<br />88- 107066
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<br />5, T...., As''''-', .... a...... Truslor sholl pay ollloxes, o.....m.nls and olher charges, Including, wllhoutllmllotlon, lines and 1m.
<br />pOlitlonl ottributoblt 10 lhe Propor'y, and leoSlhold poym.nlS or ground renls, if any, b.for. the sam. become dellnqu.nt. Trustor sholl promp.
<br />'Iy furnish to IItntficlory 011 noU". of amount. duo und.. this paragraph, and In the event Truslor sholl mok. poym.nt dlr.ctly, Trullor Iholl
<br />promptly,fumIth,Illlltntflclaryl....lplS .vld"llCing such payments, Trustor sholl poy ollloxel and o.....m.nll which may b. I.vled upon
<br />Ben.flclary'. Int"..1 heroin or lIpOfl ,'.... <:;..~ of Trusl wllhout regard to ony low Ihot may be enocltd Imposing poymenl of Ih. whol. Dr any
<br />parllhereof upon'he Btntficlory,
<br />6. AMI..... u..a .4 Pnt.ctllll .f ....fIc!.y'. St.urhy, Trultor sholl make 011 poym.nls of Interelt and princlpol ond poymenls of any
<br />olh.r c~~, filS and ..penslS conlroct.d to be pold to any .xlstlng lienholders or prior ben.llciorles under any prior deed of Irust or mor-
<br />19age before ,he dolO Ih.y ore d.linqu.nl om! promptly pay and discharge any and 011 other liens, claims or charges which may jeopordlu the
<br />securlly gronttd h.reln. II Truslor lails 10 make any such poymenl Dr foils to perform any 01 the covenonts and agreements cant Dined in Ihls
<br />Deed of Trust, or in any prior morlgoge or deed of trusl, of 11 any action 0' proceeding Is commenced which materidlly olfects Beneficiary's In-
<br />terellln the Property, Including, bul nollimlled 10, eminenl domain proc..dings, Dr proceedings Involving 0 decendent, or 11 Trustor foils to pay
<br />Truslor's dobts generolly os thoy become due, then Beneficiary, 01 Beneficiory's option and wllhout notice to or demand upon Trustor and
<br />wllhoul releasing Trustor from any obligation hereunder, may make such appearances, disburse such sums, and toke such oclion os is necessary
<br />to pro'ect Ben.llclory's Interest Including, but nolllmited to, disbursement 01 reasonable attorney's fees, poymenl, purchase, contest or com-
<br />promls. 01 any encumbronce, charge or lien, and enlry upon the Property 10 make repairs. In the event Ihot Trustor shollloil to procure In-
<br />suronc. Dr to poy tox.s, ossessmenls, or ony olher charges or to make any poymenls 10 exisling prior lien holders or beneficiaries, Beneficiary
<br />may procur. such Insurance and make such poymenl. Any omounls disburs.d by Benellciory pursuonlto this Paragraph 6 sholl become oddltlonol
<br />indebtedness 01 Trustor secured by this Deed 01 Trust, Such amounts sholl be payable upon notice from Beneficiary 10 Trustor requesling pay.
<br />ment Ihereof, and sholl beor inleresl from the dote of disbursemenl at the role poyoble from lime 10 time on outslonding principal under the
<br />Nato unless payment of Inlerest 01 such role would be contrary to applicable low, In which evenl such amounts sholl bear interest 01 the highesl
<br />fate permissible under applicable low. Nothing contained in this Paragraph 6 shall require Beneficiary 10 incur any eMpense or toke any Dction
<br />hereunder.
<br />7, Anlgnmenl 01 Rent., 8enellciory sholl hove the righI, power ond authority during the continuance of Ihis Deed 01 Trust to collecllhe
<br />rents, issu.s and profils 01 the Property and of any personal property located thereon with or withoUlloking possession 01 the property affected
<br />hereby, ond Truslor hereby obsolulely and unconditionally assigns 011 such rents, issues and profits '0 Benellciory. Beneliciory, however, hereby
<br />con58nls to the Trustor's collection and retention of such rents. issues and profits os they accrue and become poyable 50 long as Trustor is not.
<br />01 such time, in default wilh r.spect to poymenl of any indebledness secured hereby, or in the performance of any agreement hereunder. Upon
<br />any such default. Beneficiary may at any time, either in pe"son, by ogan., or by receiver '0 be appointed by a court, without notice and without
<br />regard to the adequacy of any security for Ihe indebledness hereby secured, (0) enler upon and lake possession of ,he Property or any port
<br />ther.of, and in its own nome sue for or olherwise collecl such renls, Issues and profils, including Ihose post due and unpoid, and apply Ihe some,
<br />less cosl$ and expenses of operation and colleclion, including reasonable allorneys fees, upon any Indebtedness secured hereby, ond in such
<br />order os Beneficiary may determine, (b) perform such ocls of repair or protection os may be necessary or proper to conserve Ihe value of the
<br />Property, (c) lease the some or any porllhereof lor such renlal, term, and upon such conditions os its judgment may diclole or terminote-or ad.
<br />lust the lerms and conditions 01 any existing leose or leases. Unless Trustor and Beneficiary agree olherwise in wriling, any opplicolion of rents,
<br />issues or profits to any Indebtedness secured hereby sholl not "tend or postpone the due dote of Ihe inslollment poymenlS os provided in said
<br />promissory note or change Ihe omounl of such Inslollmenls. The enlerlng upon and taking possession of the Property, the collection of such
<br />rents, Issues and profits, and the application thereof os oloresoid, sholl not waive or cure any default or notice of default hereunder, or in-
<br />validole any oct done pursuonl 10 such notice. Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary, os lurlher security for the performance of Ihe obligations
<br />secured hereby, 011 prepaid rents and 011 monies which may hove been or may hereolter b. deposited wilh said Trustor by any lessee of Ih. Pro-
<br />perly, to secure the payment of any renl or damages, and upon default In the p.rlormonce of any of Ihe provisions hereof, Truslor agrees to
<br />deliver such r.nts and deposits to Benefltlory. Delivery of wrillen ootlce of Beneficiary's exercise 01 the rights gronled herein, 10 any tenon I oc-
<br />cupying said premises sholl be sufficient 10 require sold lenont to pay said rent to the Beneficiary until further notice.
<br />B. C.n4.mnatl.n, If Iltle to any porI of Ihe Property sholl be token In condemnolion proceedings, by right of eminent domain or similar oclion.
<br />or sholl be sold under threol of condemnation, 011 owords, damages and proceeds ore hereby assigned and sholl be paid 10 Beneficiary who sholl
<br />apply such awards. damages and proceeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trusl, with the excess, if any. paid 10 Trustor. If Truslor receives
<br />ony nolice or olher Information regarding such actions or proceedings, Trustor sholl give prompl wrlllen nolice Ihereof 10 beneficiary.
<br />Beneficiary sholl be entitled, 01 ils option, 10 commence, appear in and prosecute in its own nome any such oclion or proceedings and sholl be en-
<br />titled to make any compromise or settlement in connection wilh any such action or proceedings.
<br />9. Remedl.. Nol bclu.l.o, Beneficiary sholl be entitled to enforce poymenl and perlormonce of any Indebtedness or obligotlons secured
<br />hereby and 10 exercise 011 righls and powers under Ihls Deed of Trust or under any other agreement executed in connection herewith or any lows
<br />now or hereolter in force, natwlthslonding some or 011 of the such Indebledness and obligations secured hereby may now or hereafter be other-
<br />wise secured. whether by mortgage, deed of Irust, pledge, lien, assignment or olherwise. Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trusl nor its
<br />enforcement whether by court action or pursuant to the power of sole or other powers herein contained, sholl prejudice or in any manner offect
<br />Beneficiary's righllo realize upon or enforce any other security now or hereafter held by Beneficiary, it being agreed thaI Beneficiary sholl be
<br />entilled 10 enforce this Deed of Trust and any other security now or hereaf'er held by Beneficiary in such order and manner as it may in its Db~
<br />solule discretion determine. No remedy herein conferred upon Dr reserved to Beneficlory is Intended to be exclusive 01 any other remedy herein
<br />Dr by low provided or perrnilled, but each sholl be cumulolive and sholl be In addition 10 every other remedy given hereunder or now Dr hereafter
<br />exisllng at law Of in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of 1ru5110 Beneficiary or to which il may be
<br />oth.rwis. .ntltled, may be exercised, concurrenlly or Independenlly, from time to lime and os often os may be deemed expedienl Beneficiory
<br />ond It may pursue Inconslslonl remedies. Nolhlng herein sholl be construtd os prohibiting Beneflciory from seeking 0 deficiency judgmenl ogolnsl
<br />Ih. Trustor to Ihe extenl such action is permllled by low.
<br />10. '_oIer.1 Pr.perty, Allumptl.n. If 011 or any porI of the property or any int.resllherein is sold, transferred or conveyed by Truslor
<br />without Ben.ficlory's prior written consent, excluding (oj the creation of 0 lien Dr encumbrance subordinole to this Deed 01 Trust, (b) the creo-
<br />tion of 0 purchose money security Interesl for household oppllonces. (c) 0 transfer by devise, descenl or by operation of low up.n the deolh of 0
<br />lolnl lenonl or (d) Ihe g,onl of any leasehold inleresl of three years or less not conloinlng on option 10 purchase, Beneficiary may, at
<br />Bo..ficiary's oplion, declor. 0111110 sums secured by this Deed 01 Trust 10 be immediately due and payable, or couse the Truslee to file 0 notice
<br />of default. Beneficiary sholl hove wolvtd such oplion 10 occ.lerole if, prior 10 the sole, Ironsfer or conveyance, Beneflciory and Ihe person 10
<br />whom the prop.rly is to b. sold or translerred reach ogreemenl in writing Ihnl Ihe credil of such person is sotlsfoctory to Beneficiary and Ihol
<br />lhe interes' poyoble on th. sums secured by this Deed of Trust sholl be 01 surh .ole os Beneficiary sholl request.
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