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<br />200708217 <br /> <br />PARCEL 2: <br /> <br />200210068 <br /> <br />A \fact! comprising pm afl.ot. Fifty-On. (51). Fifty.Two (~2), Fifty.Tbrcc (53), Sbc.ty- <br />Two (62), Si:xty-Thrte (63),. Sixty-Pow (64). Eighl)'-Two (82), Bipty.TbnlB (113), EIJhl)'-Pour <br />(84), Ninety~ThRe (93), Ninety.Faur (94), Ninety-Five (95), ~ HundreI1FOIII' (104), ODe <br />Hl1ndJed Fivo (105), On. HundRd Six (106), One Hundred S!'Im (\07), IDld One H'llJlll:rJd Eiaht <br />(108) all in Ind\irlriaJ AdditioillO the City or Gnnd IIJUId. Hall ~, N,*uka, and 1~ in <br />pllrt of the South....eII Quartet' (sW%) of SJ(llion FolltlCCn (14). TO'MIIhip Eleven (11) Nonh. <br />Rinse Nine (9) Wnt DC Ihc 6th P.M., Oraad Islm4. HaU Colliit)', Ncbruta IIl4 bciJlI more <br />puticulvly desc;ribe4 .. foUowa: <br /> <br />Commendn, at . poiflt SIWllly (10.0) ItcI South IIIId ThirtyTbn!e (33.0) re. :5IIIt of UM: <br />North_It tol1ltl' of the SoU1l'lwCll Quanti' (SW'A) of s.ctioD FOIIIttCI. (14). 'to'll1l1hip E1cval <br />(11) North. Rani' Nine (9) Welt; tbcIle. outed)' paUel to tM QIlItIMdy line ohllid Sauthwtet <br />Q\lIJ'lCI' (8W!4) . iI~ of Ono ThoIlllDll WIDe HuDdrlId 1"bizty-Sc'V_ and FiYll TemIlI <br />0,,931.5) feet to dI.s IdUII point ofbqlmlilql; thmce.,1IlhIdy pmlld to the watcrIy \iqe of <br />uJd SoUlhwc$l QuatCll' (SW't') . distlllCJ of One 'lbouP:Ild Six HIZDdred 1birt)' IIId TIlirt)"'Two <br />Hundrtddla (1.630.32) feet 10 a pobat on tM lIOrlherly ript.of-wl)' line or tbe Bartiqtoa <br />NOI1bem RalJro..:l; llIencc ~ IIIXIJ the AOnJlcrIy ript..c(.way U. 0' the Burfinatoa <br />NQr1bc:rn Railroad to. poUlt 0lIe HQftdred (\00.0) fut wClt ofhe .uterly lb. of Mid SvulbwClt <br />QuVllll' (SWV.); tllcnce ncrthtrl)' paral1c:l \0 \hi ucrly line of slid Swthwell QuIJUt'(Swv..) to <br />a point sl;'\Ienty (10.0) ftct touth of the Nll1'1hcrly line of ni4 Southwat QwrrtQ" (swv.)~ theDCe <br />westerly plll'llld 10 1lIe llOf1herJy JiJlc of SlId Soll1hwal Quutct (SW~) to Ihc poUlt of <br />b~nJ. <br /> <br />,.,.t:\..~'~~'" <br /> <br />~. <br />