />information the court deems relevant until such judgment is paid in full. Failure to <br />comply with these provisions shall be punishable by contempt. <br />11. The in the event Defendant fails to pay any support or medical payment as such <br />failure is certified each month to the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center in <br />which the court ordered support is delinquent in an amount equal to the amount due <br />and payable for a one month period of time, the Defendant shall be required to <br />appear in Court and show cause why such payments were not made. In the event <br />he fails to pay and appear as ordered, a warrant shall be issued for his arrest. <br />12. The Defendant shall maintain health insurance for the benefit of the minor children <br /> <br />3 <br />