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<br /> <br />j,EGAL QESCRIPTlQN-- Trllct No, 478 <br /> <br />200709679 <br /> <br /> <br />1".11. COR"ER NE1/4 <br />SECTION jU-TIIN-RIOW <br />~~~ FOUNU. "u J f/Osn,ERALUMINUM <br />CAP IN ASPII. PAVEMENT <br />\.-' <br />''''0", <br />...., -1>... ,. r-- FOUND pE NAIL <br />-1>0: . .... . 437.31 ,R.I.f/5.. ... .../. .. . IN... A.SPH. PAVEMENT <br />.-r:: ~ 437.32 R6c_ <br /> <br />1~*1/ - J- ~JYQ".~ ' '-..."-~..~CTI0N LINE <br />qi \ Ogo" ~ DO'" <br />'" /!1/!" !Ii <br />:l! -00' WIDE;, 1/6:1/6. <br />1:> c~~~rg <br />g RIGHT <br />OF "WAY <br /> <br />A' \tlJ'ct. .of lend. (!oQ1pdBing 0 parl Q!. 'tile NOI"th.west. 'QUBrt~t '(NW1/4) of See:l1Qn mnete'en "(.19). t.Olftll~hlp 'Eleven' (11) <br />N6rlb",~B~gc 'ren {to) WeliJt of .the, .6th P.NIj' ,Hall County. Nebra~li;a, ~n.1;\ mor.e p,..~icultrly de8c:ribed, BI!I lon~""I!I: ". <br /> <br />FIrat to. '~I1:c:eJ:tl:dn' Ult;! poi'nt of "1j~ainning,1 'sta.d. 8~: the' Q.orth...~Qt CQrriel" or '~a.i<t". Nor,th-wel!!lt vnn;,r)i <br />lhen~e rlioojng. ,ellste.r,ly, slu:ng Dlld' "1i'pon' the ,north line or Bald. Norlhw!!/lt ,Qu,a..t~r (Nlfl/4), 8. di$:lflllce ()f One <br />nun.drefl ,Thirty" l'lye, and. .Se~e:nly 'Nine llt1ndre4,lhs.. (135."70), feet; "thf!l1.ce deneetlng 'debt: 95.5:8,'43'1.'lJond running <br />sc;Julh.erty", B. dt:8f.l:U:l:t:'~ of, FQllr, lIundre~ ..Btlhly, ~int: o.od ,Twelve. l:t~ndredtq.B ,H89.1Z) teet to the ~CTUAL point <br /> <br />~[. b:~1ii~!i.r t~~~~o H~0:4~::::::: (g~.'t.)'ll~e~:O~o::ed d':.".;''::',J~: f:A'i~i'-"ih4","'.:::,rr"c~r~:' o:o~~1;~c: ~[af~~~ <br /> <br />o{ .Onl!: ,H\lndr~d. Three."Qnd Tllh-ly ,TWo :Hundredthl';l (103.32) reel; thence den~eting, rieht 80.04'27" and" tt1,~nlng. <br />o".1:J.tb. <<I.Y,. a. ',dii!ltance ot .T. bil'.ty. S. b... a. n4. SIl:'Ven Hu.tid'redtns. (36.0.7.) te,flt:, c . dene.cti.ttl; Jett. 9b. "'23, 51, ~nd <br />running e&:lIIterlYj, a ',diet.lAnce of, Two ,Hundred .Forty .Three and Eltf;hly One H.undredt.he (243,ll1) feet" thence <br />d,eflecUuI "~'.~. 90.U',3~" .,and .runilJn~:n~~berIY. $' distance ,of .Tw@I1t.y ,Nin@,and S~,9 ,Two 'Humh-e:dtbs '(29,6~) <br />1~li!t,:.' thenl;!e '.d.en~f;!'Un., . righ.t , ,OO-gg: OR' Q.nd :r\):nnin~ 1!B.:!Iterly, 8: dlsh,n~e of Ninety'''''o. a,nd Th.i:d,y 'One,. <br />H.qndre.,dtb8,.'H.9~.31): te@l:"t.hCi!Jl(!.ed.etle(\'tinl,:rllht .90"',57 ~.9" .an.d ,runn:lna .SQutherl." ~ di"t.n~e or: Nine.t.~E!i:i., 8n~ <br />.Nh"iety ,TwQ .Uu'ndredths .09.92) teet; :tb~nc~' ddleoUng left CiO-gO'20" and, running 19Uuthe..stl!!'rly, 81. .di!ltan<lp. <br />ot. 1~'fI~nt.yJ~~~' and Thh"t.l':S.ix H~ndk'~dthlJ, (28.36) tBet.: thence ,den~{!lIn~, left ~T2"'53"' llnd '.'TQ.!f.nlil.', ea~t~~lY.". <br /> <br />:\o~:::~':;.r:,;&~ ..r~t~~~:. :r~n~leh:~d~~lt~~tu;.~JO:iH). f::\~~~~th:~m~;;h'f:~t: ~.3,,~~. ,,:ii~.&~:n:.:it <br /> <br />89"0;3.'1,.i", 8.n4: ..unning northerly.:, '8,"di~tanc;!C of f'm"ty end rweDly, ,T..,o Hundredths (40.2,2). f.eet; then(!8' <br />.' d'd'~cl1n.. .lett.,,'"-;,ir'2} j06~, and ,ru~rilnl '"Wsl!ilterIYt' B dhlitalice, of. ODe HUndr~d, Forty Two ~nd" Ninety slil <br />Hundre4. Ui~,:.-o4. 2,.96. )." f. e~ti. l..hi!!nc.e d.ene-..c., tin. ~.. i'.i1ht '0.f."2:-i'~3" ,,".nd' runli.l..a. ,:"est.~rl1.' a. dt1!l~ane. e ..o.t . Tlt'cnty :1)f." <br />'.iIlhd.,TW,enty'.bnil Hundl"@dthlJ (22.21),.ft!st: 'thent;:!e .d&neeUna ,ldl ,oo-aV"25 .,and .r1,lnnlnl weeter.lYi .a ,dl:!lto:nct;l' <br />of, 'On,e" Hundred, Fputte8n and 'FI'fty 'Nine' Hundrt!dths ,(114.5p,rfB~'t: ~lb6nCle defi4;!!cting left OO.M~'37" and, <br />rqnninc. ....e~I!!!:t~'~., '8., '"dfslBoce. ot T-ft"t!:Dly Seven 8nd Etahty Two, H:undtedthe' (27.82) fellill; thent!~ dene~tlnlJ left <br />02-0fft9"..:and.', .tu.llninl' ""I!!!'et.erly, .'. .,dlalane~. of' 'ttfenty Six ,Qnd. Two. Tenths: (26.,2Q) teet: thanc(!Ung <br />right .OO~49,'.,2'j"apd running we",terly, Q" dil!!lla.nce 01 Fifty Four and' Sev~n Tt:nths, (54.70) teet: thenoe <br />d~ne:e,Ung ,~ltht .11'''O.,t02'' . "'nd' J"1,J.nning 'wo$terly. a dlstQnce or Elght;.y.' Three and Ninety Sev~n Hundredtha <br />(!,~.97) 'Ie.,l, ,t~$ncE!., d~neeUnK :r:I&ht. OQ"14'191' liin.d runnin~. w~~t.erl1' n dj"tance. of El1hlf, 'Ont:o B.~d . Forty <br /> <br />~f.':.; ~e':,'o~~.F~~l/~~r~~e~"~:"~d'h.:on~~~l:)a I:~~hl~ Qt~: A~~\IAin pof:;'tn~~nf<;i:.:J:,~<~'.;~ Y~0:ta~::'i~";O~6g~ <br />Bcreel. mOTe:. pi" los.s.. . . <br /> <br /> <br />ii< <br />~r: r:;. <br />ggJ <br />~'": <br />.... <br /> <br />RL ,.. .1lECOllDEU. DIST^N.CE ANn/OJ!. ANGLIl. ON SUllVEY. D\'. 1l0NALD R. ROCKWELL, <br />L.S, 110,..3..9,. DA.TED JA.NOAllY ~4. 2001. (DTE pAllCEL NO.6.).. .... <br />.112. _ llECORDEU DISTANcE ANll/OIl. ANllLll . ON SURVEY. 9Y LIlE D, WAGNER <br />. L. s. NO. ~~7,IlATED rEBRUAllY.22. 2001 . (TRACT NO. 46\ .. <br />R3..,.. RECORllED lllS'rANCE AND/. OJ!. ANGLIl ON SURVEY .DY LEE Il.WAGNER, <br />L. S. NO. 1>67. .IlATEU)fAY. i~ MOl (TRACT NO. 48Al. <br />Rf.. 'c. RECOllllED msTANCEMolD/OR. ANGLE ON SURVI':\' lIY LIlE llWAGNER, <br />., L. .S: Nn. 667, IlATU PECENIIERIO. 2.0.01 (TRACT 4011)... <br />R6,. ~ RECORDEll IllsTANC!I AND/Oll ANGLE ON SU.RVRY 111' l$E D, WAGNER, <br />L. S; NO. .557, DATED.AUGUST 26, eOQI (TRAIJl' NO, 49). . <br />.R6, ,;. llECORllED DIBTANCE.ANU/OR.ANGLE .Ill'! SURVEY 1lY LEE 0, "AGNER, <br />L. S.N.o,. 657, OATEDNOVENBER 24,.2004 (TRACT NO. 47) <br />A.- ..;- . ACtuAL FIELD .DIST~NtE .,mD/OR ANGLIl <br /> <br />~~g <br />mm~ <br />000 <br />~~~ <br /> <br /> <br />.............----~~~_~.:.""~....,...:...__.:..;.......,..~d~-~"'~~~,~~,~-...............'~~..~~~~~~,.. <br /> <br />TRACT <br /> <br />47lLJJET AIL <br /> <br />SCALE: 1"=60' <br /> <br />NOTE:::,BOUNO,ARV ARbA Of TRACT NO. 4/8 IS BASED,ON AenlAl <br />FIELD LOCA nON AS SKOWN BY HEAl" AGE DISPOSAL AND S fO~AGE <br />LlC. NO PIi:'~MANENl /l,4A'FIKf-AS WEf..:IE PLACED A.I BOUNDA~"'" <br />CORNERS.O~ TRAct NO. 41B. <br />"[)F.PT1:r.'lNOIC^TE~ OEPTH OF ASB~STOS EXCAVATION AS <br />INDIGATEO,BV HERlrA(~~DI~FtOSAL AND STORAGE llC. <br /> <br />19-'-TIIN~RI0W-~ <br /> <br />,.. <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />---....- ~----_.t.~~"" <br />~ ~ -- - ,-,-:"- -- - - ~L -/~- <br /> <br />--- <br /> <br />i <br />/ <br /> <br />?/l <br /> <br />. . ", j.'. .-.- -" <br />""b~' ~~~" "f../li- <br />\l;\I''''~ \ <br /> <br />~ <br />., <br />"" <br /> <br />243.61' A, <br />a' D~1"l'1l" <br />... '~. ". <br />,,'7,'11 \.;~'ll <br />\1'1>'tl 'lll!,.. <br /> <br />~...............,.~_.,.............L_~"""""""'~-......,...-'-.. <br /> <br />~..........."..~-~.~~"-~~.~..............-..,-~.~_.,,.~....~~-...............~- <br /> <br />.1&GA..I..~le.TION- .Tract No, 47A (continued) <br />9,0"57160. II ,8. n. d "'!l1D-tria ':9l)~.1. horly; ft., 'dll!Jt,eJi.ce ,Qf ,l' .. nd N.., ine. ty N.. ,.0'. Hu.u.c;lrc. dt"..ii (1. ~,.92) tee. f.i lh,e. nee. ilene.cline <br /> left 6~39.'26" and runtd~g 8o.Ulh~EuilteJ'..IY. <br />a distan,ce: Of Twent.y Six Qnd ,Thirty S1:r. Hllndredth!l :(26.38). t@c!l: the.b(;II!I". deneQUng left 3"r24'5,n"',. B:nd .rUJlnin.l eosterly, B dllilh.nt:!e of, Fifty' Nine and Ele....en <br />H'Undl'edUu~, (~9~n), telDti tJi.e.l).CeJ. densQUn; left. 16~f)3~,~Zn, ,'.e;ni;\ :r'u,nntnl' ,~Q:..~eB::sterl,Yt. ',Q" t;Uslan{;e ot One: Hundr~d Nine en,d Sb:ly t"wo. Hundredtb$ (100.02) <br /> teet: <br />tlJe"h. (Ie 'd~n. ~cUnii!l.. 10. .fl, 89-03l 11," .an~., runnIng. ." B..'. ~.J(I.,l,an..c.. ....:. o.r ....Forty",8.nd. ~f;nty ..TW. ..". H.m. tdredlh. a .(40.22l, fe~.l: <br /> tbe.I'.~'f. ,d~n. ecUng l~n '7.11"21. "68" By.,ld r."".".lng <br />.... '. 8tl!r~Yj !'l 'd.ll!t8. nC.1! of, o. n. .~,. nUDd.. r~d. ,Fo. rly' 'hr. o. 8~d' N.lne.ty., Si.". H.".n4r..od. tho 0.. (I. ~2.~6. l,. f. tho en('e ij~n. ....t~n. .r.$. ht, <br /> .0....23 53 and ,r~Qnlnl ..", 8. dl.lii~nct) 01 <br />Twenty ,T:W:o and' Twenty.,Ol\f;I Uundredthl!l" (22.21l.".feel; .the-nc:e"~en~cUnl .-Jeft O(t5925 .. and .t'unntns: ....t!!!Iterly, Iii d:l! of One Hundred FouTtee~ !!Iu.d ,Fifty <br /> Nine <br />. 'H:t.lnd.. rod.\!1i1"OU.5. 9)....f~~l:.,lhe.riee d.etIecU. nl' l@fl:OO.-52'.:i7.", A...d.. r, westedy....1. dt8~n,ce', .~r' rw~.DtY $.o.vstl,: ,~n,d El.h:t.Y T"o H'lnd.~(!dtbflj, <br /> (2'1.82) 1~l8l: th. ,en~@ .d.n~cting lert <br />02-0~'53 'and ~68teTll,' a, dlsh.nee of twenty., Six t\.n-d. ''J.'Wc) ,T~ntJ1" (26.20) tt:eti .theJ;lCil deneethl& right 00"49 ,4~ ,and Mlnning we~terlYI a dhltQDce of <br />FIlly Fo"r. ond . So..n. (:>4,.10) leetl .thenc. doneotl..&..iabt..II'O.~ 02. . and l'1ln..lna."..torly. 0 dl.tan.. 01 Elahl,)' Tbre< and Nlnoty. S.v.... .1I~..di'Odth. (63.07) <br />fi!et: ,t~~ne~: deflecUri., right' 08D,1 01),', 19,~1 o.nd" running, ".~,I!terb,i Il:.' dllllt,~no@ o:f, 'EljJ!J.(,' iJQ~ Il~d Forly, .Four ,HutJ.dredths :\81 i4'4) reet~ tl1~nce, dene()Un~' <br /> right 06-20'04 It <br />~nd,runninl n.ortb"'@l!:IbrIYj..a;'dt8,:lB~()iI!: of st:J:~Y Th~~e'.A:n.~,'.'or.t.}"'~J'~e"HUIidJ'if'!,d.t.h1!l (Q3.,.,9) feet t(l t.h(! ~CTU~L point at beclnnin~., '. <br />$,_id' BforewenUone-d, lraet'; If!Bl!I the. a.bove' deEieribed.' ~~bptiQn. ".ont,8Ini~.r.'i5,6.U03 .ll,':"~1I., J;Il.o~e "OJ' less, of which, '7.163 aCJ"es, more QJ:'" lel!lll, Is pJ"el';ll!lnUy <br /> OCrn.1.pifld by <br />p~b]ic. :rotli~r :rJaht o.t ~B'y. <br /> <br />cX:::-Q /(AI <br />,~_~.~. ,:,~4.- <br />Lee' D';' 'WQgner'. Reg'iatered.' 'lAnd ., ~~;Ol\ 'No, <br /> <br /> <br />PART .oF THE NW1/4 ~ PART or THE ..NE 1/4 OF <br />SECTION IO_TlIN-RIOW . <br />I; <br />PART OF THE NEI/4 0.' SECTION 2'~Tl1N"'Rl1" <br />lULl, COUNTV, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />r.M!'''''.&B.ll"fl <br /> <br />~< <br />~E <br />~~ <br /><~ <br />06 <br />~~ <br />~~ <br />~~ <br />=~ <br />u< <br /><~ <br />~u <br />E;(~ <br />.... <br /> <br />~I;J <br />~f;I;., <br />....0 <br />~E-< <br />~~ <br />~=- <br />< <br /> <br />SlJRVEYOR'SCERJ'lFICA!~ <br />J bil!'i;'eby certify., that. to' lq;e. bel!lt. Qf ~y .knQwledge and', ,beH~f~ ".th~ ~u;:t:'ottlp.n:yjn.. pla.t i.!I, tr,om an oc.~cu.r!lle :!tUf'Vey of the d~BcI'ibed <br />pTo'l)t!r~.,madEl ,Undlj;!T mY,fmpB,tvlBI()UI <br /> <br />o8-08-:!OOll i <br /> <br />LAND SURVEY <br /> <br />. <br />:~-'';'''I <br />'~I <br />~ . <br /> <br />. <br />f <br /> <br /> <br />_ T~ACT NQ:~'?J\ &"..JL <br /> <br />BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES, INC, <br />ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS <br />P. o. ['lOX 3~O -,PftOflll,'382:''''1'l41J~ ";"AREA CODE.SQI' <br />GRAND1SLAND,NEBRASKA 66802~0339 <br />