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<br />20070574' <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. 502 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE CREATING SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION DISTRICT <br />NO. 2007-1; DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES AND LIMITS THEREOF; <br />PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER MAINS AND <br />OTHER NECESSARY AND INCIDENTAL WORK; PROVIDING FOR THE <br />PAYMENT OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AND OTHER INCIDENTAL <br />EXPENSES BY THE ISSUANCE OF WARRANTS, BOND ANTICIPATION <br />NOTES AND BONDS; PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF THE COSTS OF <br />SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTY ESPECIALLY <br />BENEFITED THEREBY AND THE LEVY OF GENERAL TAXES; PROVIDING <br />FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND RELATED MATTERS <br /> <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WOOD <br />RIVER, NEBRASKA: <br /> <br />Section 1. The Mayor and Council hereby deem it necessary and advisable to extend municipal <br />sanitary sewer service to territory beyond the existing sanitary sewer system and, for such purpose, <br />Sanitary Sewer Extension District No. 2007~1 (the "District") of the City of Wood River, Nebraska (the <br />"City") is hereby created pursuant to Sections 19-2402 to 19-2407, inclusive, Reissue Revised Statutes of <br />Nebraska, as amended. <br /> <br />Section 2. The limits, boundaries and improvements in the District are defined and established as <br />follows: <br /> <br />SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION DISTRICT NO. 2007-1 <br /> <br />THE IMPROVEMENTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED ARE: <br /> <br />Beginning at a connection point located from the northwest comer of Lot 5 of County <br />Subdivision S~lO-11W, Hall County, Nebraska ("Lot 5"), northeasterly along the north <br />line of Lot 5 a dislffnce of 675' then north 25' to an existing 8" vitrified clay sewer main, <br />construction of a 4" forced sewer main extending southwesterly from the connection <br />point a distance of 704' on the Union Pacific Railroad right of way and parallel to the <br />north line of Lot 5, then southerly a distance of 122' to a sewage lift station; then <br />construction of an 8" PVC gravity collection main southerly a distance of 1,255' along <br />the west side of 140th Road. <br /> <br />THE PROPERTY TO BE INCLUDED IN THE DISTRICT CONSISTS OF THE AREA <br />DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />From a Point of Beginning at the center of Section 30, Township 10 North, Range II <br />West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska (S30-1O-11W); thence <br />westerly along the southern line of the northwest 1/4 of S30-1O-11 W to the southwest <br />comer of the northwest 1/4 of S30-1 0-11 W; thence northerly along the west line of S30- <br />10-11 W to the southeast comer of Lot 2 of the Cargill Subdivision of the City of Wood <br />River, Hall County, Nebraska; thence westerly and southwesterly along the south lines of <br />Lot 2 to the southwest comer of Lot 2; thence northerly along the west line of Lot 2 a <br />distance of 357.48'; thence northeasterly along the boundary of Lot 2 a distance of <br />3589.51'; thence easterly along the boundary of Lot 2 a distance of 277.01' to the <br />westernmost point on Lot 1 of the Cargill Subdivision of the City of Wood River, Hall <br />