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<br />:, ~ 0'";' I. <br /> <br />88- 107066 <br /> <br />DEED DF TRUST <br />L,T.I\!.SIlE.I'Dpl'.~'W.madalhl. 27 doyolDecember ,19..B!L_byondomongJames C. Wenc:tU Marv Sue Wendt <br />.JJiIlIWif.II.'lllni d3dr.V. I. 2417 Arrowhead Road Grand Island. NE 68801 <br />(ht<tln ''TMlor'''' one! Bank of Wood River ,who.. I1llIlIlng oddress I. p, O. BOX 487 Wood Ri ver,NE <br />68818, (herein ''Trult"''..... ""entIh:/ary"l. 68883 <br />fOR VAlUABLE CONSIDERA' ;"~l "'-luding the Ind.bltdne.. Indentil1ed herein and the trust herein cre.ttd. Ihe recelpl of which Is hereby <br />ocknowltdgtd, Tru.'or Irr..o:oi.~', granll, Ironslerl. conv.y.. and osslgns 10 Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH POWER Of SALE, lor .he benent and <br />s.....lty of Ben.llclary. ~ and sublect to the terml and conditions ollhls Detd of Trust, the reol property described ol'OIlOWI, <br /> <br />Lot 6 in Block 2 in the replat of Riverside Acres an addition to <br />City of Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> <br />TOGETHER WITH, 011 rents, profl's, royalties. income and other benefits derived from .he real property, 011 leases or subleases covering the <br />reol property or any portion thereof. now or hereolter exlsllng or entered inlo, and 011 right. .ille and interest of Trustor .hereunder, all in- <br />leresis, eslole or olher claims, bolh in low and in equity, which Trustor now has or may hereolter acquire In Ihe real property, 011 eosemenls, <br />rlghls-of-woy, 'enemenls, hereditaments and appurtenances thereof and Iherelo, 011 oil and gas rights and profits, woler righ's and <br />slack, 011 righi, title and interest of Trustor, now owned Dr hereolrer acquired, In and to any lond, lying wilhin the rlght-ol-woy of any street or <br />highway adjoining .he real properly, ony and 011 buildings, IIxlures, improvements. and oppurlenonces now or hereolter erected thereon or <br />belonging Iherelo, (herein referred 10 os "Improvement" or "Improvemenls"), and any and all awards mode for 'he taking by eminenl domain <br />Dr by any proceeding Dr purchase In lieu Ihereof, of Ihe whole Dr any port of the real property, <br />All of the foregoing eslote, property and Inlerest hereby conveyed 10 Truslee herein collectively referred to os Ihe "Properly". <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST SHALt SECURE. <br />(0) The payment of Indebledness evidenced by Truslor's note of even dole herewilh in Ihe principal sum of Fnrt,y- Fi Vp , <br />ThOlls~nrl Dollars (S4~ ,nnn ), <br />.ogether with Interesl at .he role or rotes provided therein, (herein, logelher with any and all renewols, modillcolions. and extensions thereof, <br />referred '0 os the "Note") both prlnclpol and interesl on the No'e being payable in accordance with the terms sel forlh therein, reference to <br />which Is hereby mod'e, the final payment of principal and inlerest, if nol sooner paid and if no renewals, modifications or exlensions ore mode, <br />due and poyoble .n Seotember 25, 1993 . <br />lb) The perlormonce of each ogroemenl and covenont of Trustor herein contained, and <br />(c, Tho poymenl of any sum or surns of money with inlerost thereo. which may be hereofter paid or odvonced under the terms of .his Deed of <br />Trusl. <br />(dl The paymenl of any fulure advances necessary 10 protecllhe securi.y or any fulure advance mode at the option of the parties, and <br />(e) Tho performonco of on obligation of ony other person named In Ihis Trust Deed to 0 beneficiary. <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OFTHIS DEED OFTRUST, TRUSTOR HEREBY COVENANTS AND AGREES AS fOLLOWS, <br />,. hym..t af Prlnclpal and In'orll'. TrustOf sholl promptly poy when due Ihe principal of and interest on Ihe indebtedness evidenced by the <br />Nole. and oil olher charges and fees os provided in the Note. o.d the principal of and inlerest on any fu'ure Advances secured by Ihis Deed of <br />Trusl. <br />2. Wa"",,', 01 Till., Truslor Is lawfully seiled and possessed of good and Indefeasible title and estote 10 the Property hereby conveyed and <br />has 'he rlghl 10 gronl and convey the Properly, the Property is free and clear of 011 liens and encumbrances except liens now of record, ond <br />Trustor will worronl and defend Ihe lilie to .he Properly ogolnst au claims and demands. <br />3. Mal.,...... and CompRance wllh taw., Truslor sholl keep the Properly In good condition and repair and sholl nol commit wosle or permit <br />impairment or deterioration of the Property and sholl comply with Ihe provisions of any lease if this Deed of Trust is on 0 leasehold. No Improve- <br />monl now or hereolter orecled upon the Properly sholl be ollored, removed Dr demolished withoul Ihe prior written consent of Beneficiary. <br />Trustor sholl comply wilh 011 lows, ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and reslricllons oHecting the Property and nDf commil, suffer, <br />or permit any ocl to be done In or upon Ihe Prope'ty In violation of any low, ordlnonce, regulation, covenonl, condition Dr restriction. TruslDr <br />sholl complele or restoro promptly and in good workmonllke manner any Improveme.t on .he Property which may be damaged or destroyed and <br />pay, when due, 011 claims for labor performed and materials furnished Ih..efore and for any alterations .hereof. <br />4. ".-c.. Trustor, ot lis expenso, will maintain wilh insuron approved by Beneficiary. Insurance with respect to Ihe Improvemenls and <br />personal proper I, ' conslllUling lhe Properly. against loss by fire. IIghlnlng, .omodo, and olher perils and hOlords covered by slondord extended <br />coverage endorsemonl, in on amounl equol'o 01 least one hundred percent of Ihe full replocemenf value IhereDf ond insuronce ogDinsl such <br />olher Imords and In such amounh os is cUltomarily corrled by ownen and operolors of simulor properties Dr OS Beneficiary may require for Its <br />prolettio.. Trus'or will comply with such other requirements os Beneficiary may from lime to time request for the prolection by Insuronce of the <br />inlotesls of lhe respecllve porties. All insuronce policies maintained pursuonl 10 Ihis Deed of Trusl sholl nome Trustor and Benellclory os in. <br />surtds. os their respective Inlerests may appear. and provide lhollh..e sholl be no contellotiDn or modification without no less than IS days <br />prior written notmtollon 10 Beneficiary. In lhe evenl any policy hereunder Is not renewed on Dr belore 1 S days prior 10 its e.pirolion dole, <br />IIonolitlory may I""o<uro such insuronce In occOfdonce wllh lhe provisions of poro~roph 7 hereDI. Trustor sholl deliver I. Beneficiary Ih. original <br />polidn 0' InsurunCl and r.newols ihereor or memo copies of such polieil! ond renewals thereof. Failure to furnish such insurance by truslor. or <br />,........s .. requirtd heroundfi sholl, 01 the option 01 Bonolltiory. constilulo 0 dofaull, <br />