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<br />-.-,..1 <br /> <br />200800966 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT" A" <br /> <br />A tract of land comprising part of the Not'=h Half of tho SOUtheast. Q,laXt:er (N\~) of seotion <br />'l\o:enty 'lbreo (23) 'l'all\Ship Eleven (11) North, Ringe Nine (9), ~11'e8t of tho 6th P.M.. Hall <br />County, Nebraallk and More particularlY described as follows; <br />FirGt to <lZccrt-:u.n t-hP. point of beg1nning, start. at tho Northeast comar of !;laid N~BEl4: <br />thence running westerly along ana upon t:J!e north line of aaia W-jSWlll distance of ~bur Humked ' <br />Forty one and seventy Six Hundredths (441.76) feet to tho acutal point. of be1:J1M1nq: '1'hence <br />continuing \reSterly along the last descx1bed course a distance of Eight Hundred Seventy Eight <br />and: 'l\oIenty Four Hwldredths (078.24) feet: to the Nort:h\<<:S~ comer of the Northease quarter of <br />tho Southeast quartar (N~SE1). thence deflecting left 32 58'lS" and rwming scuthwel3t:erlya <br />digtance of ~ Rllndnld Fifq 'l1lree and one Tenth (353.10) feet, thence deflcc:tblg left. <br />15 43'45" and soutmeaterly a ~tance of Nine HWldred and Eighty One Hundredths <br />(905.81) feet: thence deflecting left 4126'50" and running aDutherly a distance of 'I\t/enty, <br />Sile and seven '1'ent.ha (26.7) feet. thence deflecl:1ng right 32 36'00" and runnint;J eouthh'llllltedy <br />a distance of Five Hundred Eight and E1.gbt ~nths (508.8) feet. thence deflect1nq..IGlft <br />122035' 00" and running easterly a distance of '1\'0 'lhousand ~ Hundred Ninety sewn ~ Four <br />Tenths (2,4!J7.4) feet to the Southeast corner of aa1d Nl.l~: thence deflecting left 90 20'10" <br />and running noLi:hei:ly along and upon :Be East: line of Raid NlsSElo a distance of 'lWenty 'lllree <br />(23.0) feet: thence deflecting left 89 39' SO" and running westerlg a distance of One'lhousand <br />'lW;) lf1Indnld 'lbirty Five (1,235.0) feetJ tIlEnCJe deflectinq left 90 (lQ' and running southerly a <br />distance of 'Bu:Iee (3.0) feet: thence defl~ right 90000' and zunning ~ly a distance <br />of Nine (9.0) fee1:i !:hence deflectingori~t: 90 DO' and nmn1nq northerly a distan..'"'C of 'lbree <br />(3.0) feet: thence deflecting left 90 00' and ~g westerly a distance of'l\o.elve and'IhlreG <br />Tenths (12.3) feet;! thence deflecting rJ.ght: 106 30','!l5" and running northeasterly a distanoa. of <br />~ur HundL"'ed Seventy Eight and Twenty one )Illl'ldred.ths (478.21) feet: thence deflect:ing :r:J.ght <br />7 24'45" and nmn:ing northeasterly a di.~ce of ~ Hundred Fifty'Du:ee and Saventy Eight: <br />Hundredths (353.78) feetJ thence deflecting righ1: 14 06'45" and running northeasterly a . <br />distance of 'lbree ~dred 'lhirty' One and Seventy Five Hund%edths (331_7li) feet.J t:hence <br />deflec:UElq rt;aht 13 18'45" and !:UIlIrln9' m~terly a distance of Four Hwtdre<l 'lbirteen and <br />SSventy 'lhree HW1dnd.t:hs (413.73) feet to the acutal point of beqiJlning.:'" .,' '. <br />