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<br />200607915 <br /> <br />~oc :0 .: oa0142~9497607r06 <br />irh:tlrn-d in pUf'<;uing th~' renw.dir-spNH'irlffi it> 'h',-; parag'-Jp'1 17, including, but notlimitcd to. rU'iOrwblc <br />::ltlorlil'~'" f('("". <br />If the IXlYll'l" ur...alt. i.. il1\'o\':rd. Trll'h"" '.hall rt'C(H..,l :1 0/..;,,(' of defal!lt in ('arh rount~. in whicb th\' <br />Propi.'rt~ or SHOll' pun lhl'tt.'Or is hW:...utl-Q uno 'nail mail Cllprt"'- of..urh IlI)tk\' in the mnnnl'r prescribed bJ <br />applit-abk :-'1~ to BOrnl\Hr and to the tither P".'N.OIl.'i pn'..n'ih.,'(J oy' upplkahh' IllW. ,\ftt'r the IJlpse of such <br />!imc a... ma) lx' n'Quin..d hy upplicahlc hm, Tmstt'\.' shaH ~j>,'{' public notice of !'ale tn the persons and in <br />lhe 11l;J:ll1l'r pfl',..crilxi:1 hy upplicahh: lan. Tru"tl'\.'. withnut drmand nn Borrowi'r, shall S('lJ the Propert~. <br /><.It puhlk llUctJOn to tlll' highl'st bidllt-r <it Llh' .Jillt' lInd pili~C umi umicr lhe terms dcsignutt'd in the notke <br />of 'lilt: ill one 1.:( mort: p.llfcch <llld in such nrdcr as Tru.'lce I11U) dl'lcrmini:. Tru.'itre may postpone sale of <br />;.Ill or ;.nl~ pMn~1 of lhl' PfOpt:rt~ b) publk iumuunccmcnt ut lhe limo' lAu1 place of un, prcviolL'iI,. <br />~chl'(lukd ~,:.t!l'. I.('ndef or l.eI1dl'r', de..igm.... may purclla...... the i'rtlpcrl} at an}' !..\lll'. <br />lp<1I1 n'l"l'ipt t\f ~m:nH'nl lIr tl1\' prilT h:d. Tr U.\ICl' shall deli,,'f to the pun:hu,o,er Trush."C's dCl'd <br />conH'~ ill~ tht. Pro!>t'rly ,old. "nil' fl'Cilllh in lilt, Trustee\ dt'l'd !>hall ht. prima fueic c\'idl.'nce of the truth <br />tl( tht' "'IHIl'Illl'nt.. Jl1.1dt Itll'n'in. Truslt.'e shullllPply' the pmf.'1'l'd.'i (If the ~Ic in lhe rllll()",in~ order: (ul to <br />alll"\.'~I~OIl.lhli: l't1.'l<" !-Illd l'\JX'l\\l'S of thl'~k. illdlldjlll~, bllt ontlimilt'<f: to, Trustl"C'S fl't'S al'lull11" incurrt'1i <br />.lnd 1-~.,I"(IIHlhlt "!llIrnc~..' f{,l" .1" pt:rmith'd t)) J\pplicJhh' Luw: tI" tn ull sums M'cul'l"d by' lhl.; lK'\.'d or <br />T rll'.I; .11lt! i CI lilt' l.'.n'..... i ( un). 10 ttlt. Iwl"'\n.. or per..on.s k~llll)' t'nti tit'd L~t.rctll. <br />1l\. Bornl\\l'r's R.ight to R.rin....tutt.. ;\.ll'.\lth.;t.u1\lmg 1,,"nJcr'.. al;ct.:!cralion of Ihe ..urn... Sl.:l.."ured by lllls <br />:)c;,;,.l nl Tnhl, ,!u..:: It) !]omm.;:r\ l'm;,\(h. Br>rlI)"q;r 'ollila hll',t: Ihe: ri~hl to have any pnll:ecdin;;:s tx:).:lln by <br />L(lh:,'r t,\ n:'nr,::: thh D..::;,;d ur Tmq d:~','IHIllUl.."d al any t:mc pram ttl th:: carller 10 oc\.."ur of (Ii th.: fifth day <br />r.-...f,'r:: lh..:: ~;I!C ~lf the Prerx:ny Pt:lO'UOllll to the po.....;:r of saJ..:: contain.-:d in thIS Deed of 'Crust or (ii) <.'otl)' of a <br />}\~l!~;m'":l: <:!l!t\r,m~ till" Deed of Tru~1 If: \':1) Bt'rrowcr pays Lcnda all sumli which would be then due under <br />!llh lke,! or Trust and :.he ;\'ote h:!d no areeler-alton occurred: (0) Bomm'ef cures all breaches of any other <br />co\;;t1i.1nt." or a~r..:::menl" (\l' Boml....a conmincd in this Deed of Tru<;t: (c)l.1urrower pays all rea..onahlc <br />C"I>t::n>;.;:::' ::lcum::d by L::th.:kr and Trust.-:c in enforcing the covenants and agrccn~nt<; of Borrowef conlainl.-d in <br />thl\ D.:~~d I}f Tm:;, ililJ Iii ,;:;n,',.)..:ii'';; L..cIlUCf'S ami Truslee's remedies as providco in paragraph 17 hereor. <br />indmlwg. ha no: limiled to. reasonable auom.::ys' fees; and (d) Borrower lakes such action i\..'\ Lender may <br />r"a<;('nanly r"quire !\) :tssurc that the lien of this !ked of Trusl. Lender's interest ill the Froperty and Borrower's <br />(,('\lIpl!!)!! tl'\ pay L'1.:: "'-Ims s.::cur:;d by thi.. Dc:;d of Trust shall continue unimpaired. Upon such payment and <br />curt h:v B,-,~)wcr. thi.; Deed of Trust and the obligations secured hercb)' shall remain in full force and dfeer a.<; <br />If no al'cckmllon h;:<I lxturn::d. <br />19. Ai;"i~nm('nt of Utnl'i; Appninlmcnt or Receiver; Lender in P~~"iion. As additionul security <br />h..:.l.."umkr. Borrl\Yi~r h:;:ehy a<;<;l~n~ 10 Lt~nt!:::r the ::;nt.'i of the Property. provided that Borrower shall, prior 10 <br />;1~Tt:kr.tllon urllkr parag!.lph l7 hereof t,r aO;lndonl1lcnl of Ihe Property. have the right to collect and retain such <br />rt:!lh L~" lil..:y t.-':CUllJ.;; Ul)' ant! payable. <br />l'po:\ :!Cl.:-:kralH1n under Ix.ragraph 17 hereof or abamlonrr11;nt of the Property. ~.endcr. in person, by agent <br />'y ~:; Jl:dlclall)o :Jpj"<.Hn!cd rc":;:'\'cr~t1JlIl'~ (;1I1Jtied 10 Cllltr upon. take rX)~'iCSSIOn of and manage the Propeny <br />,J[;\! :" C('!b"l tht :"en:.' pI' !!It Pmpcrty mrlm1mg tho~ pa\1 due. /\l! renlS Ctlllccled by Lender or ule recciver <br />~ha!l h..: ;lprilcd first to JX)yrn.:ni of the cost" of m;magcm;nl of the Property and collection of renl.... including. <br />hu! 11\.', !rm:h:d 10. rcai\'cr's :Ce.\;, prCllHlTn" on receivers tl\mds and rea<:onable 3ttomeys' fees. and then 10 the <br />s\;m" _-.;;:..:t;r,'d by th,,, D.::cd oi Trust. Lender and lh.:: rcccl1lcr :'>hall be liable 10 account only for those rellts <br />:!,,'\u:l;ly r\.'ceIYcl1. <br />:'0. R{,i.'l\mc~ anee. l:pon payment of all SUIn" s..::curc(! by this Dc,;,-d of Trust. Lender shall request Truslee <br />:u recumcy the PWpcr!y and shall surrendef this need of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured <br />h:, ,hi'- Dc',-"'d of Tru<;IIO Tn;"I~C TI"J'iltt shall reconvey the Property '.I.'Jthout warranly and without chargc !Q lhe <br />r,.,:r,,):: (I: r~Nm" k!-';)!ly ;;nwkd !hath). Such pcr>>on or flI::r<;(\n.. shaH pay all co~lS of n:cordalinn. if ally. <br />1!. Sull'!.litutl' Trusll'C. Lender. al Lentla'" llptlOn. may from time to time removc Tnmce and appomt a <br />"';\-....,:..."c,r ,;'.he'::;:: t:) J,:l;. T:uc:C';,; ilPPU:.l:.::d :l;;..:undcr by an ir.sLfUmelll recorded in the county in whIch this <br />e.:;,;d t':' "if'J\t 1'; n:corJ.::(L Without cOiWe:anct of the Property, [he SUl.,\:es<;.Or trustee ~all succeed to all {he <br />nt: c'. [""". c~ an..! duti.::<; c,mft:r>C'd lJp<m th;: Tru,:tc herein and by applicable law. <br /> <br />....... . .,...."f..EI. ,. t'". <br />~JUlt.t.~ '.'.......... <br />~ . <br /> <br />CHL {08.tls.\ <br /> <br />~~""~"".t ~ d e' <br /> <br />Form 3828 <br /> <br />;'J'!:-l>,~:~'~''''~.'~'''''''''~--~'-r-''''''''___~',~............""":,,,",''~'''''':'':-:''''~'.'':",""I"'.~,~I1"""":I"','~'''''\-'''''~ ".~~~~~~'~"r~~,'_,'.'~,.,..., _ , <br /> <br />...._.."'......,.." r,...:",R.,".''''''."p, ~~-~."",~,,,,,, ""~" <br />