<br />88- 107064
<br />
<br />nus DEED Of, 'R~STn8'ad. 9';' 21 d t df~ of December . 19.JllL.-. by and among Eu~ene N. Monaon nnd-Hilllll11...L.
<br />wha~en:;'~M,~g ~~.r...~. I. ~n() w~f11ln"t?fen8~~~ B?ep~o,\j"as~liaIl3nts in common.
<br />
<br />JIA'Kf,iq "Tru.tar">, and Bank of Wood River . wha.a moiling addr." P.O. Box 487. Wood Rive r. NE.
<br />lliiQ, (her.ln ..Tru.t.... and "B.nefl.-Iary").
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIOERi,:i,:; ',;duding Ih. ",d.bladn... ;nd.nlmad horain and Ih. Iru.1 h.r.in creal.d. Ih. receipl of which i. horoby
<br />acknowledged. Truslor Irr.va<,.~';' ~'-"!lls. Ironslers. conv.y., and o..ign. to Tru.lee. IN TRUST. WITH ?OWER OF SALE. for Ihe b.noW and
<br />security 01 Ben.flclary, under and .ubj.tlla the terms and candilion. 01 Ihl. D..d 01 Tru.t, the real prop.rty described os follow.,
<br />hll of Block Twenty-Four (24) in MacColl and Leflang's Second Addition to the Town
<br />of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />TOGETlUR WITl~. 011 rents. profits. royalties. income and other benerils derived from Ihe real property; ulllooses or subleases [overing 1110
<br />real property or any portion thereof, now or hereafter existing or cnlered inlo. Dnd all right. tille amI inlerest of Trustor thereunder; all in.
<br />lerests, eslale or other claims, bolh in law and in equily, which Truslor now has or may hereafler acquire in the reol property; all easemenls,
<br />rlghls-af-way. lenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereoF ond thereto; 011 oil and gos rights and profits, waler rights ond woler
<br />stock I 011 right, title and interest of Trustor. n!Jw owned or hereofler acquired, in and 10 any land, lying wilhin Ihe right-of-wuy of OilY slreet or
<br />highway adjoining the real properly, any and 011 buildings, filclures, improvements, and appurtenances now or hereafter erecled thereon or
<br />belonging thereto. (herein reFerred 10 os "Improvement" or "Improvements"); and ony and 011 awards mode for lhe taking by eminent domain
<br />or by any proceeding or purcho.e in lieu lhereaf. aflhe whole or any port allhe real property.
<br />All of the foregoing estale, property and interest hereby conveyed 10 Truslee herein collectively referred to 05 the "Property".
<br />(0) The P9yment of indebtedness evidenced by Trustor's note of even dote herewith in Ihe principal sum of E1 eVFm Thnll~:mn
<br />and Nor 100 ____________________________________________ Dollars ($ 11.000 nn l.
<br />
<br />tagelh.r with inl.resl ot the rol. or roles provided therein. (herein. tagelher wilh any and 011 renewols. madificotions. ond exlensians Ihereaf.
<br />referred to os the "Nole") both principal and interest on the Note being payable in accordance with the terms sel forth therein, reference II)
<br />which is hereby mode, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner paid and if no renewals. modifications or extensions arc mode.
<br />due ond poyoble on December 15, 1998
<br />(b) The perlarmonc. of .ach ogreement and cov.nont of Truslar herein conlained, and
<br />{e} The payment of any sum or sums of money wilh interest thereon which may be hereafter paid or advanced under the terms or this Deed of
<br />Tru.l.
<br />(d) The payment of any future advances necessary 10 protect 1he security or ony fulure advance mode at the option or Ihe parties: and
<br />{e} lhe performance of on obligation of any olher person named in this Trust Deed 10 0 beneficiary.
<br />1. Payment 01 Principal and Interest. Trustor sholl promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on 1he indebtedness evidenced by the
<br />Note, and 011 other charges and fees os provided in Ihe Nole. and the principal of Dnd inlerest on any Fulure Advonces secured by this Oeed of
<br />Trust.
<br />2. Warranty al Title_ Trustor is lawfully seized ond possessed or good and illdctcusible title and eslolc to the Property hercby convcyed and
<br />has lhe right to gronl and convey the Properly, Ih. Properly is Iree and c1eor of 011 liens and encumbrances exceplliens now 01 record, ond
<br />Truslar will worrant and delend the title 10 lhe Property ogainst 011 cloims ond d.monds.
<br />3. Mainllnanee and Compliance with laws. Trustor sholl keep the Property in good condition and repair ond sholl nof commit wnste or permit
<br />impairment or deterioralion of the Property and sholl comply with the provisions of any leose if this Oeed or Trust is on 0 leasehold. No improve.
<br />men' now or hereafter ereded upon the Property shall be altered, removed or demolished withoul Ihe prior ..Hillen consent of Beneficiary_
<br />Trustor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting Ihe Property and nol commit, surfer.
<br />or permit any Dct to be done in or upon 1he Property in violation of ony low, ordinance, regulation, covenant, condition or reslriction. Trustor
<br />sholl comple'. or reslore promplly and in good workmanlike monner ony improvemenl on th. Property which moy be domaged or destroyed and
<br />pay. when due. 011 daims for labor perfarm.d and mat.rlals furnished ther.Iore ond for any olleralians Ihereaf.
<br />4. InIVlllllcI. Trustor, 01 its expense, will maintain with insurars approved by Beneficiary, insurance with respect to the Improvements and
<br />personol prop.rty. canslituting the Properly. ogains' loss by fire.lighlning. lomodo. and other perils and hozards cav.red by slondard .x'endod
<br />coverage endorsement, in on amounl equal to at least one hundred percent of Ihe full replacement value thereof and insurance against such
<br />other har:ords and in such amounts as is customarily carried by owners and_operatars of simulor properlies or os Beneficiary may require for its
<br />protection. Trustor will comply wilh such olher requirements 05 Benenciory may from time to lime request for the protection by insurance of the
<br />interests of the r.upectivl'! portlas, All insuronce policies maintained pursuant 10 Ihis Deed of l.us.l ..lmll nome TruslOl ond OmH!ficimy n'i ill-
<br />sureds. os their respective interests may appear, and provide lhal there sholl be no cancellation or modification withoul no less IhOll 'S dOY5
<br />prior wrintn notification to Beneficiary. In the event any policy hereunder is not renewed on or before 15 doys prior 10 its elJ1ilOllOn dule.
<br />Belll!'riciory may pt'otUfIl! soth insurance ill accordance with the-IHovisions of paragraph 7 hert'of. huo;.lor o;.hull dE:>liver In n('!lrlicitll~, lilt' OlllpllUI
<br />policies of insurance and renewals ther(l.gf or mmr.o copies of such (lolicies ond renewals Ihoreol. ruiluTt' 10 fUII1I'ih \uch IlHUlUIlCr. hy IIII..lnr nl
<br />.enewol, 05 r.qui-red hereundor ,hall, ot the option ot DeneliciolY. constilule Q deluull. .
<br />