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<br />200607915 <br /> <br />''to <br /> <br />DOC 10 #: 00014269497607006 <br />make any ()th~r accommodations with rt~~ml iu the: teml d tlH~ Deed of 'frust or the Note. without that <br />Borro....d'.; consent and without releasing that Borrowl~r or modifying this Deed of Trust as to that Borrower's <br />illt~rest in the Property. <br />12. Noticr. Except for any nOlice required under applicable la...... to be given in another manner, {a) any <br />notice to provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be givcn by delivering it or by mailing such notice <br />by certificd mail adliressed to Borrower at th(~ l'''(\pcrty Addr'~~' ~'r at such other nddrcss as Borrower may <br />designate by notice to Lender as pn,widcd herein, nnd (b) any notice 1,0 Lcn(lcr shall tx given by certified mail to <br />Lcntia's allure,,-" <;l:\ICd herein or to such olher addrcs<; as Lender may ~eslgnate by notice to Borrower a<; <br />pn\Vided herelll, Any notice provided for in this Deed of Tm'lt shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower <br />v; Lender when giveu i!1the manner dc.signated herein. <br />13. Govcrning; Severabilit),. The stale and local laws applicable to this Deed of Trosl shall be the <br />laws of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. 'Ole foregoing sentence shall not limit the applicability <br />of kJcfiil law to this Deed of Trust. In the event that uny provision or clul1~ of this Deed of Trust or the Note <br />cunnll':t.~ with upplkabk law. such wnniet shall not affect other provisions of this Deed of Trost or the Note <br />\diich c:m be given effect without the conOicting pro....ision. and to this end the provisiDns of this Deed of Trusl <br />and lh.: :--';ole arc declared tll 17.: severable. As used herein, "costs," "cxpenses" and "attorncys' fees" include all <br /><;urns 10 the extent not prohibited by applicilbJc law or limited herein, <br />14. Borrower's Copy. Bom)wcr shall he lurnishcd ;1 confonncd copy of the Note and of ulis Deed of <br />Tnlq ;ttthe lllne of exccullon or after recordation hereoL <br />15. Rehabilitation Loan Agreement. Borrower shall fulfill all of Borrower's obligations under any home <br />n::hahilil,uion. improvement. repair. or other loan agreement which Borrower enters into with Lender. Lender. at <br />L::nda's option. may n::quire Borrower to execute and deliver to Lender,tin a form acceptable to Lender. an <br />assignment of any right,>. claims or defenses which Borrower may have against parties who supply labor. <br />materials or s.:r..ices in connection with improvements made to the Property. <br />16. Transfer of the Propert)' or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower'. If al I or any part of the Property or <br />any interest :n it is sold or transferred (or if a bl:neflcial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower <br />i<; not ({ 1l::llu,~1 pc",on) with0ut Lender's prior written consent. Lender may. at it, option. require immediate <br />pavmcnt in fui] of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender <br />if exercise IS prohibited by fcder.t!law as of the date of this Deed of Trusl. <br />If Lcnder exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide <br />.i pcnu.d uf Ili)tlcss than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay <br />~ll Slim.' secured by this Deed of TmsL If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period. <br />L<:ndcr may invoke allY remedies rx:rmillcd by this Deed of 'I'm'>t without further notice or demand on <br />Borrower. <br /> <br />NON-UNJFOR~,t COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />17. AccclerHtion; Remedies. Exce~t as provided in paragraph 16 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of <br />Hn)' ClH'enant or agrc'Cmcnl of Borrower in this Deed of TrtL'it, including Borrower's failure to pay, by the <br />cnd of 10 cillenrlar da~'s after they are due, any sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender prior to <br />acceleration shHll give notke to Borrower as Pl'ovided in paragraph 12 hereof spccif:l"ing: (1) the breach; <br />(2) the action required to cure such bl'(~ach; (3) a date, not less than 20 da}'s from the date the notice is <br />mailed to, by which such breach must be cured; and (4) that failure to cure such breach on or <br />before the dute .,<pccificd in the notice ma,y result in acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust <br />and sale of the Propert~'. The notice shan further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after <br />acceleration anci the right to bring a court action to assert the nonexistence of a default or aoy other <br />defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the breach is not cured on or before the date specified in <br />the notice, Lender, at Lender's option, may declare all of the sums secured by this Deed of TrtlSt to be <br />immediately due and payable without further demand and may im'oke the power of sale and any other <br />remcdit's permilled b); applicable law. Lender shall ~ entitled to coiled an reasonable costs and expenst.'S <br /> <br />e -75N(NE) \~,-; <br />~ <br /> <br />CHL (08;05) <br /> <br />"'''9>5018 <br /> <br />Form 3828 <br />
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