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<br />200708217 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br />LEeAL D~gg,nON <br /> <br />200210068 <br /> <br />GI'llDd JI5Ja.1, Nebrub <br /> <br />PARCEL 1: <br /> <br />A TfD~ of Land compriling all of Loti Sixty-five (65). Sixty-Six (66), Sixty-ScvaI (67), <br />Slxty.:!i&bt (68). Sixty-N'mc (69). Scvcinly-SC"VCl1 (77). SC"V~ty-EiJbt (78). Sevmty.NlJl,e (79). <br />Eiahty (SO), Eipty.One (81), Ninety-Six (915). NiIlety-S_ (97). Nincty-Sizbt (98), ad OM <br />HWJdrcd Thsoc (IOl), mcl Pan orlots forty-Six (46), Fmty-Sncn (41). Fony.El&lll (411 forty- <br />Nine (49). Fifty (50). Fifty-OM (51), Sb:ty.Fo\ll' (64), Eipty--TWll (12). N'IJICII)'-Ftve (9S).. md <br />One Hundred 'Four (104)..u In the bld1IIUill Addlticm to WI City ofChmll1l1llMl. 81111 Cwmy. <br />N...h. an61yiDa iJl the Soulbwelt Quarter (SW'h) of Section Younan (14). Tlnnllhip ElM:Il <br />(11) Nanb. R~8. Nine (9) Wt:IfI. of U. 6th r..".j HaJICmmty. Nc1lrub..m mClftl pctiwI.d,y <br />delcribed .. tonow.: <br /> <br />Dqinnins at . -point Seventy (70.0) ft:d South an4lblrty-'l1no (33) r_ E.. oCtbe Nonb_llIt <br />Comer or "iel ~ QuIrta' (SWIA); tbeDCt rurmIq AIlcriy md J"DUcl \0 1M NOl'lh m. <br />of said Southwcl1 Quar\Ot' (SW'A) a dl,~ of OM \bouUDd Dine ~ lblny.1CnQ .s ftw- <br />1allbl (1,937.5) feM; II1eoce nmnIDJ sOlllhcrly IlIdparalll1 to 1bc WoIt _ of uW $outJIWftt <br />Quart. (SW'A) _ dimnce of 0118 IhO'IlIuId m bUlldJcd thirty Ihd thitty--two INndrodUlI <br />(1,630.32) feet 10. point Oll tbc northaiy ript oeway lin- oflbo CJl A Q- R.Ia'huad COI1IJ*IY; <br />thCflRi TIlDJlinS Dllnllwesterly atOllS nid ripl of way a dilltPCC tlf ICVIII bllDdttd thiny-fOlll" aod <br />ninGty-eisJrt hundredthc (134.98) feet 10 . point O'tl the ElI.St line of the Southwat Quan. orthc <br />Southwell Quarter (SWV.sW'/.); mente l'UIII1iDal'lOl'tberty alOlll the Eat ll:ac of 1be SolIIhwdt <br />QuwUt of the Soutbwest Quarter (SWy.sW'h) e diltaDec or llliIty-nine IlIId Axt1-daht <br />hundndthl <'9.68) e_ 10 tho NOrthcut comet of tbe Soulhwcat Qar1er of tbe ~ <br />QuIll1CT (swy.sWIof,)o tbenu 'ttlIUlinI wtltllll'ly aloDIJ ~ NonllliM of the So\1tbWcat Quutcr of <br />the SoutllweJt Qurta' (5~) . diltmcc of 1eV_-m and tNrty-ICNGl ~ <br />(76.37) rod ta . point CII\ 1IIc aorthcrly ri", or'")' Ih1e of tt. CD. .. Q. Rai1JoE Compaaay. <br />thence runniD& lIonl1WCI\CI'Iy .loq laid riabt of .,." _ diJ1IDCe or one thoUIIDd. thn;c btmdr..s <br />le'\I'mty ami 6t\y-dx huodrQlllw (1,370.56) t'ccl ta . pcilI1 ~ (33.0) ,.. But or the <br />West line of..d SoUlhwell Qwrtcr (SWll.i); tbCDC# rumilll Nor1b IDd panIld to the \\WI. lillll <br />of 5iIill Southwell Quater. 4iaWIee ohix. ~\DldrI:d ~ and tbr.-adw (61~U) fllCt to - <br />poinl of beainnhli EXcm'TJNG a certain tnd JMnl pvtic:ularly ~ m W~ Dee4 <br />rIlllordcd lIS poeuplC!ll No. 96-102929. <br /> <br />lI't...JII_I.IlCIC\U....- <br /> <br />'.;.. <br />