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7/9/2007 3:24:11 PM
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7/9/2007 3:17:22 PM
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<br />200705741 <br /> <br />County, Nebraska; thence northeasterly along the north line of Lot 1 a distance of <br />1,664.49'; thence northerly a distance of 54.15'; thence northeasterly running parallel to <br />the south line of the southern line of the Union Pacific Railroad right of way a distance of <br />750'; thence southerly a distance of 54.15' to the southern line of the Union Pacific <br />Railroad right of way; thence northeasterly along the southern line of the Union Pacific <br />Railroad right of way to the northeast comer of Lot 5 of County Subdivision S~ ~ <br />11 W; thence southerly along the western boundary of the MacColl and Leflangt'ihd <br />Addition to the City of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska to the north line of S30-1O- <br />11 W; thence easterly along the north line of S30-1O-11 W to the northeast corner of the <br />northwest 1/4 of S30-1O-11 W; thence southerly to the Point of Beginning. <br /> <br />THE FOLLOWING PARCELS OF LAND, OR PORTIONS THEREOF, ARE <br />INCLUDED IN THE DISTRICT AND ARE SUBJECT TO ASSESSMENT: <br /> <br />. Lot 1 of the Cargill Subdivision of the City of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska <br />. Lot 2 of the Cargill Subdivision of the City of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska <br />. Northwest 1/4 of Section 30, Township 10 North, Range 11 West of the 6th Principal <br />Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska <br />. Lot 5 of County Subdivision S)(f-IO-11 W, Hall County, Nebraska <br />/C( M <br />The District and the improvements to be constructed therein are all within the corporate limits of the City <br />or one mile beyond the same. <br /> <br />Section 3. The City's special engineer, W Design Associates, Hastings, Nebraska, has prepared <br />detailed plans and specifications for the improvements to be constructed in the District and an estimate of <br />costs for the same in the amount of $183,555.00, all of which have been filed with the Clerk and are <br />hereby approved, ratified, and confirmed. Certain change orders to the original plans and specifications <br />have also been submitted to and previously approved by the Council. <br /> <br />Section 4. The City has advertised for bids for the construction of the improvements to be made <br />in the District in accordance with all applicable provisions of law. Upon acceptance of any bid therefor, <br />the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of the City for such work, and such <br />contract shall be executed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk. The City Council shall have and <br />hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids received. <br /> <br />Section 5. The improvements to be constructed in the District shall be made at public cost, but <br />special assessments on the properties especially benefited thereby shall be levied to reimburse the City to <br />the extent provided by law. <br /> <br />Section 6. For the purpose of paying the costs of the improvements to be made in the District, <br />the Mayor and Council may issue warrants or bond anticipation notes of the City in the form and manner <br />provided by law. To effect the final payment and retirement of such warrants and bond anticipation <br />notes, or to pay for any of the improvements authorized herein, the Mayor and Council shall issue bonds <br />in the manner and form provided by law and shall assess the costs of such improvements to the property <br />in the District in proportion to the benefits derived from such improvements. <br /> <br />Section 7. If any section or other part of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid, the <br />invalidity thereof shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this Ordinance. <br /> <br />-2- <br />
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